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Possible! Anything is possible. I haven't been to a doctor in ages but in 5 DAYS I will have insurance again!!! I will check and see if I can order that panel myself.


I came to this thread to see if you have your red, white and blue card in hand and have appointment dates set up.

Welcome to the best “insurance“ we have to date!
You are going to want everything tested ASAP to get buffed up for your hernia surgery. Remember you are going to want to find a reconstructive plastic surgeon willing to try to repair the hernia WITHOUT MESH. That will give you the best chance of the repair being done with an abdominoplasty, including skin removal.

(I kniw you know this - writing it here for others reading the thread.)
You are going to want everything tested ASAP to get buffed up for your hernia surgery. Remember you are going to want to find a reconstructive plastic surgeon willing to try to repair the hernia WITHOUT MESH. That will give you the best chance of the repair being done with an abdominoplasty, including skin removal.

(I kniw you know this - writing it here for others reading the thread.)
The hernia itself is about the size of a ping pong ball. If I stuff all my guts back in to where they are supposed to be it is very easy to feel the hole. I have been trying hard to face the reality that I can't afford to do much that insurance won't pay for. I doubt right now that my dream of even just a panniculectomy will come true. Medicare seems to be dead set against them, even IF it is reconstructive in every sense of the word. It does restrict my movement. It does make it harder to stay clean. But I keep looking for a loophole. After all quite a few people have gotten insurance to pay.

But I may well have dieted for a freaking year plus for nothing. I have found 1 bariatric surgeon here who is a possibility. Haven't made any decisions yet.
The hernia itself is about the size of a ping pong ball. If I stuff all my guts back in to where they are supposed to be it is very easy to feel the hole. I have been trying hard to face the reality that I can't afford to do much that insurance won't pay for. I doubt right now that my dream of even just a panniculectomy will come true. Medicare seems to be dead set against them, even IF it is reconstructive in every sense of the word. It does restrict my movement. It does make it harder to stay clean. But I keep looking for a loophole. After all quite a few people have gotten insurance to pay.

But I may well have dieted for a freaking year plus for nothing. I have found 1 bariatric surgeon here who is a possibility. Haven't made any decisions yet.
My panniculectomy was approved as medically-necessary due to skin breakdown underneath. I supplied photographs as evidence and that sufficed. I had it done pre-DS while I was SMO, post c-section #1, with a full abdominoplasty and hernia repair. Surprise baby #2 destroyed all of the abdominoplasty work, but it was worth it for the panniculectomy which still serves me well.

On a related note, for pannus care I had used cornstarch-based powder in the skin-on-skin area underneath in an attempt to keep it healthier / dry / reduce fricion, but in retrospect I think that actually led to a worsening rash. I've heard since that cornstarch may feed Candida - not sure if this is true or not. In any case, I mention this as I once would have recommended talc for pannus care, but these days people are switching from talc to cornstarch to avoid potential asbestos exposure. I just watched an episode of the weekly covering the potential talc/asbestos issue and associated litigation with Johnson & Johnson . So, may be best to avoid powders altogether.
I mention this as I once would have recommended talc for pannus care, but these days people are switching from talc to cornstarch to avoid potential asbestos exposure.
The talc issue actually dates back to the 70’s with advice to avoid inhaling it, or using it on your genitals.

Apparently they do make a talc free. There was a big push about the time my nieces were born to avoid talc. And they are pushing 40.

What I use is Gold Bond Medicated since mosquitoes hate the smell of the eucalyptus and other forms of repellent smell worse to me. I like the eucalyptus smell.

The recent spat of lawyer type commercials on the talc issue forgets to mention this.
I still use talc. The asbestos contamination happened many years ago.
The asbestos apparently naturally occurs in same mines from whence talcum is extracted. So, allegedly, it can appear in talc samples "randomly" even today and there are a spate of current cancer lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson.

Below is a link to the NY Times show I saw on it, "The Weekly" , episode 14 "v. Johnson & Johnson":

Episode 14: ‘v. Johnson & Johnson’
FX, Hulu, and in these areas outside the U.S.

Producer/Director Alyse Shorland
You’d recognize that distinctive fragrance anywhere. It’s the smell of innocence. Johnson & Johnson has touted its signature baby powder as gentle enough for a baby’s bottom for more than a century. And though its talcum powder represents only a fraction of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic giant’s modern business, it’s been a cornerstone of the company’s reputation.

That reputation — and Johnson & Johnson’s stock price — has been threatened by thousands of lawsuits claiming that the talc the company uses is contaminated with cancer-causing asbestos. Johnson & Johnson denies the presence of carcinogens in its talc, saying the plaintiffs’ tests are flawed and their results inaccurate.

“The Weekly” talks to a former teacher who claims in a lawsuit that her cancer may have been caused by asbestos in the talcum powder she used daily for years. Our reporters examine her case and others, and they comb through decades of company documents revealed during litigation.
OK, scratch that theory that carbs keep me warm. 2 cheat days in a row. NYE and NYD and I was freezing. So I was wrong. Carbs do not keep me warm.

The last turkey of the season will be going in the oven soon!
Well the birthday cheat day is done and over. Next cheat day is February 15th. Call it the day after Valentine's or half price candy day. Cheap flowers too. I DO have health insurance now and my next project will be getting my SS squared away. My application has been done for quite a while and I heard nothing. I got my regular Widow's Benefit minus the medicare premium but not a whisper of when I can expect to start getting my own SS. So that's next on the list.

Wait time seems to be hours long on the phone and I already used the website. Maybe I need to go to the office next. I will start working on this one by the end of the week.
You are eligible for SS the first month you are the required age for a whole month. They pay after the fact, so... if you turn 65 in January, Feb would be the first month eligible for pay, which would be paid to you in March, on a Wednesday. Which Wednesday depends on the day of the month your birthday is. If you’ve already turned your application in you should receive a letter saying it was received, being processed, and that someone might be calling you about it. I don’t know anything about how the widow’s benefit meshes with your own benefit so what I’ve said above might not apply to your situation.

Belated happy birthday! I thought of you last Friday as I popped a turkey in the oven! I got a honeysuckle white at Walmart for $.78/lb. Not as low as I hoped but not bad.
The last turkey of the season will be going in the oven soon!

nice! how's your weather been? we got about 3 inches of snow this morning. that's the second snow since I've lived in Oregon and now I'm ready for spring. :rolleyes:
I DO have health insurance now


ETA: this is the first time I am feeling moved to employ the Wahooooooo emoji, it's huge! congratulations!
nice! how's your weather been? we got about 3 inches of snow this morning. that's the second snow since I've lived in Oregon and now I'm ready for spring. :rolleyes:



ETA: this is the first time I am feeling moved to employ the Wahooooooo emoji, it's huge! congratulations!
Thanks!!! The weather has been good. 60s daytime 40's at night.
So typical of my luck. Here I am at 65. After an almost 2 yr diet to get that damn hernia repaired and here comes corona... Can't leave the house or do anything medical. But I guess it's better to be home than be sick. On the plus side maybe that stimulus check will be enough to get my gut lopped off on top of what Medicare will pay for the hernia. We will see.

After 10plus years of no insurance, I finally have great coverage and can't use it. Oh well.
So typical of my luck. Here I am at 65. After an almost 2 yr diet to get that damn hernia repaired and here comes corona... Can't leave the house or do anything medical. But I guess it's better to be home than be sick. On the plus side maybe that stimulus check will be enough to get my gut lopped off on top of what Medicare will pay for the hernia. We will see.

After 10plus years of no insurance, I finally have great coverage and can't use it. Oh well.

I was wondering about this sort of thing earlier today...because of my kidney stones. Many surgeries are performed, here anyway, in outpatient surgery aka day surgery centers.

In fact, come to think of it, MY hernia surgery was in an outpatient surgery center. And we search and destroy my kidney stones in an outpatient surgery center. OH! Cataract surgery and a DeQuervain’s Release on my wrist and probably other stuff, too.

They COULD BE closed because staff is working at hospitals. But, if someone has already done the preparatory work, s/he could probably go home-to-surgery-center-to-home with zero exposure to actual sick folks.

Of course, while I WOULD “risk it” for a kidney stone, most everything else could wait.

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