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I'm on thredup and looking at pants: you can see the photo but the description doesn't say what the color is and there isn't any care instructions. ???
no, not that I see. also (as long as I am complaining) when I search by brand I get a long list most of which are "unavailable". I might be doing something wrong but can't find anything I like.

I have 3 fair sized goodwills close by, however, probably keep shopping there.
It gets old living on $730 a month! But hopefully the DS will be my pathway to a new life - I can lose the weight, go back to school, and get a bachelors in nursing. That's the plan.
It was certainly the gateway to a whole new life for me! Two more semesters to finish undergrad, and then on to grad school I HOPE....Employment is improving along the way, as well.
It was certainly the gateway to a whole new life for me! Two more semesters to finish undergrad, and then on to grad school I HOPE....Employment is improving along the way, as well.
Good for you! I'm on disability due to Bipolar Disorder, which I just got under control in Feb of last year. I had to drop out of school because of it. I have 1/4th of a nursing degree and 3/4th of a psych degree (both bachelors). Only thing I really lack for the psych is senior thesis, but that takes a year. And you can't do much with that degree unless you go for your masters. Healthcare is more of an interest of mine, anyway. I did well in school, had a 3.7 GPA.
Good for you! I'm on disability due to Bipolar Disorder, which I just got under control in Feb of last year. I had to drop out of school because of it. I have 1/4th of a nursing degree and 3/4th of a psych degree (both bachelors). Only thing I really lack for the psych is senior thesis, but that takes a year. And you can't do much with that degree unless you go for your masters. Healthcare is more of an interest of mine, anyway. I did well in school, had a 3.7 GPA.

What does "senior thesis" mean in your institution? I had to do a "senior seminar" that was one semester and was nothing more tha a structured lit review.
What does "senior thesis" mean in your institution? I had to do a "senior seminar" that was one semester and was nothing more tha a structured lit review.
I don't entirely know, lol. But I think it's like a full-on research experiment with full academic paper write up. Whatever it is, it takes a it's a big deal.
I don't entirely know, lol. But I think it's like a full-on research experiment with full academic paper write up. Whatever it is, it takes a it's a big deal.

I can tell you from personal experience that you should NOT let this bash you on the head and condemn you to the nether regions. It's NOT that hard. I would be pleased to coach you.
I can tell you from personal experience that you should NOT let this bash you on the head and condemn you to the nether regions. It's NOT that hard. I would be pleased to coach you.
I may complete the psych degree someday, but for now I'm planning on going for nursing...much better money/job security.
I like Thred Up. I got a pair of pants and a shirt for like $4 (shipping) on their black friday sale - they had $15 off a $15 or more purchase. They don't much carry my size, but I got these for use after I lose weight. Right now, I don't think anyone here could use my current size. I wear 28's in pants and 4x shirts... My whole wardrobe consists of 3 pairs of jeans, 5 t-shirts (2 have holes in them :( ) and one pair of sneakers. I'm po'. Can't wait till I can lose weight and get down to sizes that I can actually find in thrift stores that aren't ungodly hideous.
What size sneakers?????

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