BC after DS Question - Mirena

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Jan 6, 2014
So, I switched from by beloved PPO to the devil: Kaiser this year by force. Anyway, I went to the OB to get a refill on my NuvaRing and also to talk about other potential options. I like the idea of the Mirina IUD since it is a one-time cost and I don't have to put it in and take it out. But, I have two questions.

1- anyone have this and like it/hate it?
2- the doctor said because it was hormonal and barrier at the same time, I would not need to use two forms of birth control. I am seven months out from my DS and still 30-50 pounds from goal. Is this true?


(Edited to remove link. That site does not allow links here so it wouldn't be fair to link there. Thanks for understanding. Cello as moderator.)
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I have the Mirena. According to my gynae it is the safest form of contraception out there, although nothing is 100% safe.

My experience with it:
~ When I first had it put in the process was very painful, although apparently that is unusual;
~ I had ongoing very light spotting for about 2 months;
~ Then, it came out - all on its own! That would be something to look out for, because if it does come out without you realising it, you are not protected at all. Just check regularly for the strings, and you should be fine, though;
~ In May last year I had another Mirena inserted, along with an endometrial ablation, under general anaesthetic. I haven't had any problems since, and haven't had another period since then. I have the tiniest bit of spotting occasionally, but that's it;
~ I am pre-op, so this may not be relevant, but I have gained a bit of weight since then. I can't blame it directly on the Mirena though, because I am on a truckload of medications that may also be responsible.

All-in-all, I'm pretty happy with it this time around.
I have one and it was not fun having it put in - I screamed out and it was a bad 5 minutes of my life but at least it wasn't child birth so for that I'm grateful. I took some painkillers an hour before they put it in as I didn't want to wait for them to take effect. I felt bloated that evening and by the next morning I couldn't even tell I had one (not even any strings).

I've not had any periods since, although I'd not had any periods for many years before thanks to Depo and the pill... and no I don't recommend Depo as I think that's caused my borderline osteopenia.

As for wait gain or slowing loss, I couldn't say. The amount of hormone in it is supposed to be tiny - way lower than Depo as it's localized rather than going round your whole body and I lost while on Depo. I was out of the honeymoon period by the time I got my Mirena.
I'm not sure I would call it barrier, as it does not prevent sperm and ovum from meeting (which barrier methods such as condoms do.). What the IUD does is make an inhospitable uterine environment for blastocysts so that they don't implant. No implantation-> no pregnancy. They do not prevent fertilization and the conceptus is passed from the body or broken down and resorbed.
The hormones in the mirena IUD work locally on the uterine lining, the endometrium, to keep it in the "inhospitable" state.
I'm not sure I would call it barrier, as it does not prevent sperm and ovum from meeting (which barrier methods such as condoms do.). What the IUD does is make an inhospitable uterine environment for blastocysts so that they don't implant. No implantation-> no pregnancy. They do not prevent fertilization and the conceptus is passed from the body or broken down and resorbed.
The hormones in the mirena IUD work locally on the uterine lining, the endometrium, to keep it in the "inhospitable" state.
That was a concern I had about the Mirena as I know other IUDs work like that. But according to my gynae, the hormones in the Mirena make the environment inhospitable to sperm too, so they have almost no chance of surviving to fertilise the egg.
hormones in the Mirena make the environment inhospitable to sperm too, so they have almost no chance of surviving to fertilise the egg.
However, even a ONE percent chance is too much while still early out from weight loss surgery.

PSA: Unless you are completely unable (as in hysterectomy type unable) to have kids, use TWO methods of birth control...and the second one should be a condom.

AFTER you are 18-24 months out...preferably 24 months, then it isn't as critical. As long as you are healthy and take all your vitamins.
ugh. I hate hate hate condoms :( This makes me a sad bunny.....but I also don't want to be a mummy!!!! grrr. I'm on a mini pill at the mo (progesterone only) 3 pills a day cos I be a fatty. With pills not work at all post op even at my hardcore dose?

I've had an ectopic before and do not wish to repeat that ever ever ever so I guess if hubz wants some, he had better wrap it up! :(
ugh. I hate hate hate condoms :( This makes me a sad bunny.....but I also don't want to be a mummy!!!! grrr. I'm on a mini pill at the mo (progesterone only) 3 pills a day cos I be a fatty. With pills not work at all post op even at my hardcore dose?

I've had an ectopic before and do not wish to repeat that ever ever ever so I guess if hubz wants some, he had better wrap it up! :(
Oh, they will work but all BC has a failure rate except abstinence. That's why the recommendation for 2 types of BC after WLS. One being the condom. I know that it is not the preferred method, esp between committed couples but it is the safest short of saying no for 2 years. (AND that typically doesn't work well)

Your body will be working hard enough to shed the weight....you do not want to complicate things by adding a new life to that mix.

Just remind him, it's NOT forever. It's just for now.
You're gonna have diarrhea early on and the pill won't count. Even with constipation I'm not sure how effective it is for a DSer.

DH should get the snip if you're done with kids.
He/We won't commit to never. Its a hard decision to make. I managed not to get knocked up after my sleeve so I am sure we will be ok. We do have condoms around, we just don't use them much but I would rather be safe that sorry. I, and my weight loss are priority right now, not my husband or a baby.
However, even a ONE percent chance is too much while still early out from weight loss surgery.

PSA: Unless you are completely unable (as in hysterectomy type unable) to have kids, use TWO methods of birth control...and the second one should be a condom.

AFTER you are 18-24 months out...preferably 24 months, then it isn't as critical. As long as you are healthy and take all your vitamins.
My comment was more in relation to whether the Mirena's contraceptive action relied on preventing fertilisation vs preventing implantation. It does both. I was not suggesting it is 100% effective. No contraceptive is. It's efficacy is greater than 99% according to their information and my doctor (she reckons it's the safest contraceptive available). But, of course you're right about the fact that using a barrier method along with the Mirena is the way to go during the rapid weight loss stage.
My comment was more in relation to whether the Mirena's contraceptive action relied on preventing fertilisation vs preventing implantation. It does both. I was not suggesting it is 100% effective. No contraceptive is. It's efficacy is greater than 99% according to their information and my doctor (she reckons it's the safest contraceptive available). But, of course you're right about the fact that using a barrier method along with the Mirena is the way to go during the rapid weight loss stage.
The PSA (Public Service Announcement) was mainly for lurkers reading here now and later on. :)