Update after surgery on 4/6/16


Active Member
Mar 28, 2016
Washington State
Hey everyone!
Just wanted to let you know that I had my surgery on Wed ~ the anticipation and waiting is over!!! Whoop! Whoop! :) Here's a quick report:

-Surgery took 9.5 hours
-Had a revision from Lap-Band to DS
-Gallbladder removed

-Some complications... surgery took longer than usual related to my "small insides & lots of scar tissue". I therefore have 12 LAP SITES and my old port removal site instead of his usual 6.
-Due to the long surgery and complications with getting my procedure done, he had me stay overnight in the hospital
-I couldn't urinate 24 hours after surgery so I was sent "home" with a foley catheter in me
-Didn't pass gas until Post Op Day 3 - which is assume is totally normal- I am an RN and understand how the body works :) I was up and walking in the hospital and after discharged. Getting stronger and stronger each day!!!

**QUESTION ALERT** - I had a massive blowout of diarrhea 3 days post op 4 times in one day!!!! and now I am having it again on the second day (day) which would be day 4 post op. Did anyone else experience this? OBVIOUSLY I know that diarrhea is a huge side affect of the surgery I was just curious if anyone else had these same issues right away post op? I am doing a great job of staying hydrated and drinking fluids is not a problem for me.

ALSO - my surgeon's protocol for this surgery is a clear liquid diet for FOUR WEEKS post op.... just curious to know people's personal experiences with food and time lines. I am not nauseated and feel STARVED! I saw somewhere that someone ate a form of meat 2 weeks after surgery..... Not saying that I want to do that but I am curious to know WHAT and WHEN people were eating after surgery.

Congratulations on your successful procedure and welcome to the Dark Side. Glad to hear you are staying hydrated. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. :)
Glad you are through surgery but I have to ask, is your surgeon an absolute moron? You had a 9.5 hour surgery and couldnt urinate so this dumbass sent you home after one night in the hospital?

Clear liquids for four weeks is crazy, IMO. How are you supposed to get any protein if you cant even have a protein drink? I think I was clear for 3 days, full liquids for a week and then pureed/soft food for another week and then anything. You don't want to put anything to tough in your stomach for a while but things like yogurt and protein drinks are fine.

And you need to get the notion out of your head that diarrhea is to be expected with the DS. You have had no solid food so you will have liquid stool for a while but diarrhea is not a given with the DS

I hope you are urinating and I am glad to hear you are staying hydrated getting in plenty of liquids. I also hope your pain is controlled. Stay hydrated and get plenty of rest. If you are still on a catheter then go back to the ER as that isn't normal.
Glad you are through surgery but I have to ask, is your surgeon an absolute moron? You had a 9.5 hour surgery and couldnt urinate so this dumbass sent you home after one night in the hospital?

Clear liquids for four weeks is crazy, IMO. How are you supposed to get any protein if you cant even have a protein drink? I think I was clear for 3 days, full liquids for a week and then pureed/soft food for another week and then anything. You don't want to put anything to tough in your stomach for a while but things like yogurt and protein drinks are fine.

And you need to get the notion out of your head that diarrhea is to be expected with the DS. You have had no solid food so you will have liquid stool for a while but diarrhea is not a given with the DS

I hope you are urinating and I am glad to hear you are staying hydrated getting in plenty of liquids. I also hope your pain is controlled. Stay hydrated and get plenty of rest. If you are still on a catheter then go back to the ER as that isn't normal.
Sorry - forgot to mention on my "clear liquid diet" I can have protein as of day 8!!!
@DSRIGGS My surgeon is NOT a moron or dumbass- he's extremely well known in the bariatric community and is one of the "it guys" to go to if you have any sort of complications and whatnot. That being said - I was obviously an extremely complicated case that he wasn't expecting, but I knew I was in the best hands possible.

I took my catheter out myself yesterday and have been urinating, well - thanks for asking and pain control is great. I actually am doing extremely well - walking everyday, multiple times a day :)

Good to know on the soft foods and whatnot - I have my follow up appointment with him on Friday and I'm going to ask him WHY 4 WEEKS of clear liquids + protein shakes? To me that's ridiculous but I'm not the doctor....

I appreciate your inputs :)

I am glad you have faith in the guy but it sounded like he was planning on doing this outpatient and only kept you, and for one night, because your surgery was long? The DS, especially a revision is not a procedure that should be outpatient.

Just so you know all but a handful of DS surgeons are typically really bad at nutitional and suplement/vitamin advice. This board is especially good at that type of information. You are wise to ask about the four weeks clear.

As far as vitamins, you will be okay without those for awhile. When you do start add them slowly and their is a vitalady link in the vitamins section that has a good recommended starting regimen for the DS. The surgeon is likely to try to get you to take a bariatric advantage ADEK but it isnt enough of anything so you you will need to buy them individually and in the dry form since we don't absorb fats well. Typically they are oil based.

Good healing
Welcome to the loser's bench...glad to hear from you.
Some surgeons use a Valtrac ring and that requires you follow his diet to the letter. If not, he's just being overly careful.
Welcome to the loser's bench...glad to hear from you.
Some surgeons use a Valtrac ring and that requires you follow his diet to the letter. If not, he's just being overly careful.
I didn't think anyone used those things any longer?
HI @Butterfly13 - wow what a long ass surgery! I am an RN too and had a lapband to DS revision just about 10 months ago. I had a lot of adhesions and the surgery was 'long' but only 3 hours so hen fuzzy. . . we nurses tend to under emphasize what is going on with us so be cautious.

your diet sounded a bit extreme to me Clears for a week then advancing to clear plus protein drinks - does seem long - but he has been in your guts and knows what is in there. - sounds like he does not want you mixing protein in milk - which is reasonable as some folks are lactose intolerant post-op.
Don't force it - long, long, surgery so follow his instructions closely.

as for the diarrhea - no I did not have any issues with that. I was also in the hospital a week - I ended up with an incarcerated bowel and had a second surgery 2 days after the original. The bowel did not rupture thank goodness but I did go into shock - I mention it because even with all that bowel manipulation, I did not have diarrhea.
However, I started with diarrhea about a week out then had liquid stools for about 2 months - they thought I had C-diff but it was just the healing process for me I reckon.

I wish you the best - take it easy - get your fluids in, rest and repeat.

I'm guessing that in addition to having a small inside, you had a lot of scar tissue from that damn lap band and/or from any other prior abdominal surgery you may have had, and that not only caused the very long operation time but also much of his concern about your post-op diet. The intestines don't like being handled and pushed around, and dealing with scar tissue involves that, and the intestines respond by shutting down for a variable length of time. They will work again, but it can take awhile. I'm impressed that you are doing so well with hydration, as that can be very difficult, so overall it sounds like you are doing great. the diarrhea will abate once your intestines are working more normally and your diet is more normal.

Your surgeon does indeed have an excellent reputation. It sounds like he's just being very conservative about your diet, and perhaps when he sees how well you're doing at your visit, he'll let up a bit. Or perhaps not, but either way you're doing great.
I agree with what Larra said and I was tired, groggy and grumpy when I replied last night so my apologies if I came across harshly. Regarding diet Larra is spot on (as always). As well as you are doing with liquids I would imagine he might let you advance diet a little more quickly.

I still can't understand how after putting a body through so much trauma you only spent one night in the hospital, especially when you weren't urinating or passing gas. My surgeons (Marshall and Keshishian both) would not allow a patient to leave until they passed gas and had a BM. That is why I was surprised. As a nurse you know what to look for, but I also know that nurses "under react" to their own situations at time (My Mom was an RN) so if you have any warning signs you know to contact your surgeon's office or get to the ER>

That being said, you seem to be doing great. I had huge difficulty staying hydrated and for a couple months, so you are miles ahead of me in that regard

Again being a nurse I know how many of you will "tough things out" and maybe push too hard. How long do you plan on being off work? Take as long as you need as your body just underwent major trauma and your energy will be down due to lack of nutrition. Some have gone back as quickly as a few weeks if they had desk jobs like me, but I ended up being out almost 6 weeks (but I had a kidney stone that put me in the hospital for 3 days as Dr though I had a marginal ulcer.....the did a procedure to get it out and pushed it back in my kidney, so I got a stent for 10 days)......in any case take care of yourself and take the time you need to heal.

Welcome to the loser's bench...glad to hear from you.
Some surgeons use a Valtrac ring and that requires you follow his diet to the letter. If not, he's just being overly careful.
Thanks @sourthnlady! I appreciate it :D And yes, I forgot to mention in my post - this is his diet for EVERY POST OP DS PATIENT - NOT just me! Hahaha sooooo I think he's just being overly cautious and wanted to see if everyone else agreed LOL
HI @Butterfly13 - wow what a long ass surgery! I am an RN too and had a lapband to DS revision just about 10 months ago. I had a lot of adhesions and the surgery was 'long' but only 3 hours so hen fuzzy. . . we nurses tend to under emphasize what is going on with us so be cautious.

your diet sounded a bit extreme to me Clears for a week then advancing to clear plus protein drinks - does seem long - but he has been in your guts and knows what is in there. - sounds like he does not want you mixing protein in milk - which is reasonable as some folks are lactose intolerant post-op.
Don't force it - long, long, surgery so follow his instructions closely.

as for the diarrhea - no I did not have any issues with that. I was also in the hospital a week - I ended up with an incarcerated bowel and had a second surgery 2 days after the original. The bowel did not rupture thank goodness but I did go into shock - I mention it because even with all that bowel manipulation, I did not have diarrhea.
However, I started with diarrhea about a week out then had liquid stools for about 2 months - they thought I had C-diff but it was just the healing process for me I reckon.

I wish you the best - take it easy - get your fluids in, rest and repeat.
Thanks!!! I appreciate it :D And yes, I forgot to mention in my post - this is his diet for EVERY POST OP DS PATIENT OF HIS - NOT just me! Hahaha sooooo I think he's just being overly cautious and wanted to see if everyone else agreed LOL

GOOD to know about the diarrhea and I'm so sorry you had more bowel complications afterwards. I'm hoping and praying that doesn't happen to me down the road!

Nice to talk to another fellow RN :) Thanks for the words of encouragement! I appreciate it!!!

I'm guessing that in addition to having a small inside, you had a lot of scar tissue from that damn lap band and/or from any other prior abdominal surgery you may have had, and that not only caused the very long operation time but also much of his concern about your post-op diet. The intestines don't like being handled and pushed around, and dealing with scar tissue involves that, and the intestines respond by shutting down for a variable length of time. They will work again, but it can take awhile. I'm impressed that you are doing so well with hydration, as that can be very difficult, so overall it sounds like you are doing great. the diarrhea will abate once your intestines are working more normally and your diet is more normal.

Your surgeon does indeed have an excellent reputation. It sounds like he's just being very conservative about your diet, and perhaps when he sees how well you're doing at your visit, he'll let up a bit. Or perhaps not, but either way you're doing great.
He did say I had a lot of scar tissue throughout my entire intestines as well as the crap band! He asked me (while being in nuclear medicine checking for a PE, LOL) if I had grown up playing a lot of sports as a child. And I laughed and said, "Yes, pretty much every sport you can think of... including a black belt in Karate!" But I forgot to write in my original post that those are his POST OP diet instructions for ALLLL of his patient's - they weren't specific for me. Sooooo.... it makes me think that it's 100% him just being overly cautious. It's starting to be a repeated theme for him with everything he does LOL I definitely feel ready to have the liquid, premade, Premier Protein shakes in the carton. Just wanted to hear what everyone else did/what they thought :)

I really appreciate all your support and responses :) Thanks so much!