Full of Fairy Dust
I was wondering about this sort of thing earlier today...because of my kidney stones. Many surgeries are performed, here anyway, in outpatient surgery aka day surgery centers.
In fact, come to think of it, MY hernia surgery was in an outpatient surgery center. And we search and destroy my kidney stones in an outpatient surgery center. OH! Cataract surgery and a DeQuervain’s Release on my wrist and probably other stuff, too.
They COULD BE closed because staff is working at hospitals. But, if someone has already done the preparatory work, s/he could probably go home-to-surgery-center-to-home with zero exposure to actual sick folks.
Of course, while I WOULD “risk it” for a kidney stone, most everything else could wait.
If I can afford to get my gut lopped off it will probably be an overnight stay. At least that's my best guess at this point. But who knows. I will wait and see.