Another "adult" child issue

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I agree with you, Rob. I'm not suggesting that anyone let her get away with ANY of this. What I'm saying is that it sounds like she was not ready for all these big steps, not by a LONG shot. Her dad and stepmom have an opportunity to do a lot of age- and situation-appropriate parenting, because it sounds like not very much parenting got done (by the mom) to prepare the daughter for all these big next steps.

It's a bummer to have to go back and catch up on stuff that SHOULD have been instilled starting from very young....but this is incredibly common. I'm not giving the kid a free pass at ALL. Just making a call for some empathy on her behalf.

I agree w/u 1000000%. I would NEVER kick anyone to the curb and I still hold out hope every single day for my Stepdaughter, even after 10 yrs. This young Lady just needs "Measurable Structure" and an ascending set of attainable goals that she can feel good about. I think we ALL agree, as usual, Hilary says it the very, least WAY better than me!
@JackieOnLine , @robs477 thanks! I assure you that IRL no one enjoys receiving advice from me. That which I dispense, perhaps too freely, is summarily ignored by family, friends, etc. Apparently, the "no naked emperor" rule I follow is not particularly endearing. Further, I'm often found by my children to be a winner of the "meanest mom ever" contest. ;)
I saw a lot of this kind of thing in the new college students where I went to school. At least they were in a very sheltered, highly structured campus environment (small school with a LOT of support in place) with a lot of trained staff available to reach out to them (indeed, pursuing them everywhere). But it was still possible for youngsters to fall through the cracks.

She might have done better living on campus or with some other structures in place. Sounds like nobody had any real sense of how ill-equipped she was to make this jump, and she was covering up a lot of tracks. Very expensive lessons :-(.
Well I thought I'd give an update.
(This is going to be long)
We sat her down and had a long talk with her. We told her our cares and concerns, explained why we were taking the steps we were taking, etc. hubby gave her the list of house rules he had printed up and told her he was taking the day off on Friday to bring her down there and show her exactly how he expected her to do these things. she didn't have much to say...except when I asked if she knew why she didn't feel that she could come to us and talk to us about the problems she was having in school and instead chose to lie, deceive, and manipulate up to the very last second. Her response was...well dad, for 17 yrs you've been just some man I saw in the summers and every other holiday. I didn't talk to you unless I had to. I don't know you and quite frankly ya'll don't know me. I told her...we WANT to know you and we've tried to know you better, but it's hard when you won't allow us to know you. She said I was right that she doesn't allow ANYBODY to know her. Her dad said ok that's a fair enough point but you didn't go to your mom either and you do know've lived with her your whole life. She said that's true and she didn't have an answer to why she didn't talk to her mom about flunking out of school. When the conversation was over, she grabbed the phone and the list and called her mom and cried her eyes out. She then went to bed crying. I felt sorry for her, but I knew she needed to feel whatever she was feeling...some emotion is better than none.

He brought her down there on Friday and she started cleaning. He ended up having to go back down there on Sunday morning to flush one of the tankless hot water heaters that was acting up and he said she was still doing laundry. She had made pretty good progress. He was very encouraged. He had disabled the cable and Internet and had unplugged the DVD player and explained to her why he did those things.

That next Tuesday she came up here for her first therapy appt. He told her she was depressed and has definite issues to work on. Said he was going to do more screenings this week to confirm and suggested he'd likely recommend medication. She made another appt for tomorrow. One of the things we had told her to think about while she was down there cleaning was whether she wanted to continue to live down there or come live with us. She told us she wanted to stay down there. That was no surprise....I knew she didn't want to live with us.

The next morning I talked to her before I left for work (she had spent the night) and I said..,so are you done with all the cleaning? She said yes. I said excellent...your dad showed me a picture of your room. It looks awesome you did a great job. So now you're headed back down to start looking for a job right? She said yes. I said ok do you have a list of places you're going to go to? She said not really...just Rouses (grocery store). I said ok that's one place but you really need to go everywhere. We talked about different places and how to do it, etc. She said she had gone to a furniture store the weekend before that her cousin told her had help wanted signs up but the only two positions they had available she doesn't qualify for so that was out.

Ok so I thought she had a plan. Friday evening we went down there...she knew we were coming and she knew exactly when we were going to arrive. We walk in the house and the first thing I see is a movie playing on the TV. Hubby asked her..,what is that? She said a movie. He said, didn't I unplug the DVD player and she said yep. He said, and you just figured it was ok to plug it back in? She said yep. Ok my head was about to explode at that point. He turned it off and very calmly explained to her why he had unplugged it in the first place blah blah, I was just pissed. Then he asked her where all in the past two days she had been to look for a job. She said, oh just the furniture store. I said, that was last weekend and you and I talked about that Wednesday and you said that was not an option so why are you even talking about that. When you left our house on Wednesday you were coming back down here to look for a job and you're telling me you've done nothing since then? She said well I was going to go to Rouse's this weekend. Ok so now my head is really about to explode. So I'm looking around and noticing all the cleaning that's NOT been done and I pointed out the ridiculous amount of dust on the bookshelves in the living room and she rolled her eyes at me and said I'll do it next week. I said oh no, you're going to do it tomorrow while we're here. Hubby's aunt and uncle came in then to visit so the conversation ended. After they left hubby told her he wasn't going to fuss anymore that night but that we would be talking about it in the morning. She copped another attitude and said whatever I'm going to bed. The next morning he talked to her again and told her he was t turning the cable and Internet back on and that we were taking the DVD player with us this time since she obviously couldn't follow the rules (which I had told him originally he should take it and not leave her the temptation) and he told her she could not find a job by sitting around the house watching movies all day. So he told her she had to keep a log and that she had to go to a minimum of 12 businesses every day to inquire about a job and put applications in at least 6 of the 12. He told her to bring it with her when she comes here tomorrow so they could review it together and discuss. She started the dusting and when she was done with that she asked if there was anything else and I said yes, the bar in the kitchen hasn't been wiped down at all...probably since you moved in. She copped another attitude and said yes it has. I said, no it hasn't. Come with me. I took everything off the bar and moved it to the kitchen counter and showed her how I could write my name in the dust. I said this kind of dust doesn't accumulate in a week. I told her same goes for fireplace mantle and bathroom countertops. Basically she had done nothing more than what she did while he was there the previous weekend.

We left Saturday afternoon and came home. Sunday morning hubby's sister called us and told us hubby's daughter called her that morning and asked her if she could go live with her for a little while until she could find a job and get her own place. She lives outside of Houston. A couple of hours away from where the daughters mom lives. She told her she just couldn't stay down here anymore. Sister pretty much told her that she couldn't give her an answer without talking to us first but that she didn't really think that was a good idea.
Later that morning hubby called the x-wife to see what daughter had been saying to her. She basically said that we're just all negative and maybe we should try offering some praise instead of harping on the bad stuff and that our rules were a bit unreasonable and couldn't we back off on some of them and that taking the cable and Internet away was punishing and unfair and that making her keep a log of where she goes to look for a job was too much. Ok so my head was about to explode again. He told her no...the rules were not unreasonable and no he wasn't backing off on them and that when there is something praiseworthy, he's the first one to give praise. And he does and he has. He asked her what she had told her about coming back home to live with her and she said she didn't tell her no but told her she'd have to sleep on the couch with three dogs and that they already have a full house and that she could stay maybe three weeks. Ok, but we're the mean ones. She also said she didn't know her daughter had flunked out of that school in high school and that's why she had to go back to the regular high school. WTF? How does a mother not know her kid flunked out of a school??

Anyway....Monday morning hubby called her around 8:30 and woke her up and told her she needed to get dressed and hit the roads to look for a job. That evening he called her to see what she had accomplished and she told him she had gone to the library to use their wifi...that she had decided she was going back to Texas so she was looking online for jobs there. She said she has a place to stay. Said she would tell us more when she comes here tomorrow that she is keeping her appt and then heading to Texas Friday. He told her he couldn't make her stay here and he respects her decision but that if she decided she wants to come back and give school another shot next year she could.

So that's where we are. I'm going to suggest to her that she find a therapist there and really give that a try because she needs it. Bottom line is she doesn't want to live by our rules so she's running away. She's going to learn that no matter where you live or what you do, there are going to be rules. Big sigh.
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((((((Hugs)))))), Star it sounds like your husband has finally figured out that he can't bend over backwards and let her leave tread marks on his ass. That is HARD for a non-custodial parent.

I hope she does grow up without too many bumps in the road but sounds like she isn't going to have an easy time of it.
I think it is perfect that she has decided on her own that she cannot/will not follow your rules and requirements for a freaking FREE place to stay, and you didn't have to kick her out for failing to do so. She is about to have a very difficult reality check, as I'm sure whatever arrangements she's made are going to be worse than what you and your husband so generously offered, without unreasonable expectations for her behavior. She's going to have to work and pay rent to someone who probably is going to be even less flexible than you two have been, and I think that is going to be a well-needed shock to her system.

My prediction, based on my own kids' irresponsible behaviors (since improved, mostly - remember, they are older): she will be sleeping on her mother's couch in three, two, one ... (6 weeks max).
((((((Hugs)))))), Star it sounds like your husband has finally figured out that he can't bend over backwards and let her leave tread marks on his ass. That is HARD for a non-custodial parent.

I hope she does grow up without too many bumps in the road but sounds like she isn't going to have an easy time of it. does take him a while for his eyes to open. He's such a trusting guy and quite frankly...he's just gullible. I'm a lot more cynical..maybe because I've raised two kids and I've pretty much seen it all when it comes to teenagers/young adults. And it's not like I have all the answers...I've certainly made my share of mistakes along the way and I'm sure I'm going to make many more.

I do appreciate being able to vent does relieve some of the stress!!
Yesterday, I made my kid cry at work. I had sent her an email that said, among other things, that if I had ****** up every other single thing I had ever attempted in my life...but could claim even a little credit for her being the woman she is today...I could easily claim that my life was a raving success.

(And when I make her cry like that, she IS better about acknowledging email.)
I think it is perfect that she has decided on her own that she cannot/will not follow your rules and requirements for a freaking FREE place to stay, and you didn't have to kick her out for failing to do so. She is about to have a very difficult reality check, as I'm sure whatever arrangements she's made are going to be worse than what you and your husband so generously offered, without unreasonable expectations for her behavior. She's going to have to work and pay rent to someone who probably is going to be even less flexible than you two have been, and I think that is going to be a well-needed shock to her system.

My prediction, based on my own kids' irresponsible behaviors (since improved, mostly - remember, they are older): she will be sleeping on her mother's couch in three, two, one ... (6 weeks max).

She didn't specify whether her "place to stay" was at her mom's or somewhere else. We'll find out tomorrow when she comes. She has about $300 to her name...all she has in the world. I'm going to have to convince hubby not to give her any money. It's like...don't waste this perfect teaching opportunity by caving in and enabling this behavior. Let her run out and be scared for a bit. We're not going to let her starve, but to not make her learn the lesson now would be a huge wasted opportunity.
Yesterday, I made my kid cry at work. I had sent her an email that said, among other things, that if I had ****** up every other single thing I had ever attempted in my life...but could claim even a little credit for her being the woman she is today...I could easily claim that my life was a raving success.

(And when I make her cry like that, she IS better about acknowledging email.)

Heck that just made ME want to cry! Awwww.....*sniff sniff*
Just to give a little update on my kids:
  • My daughter's job ended Jan 5th. She is looking for a new one, more or less, but I think she's also kind of decompressing and taking a little time to do it - she worked at that stressful job (it was a borderline hostile work environment) for 9 years and could stand a little break. Plus, she needs another round of egg harvesting, and the medications/hormones make her an emotional mess, so she may as well get that done first. She has gotten Covered CA insurance (we're going to have to fight them to get the procedures covered, but at least we'll have a chance with them - with her employer-paid self-funded insurance, the exclusion was pretty much iron-clad), but we have a deal with the medical group that limits HER exposure to about 30% of what it normally costs, if we can't get it covered. I am a bit annoyed with her about how she's using our place as a crash pad and spending a lot of time with her boyfriend, and I never know if she's going to be here for dinner, but that's a minor issue - we'll talk more when we get back from our upcoming "glamping" in Monterey (we leave tomorrow). And once she gets another job, we are going to file a complaint with the EDD about her prior job.
  • My stepdaughter (who moved over 50 miles away) has been coming around a bit more recently, because her soon-to-be-ex (STBX) finally got their 2.5 year old into daycare at San Jose State - where he is in his last semester, so they have to do the commute with the kid and pick her up at inconvenient times for now. But in the last few months, SD has done some good work with the kid - she's pretty much daytime potty trained, she has become a lot more comprehensible in her speech, says thank you, and - this was a trip - when she has a meltdown (fairly frequent, still), she automatically goes to the bedroom and isolates herself until she gets a grip, and then comes out smiling and says "done crying now!" Much much better. SD now needs to get off her ass and look for a job, so she can support herself when they do get divorced (and so she doesn't rely on moving in with us).
  • My son - miracles can happen! He started his second job at Whole Paycheck, about 30 hrs/week, in addition to his 3 nights/week, 5 hrs/night karaoke jockey job. He has chronic bursitis and/or arthritis in one hip, and both jobs require him to be on his feet the whole time, but so far, he has been managing. And on his off-hours, he is working on his broken-down VW that was parked in our driveway rusting for several years, which we made him move last year - he parked it at a friend's house, and they have finally been working on it together. I'm trying to not be overly optimistic that he can change his whole personality at once, and to expect there to be setbacks, but this is the best he's ever done.
Just to give a little update on my kids:
  • My daughter's job ended Jan 5th. She is looking for a new one, more or less, but I think she's also kind of decompressing and taking a little time to do it - she worked at that stressful job (it was a borderline hostile work environment) for 9 years and could stand a little break. Plus, she needs another round of egg harvesting, and the medications/hormones make her an emotional mess, so she may as well get that done first. She has gotten Covered CA insurance (we're going to have to fight them to get the procedures covered, but at least we'll have a chance with them - with her employer-paid self-funded insurance, the exclusion was pretty much iron-clad), but we have a deal with the medical group that limits HER exposure to about 30% of what it normally costs, if we can't get it covered. I am a bit annoyed with her about how she's using our place as a crash pad and spending a lot of time with her boyfriend, and I never know if she's going to be here for dinner, but that's a minor issue - we'll talk more when we get back from our upcoming "glamping" in Monterey (we leave tomorrow). And once she gets another job, we are going to file a complaint with the EDD about her prior job.
  • My stepdaughter (who moved over 50 miles away) has been coming around a bit more recently, because her soon-to-be-ex (STBX) finally got their 2.5 year old into daycare at San Jose State - where he is in his last semester, so they have to do the commute with the kid and pick her up at inconvenient times for now. But in the last few months, SD has done some good work with the kid - she's pretty much daytime potty trained, she has become a lot more comprehensible in her speech, says thank you, and - this was a trip - when she has a meltdown (fairly frequent, still), she automatically goes to the bedroom and isolates herself until she gets a grip, and then comes out smiling and says "done crying now!" Much much better. SD now needs to get off her ass and look for a job, so she can support herself when they do get divorced (and so she doesn't rely on moving in with us).
  • My son - miracles can happen! He started his second job at Whole Paycheck, about 30 hrs/week, in addition to his 3 nights/week, 5 hrs/night karaoke jockey job. He has chronic bursitis and/or arthritis in one hip, and both jobs require him to be on his feet the whole time, but so far, he has been managing. And on his off-hours, he is working on his broken-down VW that was parked in our driveway rusting for several years, which we made him move last year - he parked it at a friend's house, and they have finally been working on it together. I'm trying to not be overly optimistic that he can change his whole personality at once, and to expect there to be setbacks, but this is the best he's ever done.

Btw...if the harvesting requires more than seven says "down time," she can go from UI to SDI, which is a bit more money, for that time period.
Just to give a little update on my kids:
  • My daughter's job ended Jan 5th. She is looking for a new one, more or less, but I think she's also kind of decompressing and taking a little time to do it - she worked at that stressful job (it was a borderline hostile work environment) for 9 years and could stand a little break. Plus, she needs another round of egg harvesting, and the medications/hormones make her an emotional mess, so she may as well get that done first. She has gotten Covered CA insurance (we're going to have to fight them to get the procedures covered, but at least we'll have a chance with them - with her employer-paid self-funded insurance, the exclusion was pretty much iron-clad), but we have a deal with the medical group that limits HER exposure to about 30% of what it normally costs, if we can't get it covered. I am a bit annoyed with her about how she's using our place as a crash pad and spending a lot of time with her boyfriend, and I never know if she's going to be here for dinner, but that's a minor issue - we'll talk more when we get back from our upcoming "glamping" in Monterey (we leave tomorrow). And once she gets another job, we are going to file a complaint with the EDD about her prior job.
  • My stepdaughter (who moved over 50 miles away) has been coming around a bit more recently, because her soon-to-be-ex (STBX) finally got their 2.5 year old into daycare at San Jose State - where he is in his last semester, so they have to do the commute with the kid and pick her up at inconvenient times for now. But in the last few months, SD has done some good work with the kid - she's pretty much daytime potty trained, she has become a lot more comprehensible in her speech, says thank you, and - this was a trip - when she has a meltdown (fairly frequent, still), she automatically goes to the bedroom and isolates herself until she gets a grip, and then comes out smiling and says "done crying now!" Much much better. SD now needs to get off her ass and look for a job, so she can support herself when they do get divorced (and so she doesn't rely on moving in with us).
  • My son - miracles can happen! He started his second job at Whole Paycheck, about 30 hrs/week, in addition to his 3 nights/week, 5 hrs/night karaoke jockey job. He has chronic bursitis and/or arthritis in one hip, and both jobs require him to be on his feet the whole time, but so far, he has been managing. And on his off-hours, he is working on his broken-down VW that was parked in our driveway rusting for several years, which we made him move last year - he parked it at a friend's house, and they have finally been working on it together. I'm trying to not be overly optimistic that he can change his whole personality at once, and to expect there to be setbacks, but this is the best he's ever done.

Heck...the fact that she stuck it out for 9 yrs is pretty impressive. She might deserve a short bit of a break especially if she has medical issues that she needs to tend to that could possibly impact a new job. So where does she officially live?

So are the stepdaughter and her husband still trying to work on things or are they still splitting up? Currently, he's paying for their apt where they all live? Or mostly where she and the kid live since he's in school staying at his dad's I believe you said before? Is there something wrong developmentally with their child? 3.5 yrs old and is just now potty trained? I love the "done crying now" thing now...that's pretty "mature" for a 3.5 yr old!

Sounds like your son is on the right he still playing around with the gf or is she out of the picture now?
On ANOTHER 19 yr old daughter called me this morning from Baton Rouge and told me their apartment was broken into this morning. So far the only they know is missing is their big TV from the living room. Three of the four girls were home asleep when this happened. The other one had left to go visit her bf and apparently left the door unlocked.
Theirs wasn't the only apartment broken into though. A guy down the way had a macbook stolen and they apparently were able to track its location and have an address where it is.
She's on her way back to her appt now to meet with the police to file a report.
The apt people came and replaced all the locks on the doors including their bedroom doors and replaced all the batteries in their keys. They even brought them a tv to use. They said they were going to be reviewing the security camera footage to see what they can find.
They have an alarm system but they never activated it. I'm about to head to BR now and I will take care of getting that activated even if I have to pay for it myself.
It completely pisses me off beyond words that people think it's ok to go into someone else's home and take things that don't belong to them. I'm so damned angry.
And I'm going to have the come to jesus safety talk about leaving doors unlocked with all of them.
Btw...if the harvesting requires more than seven says "down time," she can go from UI to SDI, which is a bit more money, for that time period.
It's a six week process, and she's not really "down" - just not at her best. She can still apply for jobs and interview for them (and switching to a different situation might not be worth it in the end - even if she could do so for an "elective" procedure). But I will look into it - it might make her EDD claim more believable, except that she was never asking for time off, just reasonable accommodations. I will ponder ...

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