Blocking: I don't do it often, but when I do, it's usually permanent

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That is unfortunate - Xenforo is a very nice forum, but from what I have seen and understood over the last several months, there are a few things that the owners seem to be unwilling to provide and which can't be easily "imported" into it.

This puts me in mind of an issue I have with Chrome, which I otherwise am pretty happy with - I am a heavy user of tabs - I often have 30 or more tabs open in a single Chrome window (and I usually have one or two more Chrome windows open at the same time too). When I go to close a tab, it is very easy to accidentally close the whole window instead. Chrome steadfastly refuses to offer the option to have to confirm that you intend to close the window, or even to allow a third party solution to be applied - despite MANY complaints about it:!topic/chrome/XJE1LBY76g8[351-375-false]
"Closing chrome - no warning with multiple tabs open
343 posts by 212 authors"​

It seems that there are always limitations for any website. Thanks for your help - I will have to consider how to deal with this problem without the "easy" solution.
That is unfortunate - Xenforo is a very nice forum, but from what I have seen and understood over the last several months, there are a few things that the owners seem to be unwilling to provide and which can't be easily "imported" into it.
Every forum software has limitations. But vBulletin has more than their fair share now. As I mentioned the version that XenForo member was using was 3.1 and they are on Version 5.05 (that is #24th? release of different upgrades of just vB 5...there was also many versions of version 4...the last one anyone really liked was 3.87.

I just signed into my vB account...they use the ignore feature as well not the block that FB does. The one on vB works exactly the same way that XenForo does...which makes sense since the creators of XenForo also worked at vB thru the 3. series releases.

As I mentioned, I CAN verify who is ignoring whom. I just can't edit that part.
I hate to even THINK that there is a feature on FB that I miss on other forums :)

Thanks for your help - I will let you know more by PM.

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