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Elizabeth N.

Herder of cats
Dec 30, 2013
New Jersey
....of the Famdamily Chronicles.

Cast: Brother D., his wife A., their sons G (married, one son, an hour from his parents) and S. (not-yet-married-but-well-attached, well away in California)

D and A bought the family ranch from the rest of us 15 years ago. It would take far too long to explain what they've done to the place, but it all involved far too much money, horrible business sense, lousy ranching sense, ****** neighboring and a lot of other complicated stuff. Now they are so far under water, it's hopeless, but they are making a last ditch effort to avoid bankruptcy involving round God Knows How Many of creative storytelling-for-financing and yet another SUCKER with a dream of ranching to go into some kind of partnership with them.

D. was always the Golden Boy in the family. There were several factors involved, but he was born into set of circumstances were he could do no wrong, was subjected to a lot of wacko parenting incompetence, and when he was not quite six, my poor sister was born and disrupted his status as baby and king. She was the object of his unmitigated wrath for.... well hell, it would STILL be the case except for the fact that my BIL is a lot bigger, stronger and better off than he is and would cheerfully squash him like a bug if he went one millimeter too far.

He abused me a lot, too, but not out of that sense of entitled wrath. Again, hard to explain, and I think it's enough to say that he's a good chunk of the reason I've been in therapy for so long, and that therapy has helped me learn to protect and value myself, and to see him from the perspective of an adult in charge of her own safety.

I'm the baby by far at 50. He's 65. A is 71, I think. A is the sanest of her seriously mentally ill clan, far as I can tell, with mostly untreated bipolar I with paranoid and psychotic features. Thankfully, she has mellowed some with age, the opposite of most of her clan. (So far, anyhow.) She is in charge of the medical care of her 90-something mom in CA, who is in permanent care with advancing dementia. Today I took her 200 miles to the airport in Billings so she can fly to LA for a few days to take care of some legal stuff.

That would be cool, except that D., it transpires, has undergone a very significant change of mental status in the last year or two. At the moment he's nice and well behaved, but he's lost a LOT of cognitive capacity and judgment. Mr. Engineer, Math Teacher, Former Fighter Pilot, Former Bush Pilot, Former Flight other words, strongly analytical, detail oriented mind, but also lover of poetry and nature and philosophy...... cannot be trusted with the smallest of decisions. His vocabulary is a fraction of its usual strength.

Ach, so many details I could put here, trying to condense a little bit.....

He never had a lick of business sense, EVER, despite being a super hard working guy who really, really believed that a good idea plus endless investment of effort would pay off. For being such a colossal ******* who believed the world owed him its best and would always smile on him and reward him BIG TIME (for which he was willing to work, yes, but success was still a foregone conclusion), he nonetheless worked his butt off.

He continued to be an abusive, tantruming *******. He and A left a stream of destruction in their wake. The ranch is not just mostly gone, not just mortgaged into fantasyland and beyond, it is a trash heap of wrecked dreams, underfunded ideas and sheer......STUPIDITY gone amok. Perhaps another day when I am not drinking I will write an essay about what I see there. My parents and the people who built the place before them are shitting themselves in eternity.

But for now I'll focus on my broken down brother, the guy whom I wish I could consign to hell and forget his existence, but whom I understand despite myself, for we are so very similar in personality.

I have been trying off and on for ages to gain and keep some connection to them and the nephews online. When I come out here, I always call and email and FB. The CA nephew S. responds faithfully but without family details. D and A rarely respond and in ways that leave me scratching my head as to whether they ever hear a word I sayvia any channel.

G pisses me off the worst, because he ignores every personal interaction, never acknowledges voice mail, email PM, NOTHING. His **** wife does not respond either, ignores my FB friend request, but I'm still on the mass mail list for every gift grab event for the grandnephew. He has time to spam me with his political and "business" ****, though.

Week before last, he did a spam blast right after I had tried AGAIN to connect with him an his parents, an on the heels of my ******* inlaws' most recent bit of ********. I went OFF in true EN fashion. He decided let mommy and daddy kow I was "feeling neglected," so D called my sister. *sigh* Oh well, better than nothing. So I reciprocated and called back and discovered the Crazy House.

My sis and BIL told me they ahad sold the herd to pay some bills and that they were flailing about to survive. But they didn't know WHY......

Answer? My once thought bright brother fell prey not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES to email off shore junk mail scams. A and the sons caught it the first time and stopped it before any money went out but he did it TWICE MORE,
My take? Don't get sucked in. Don't pack your bags for ANY of their guilt trip invitations. And don't EVER give them any money. EVER.
....sorry browser crashed.... TWICE MOPRE to the tune of over $120 K.

ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!!!! all of it put ito cash cards and sent via Western Union, for which he had to drive an hour each way in one of the falling apart wrecks he never maintained despite knowing better.....Abandoning the hay in the field and the cattle on the range and the calves in the cavling field to send **** to Nigeria and Jamaica.

EVERY PENNY of cash, equity, credit. Milked to death by so called "employees" who lived on the property and stole gas and used equipment and ran drugs and did every possible bit of ****.....

And what got A's attention? They were getting a shitload of business in their custom meat processing shop, including the hamburger contract for Montana State University Bozeman.....which they lost and D explained away....but a neighbor sent her raised from "embryos" custom super ostensibly special hogs to them, 2 or 3 I think, for slaughter and processing, and their most recent drug addict scumbag butcher LET THE CARCASSES ROT. It took a sheriff's visit to get their attention, despite the fact that D lived less than 100 yards from the shop.

(A had "left for good," tired of the endless verbal and emotional abuse by D and G, the latter of whom famously yelled at her to "go back in the kitchen and let the menfolk talk cattle" when he was about 18 and should have had the **** kicked out of him by D, who laughed at that "humor", so that's why she didn't know how bad it had gotten.)

Okay, you get the idea. Mom and Dad invested everything in that place, lived on less than nothing, in order to give us kids something. It was NOT the fairy tale "American dream." They sucked, that life sucked, and it was damned awful....But we did, in fact, all get a lot more than anyone would imagine could have come of that place. Those morons not only squandered the real value, they ruined the good name, destroyed every relationship, bankrupted the place down to some figurative level several feet below the once-good topsoil.....And now it is a junk infested, weed-ridden, rusted, rotting mockery of generations of dreams......

......And on top of that sits my brother with a rotted brain, no friends, no assets, no nothing, not even a child with the tiniest sense of decency as to free his worthless ass for a day to take his mommy to the airport so she can go take care of the grandmommy who has done nothing but lavish his shitheaded self with stuff and to pay his school bills and put him and his spawn in her will.

My BIL, who goes out of his way to confine his stories and gossip to the positive, and who has put with oh, so much **** from these upstarts who have insulted him and his family and their operation in ways that would take lots more posts to explain (BIL's operation is in a category with "King Ranch"--google them--and D took our Dad's single family ranch and bankrupted it and beyond), sputtered recently as he spat out the opinion that G was just about "the most worthless person he had ever met."

I wish I could convey in mere written words what a Big Deal that is. Okay, I'm hitting post again and breathing for a minute. Don't say I didn't warn you :p. I'll be back. If you're reading this far, bless you.
Geez, you type WAY better drunk than I do.
BWAH!!!!! I remember the first time I got drunk because of a family thing. I grabbed a then-friend on IM and we went on a LONG time, with a gap for me to pass out and come back. (Cackling at the thought of who will copy and spread that "confession" around) She was SO impressed at my spelling, especially when I told her what I had gzzled. Here's to muscle memory and typing classes....Um, and spell check......Although I appear to be typing faster than my connection will support. So, big test is what I remember tomorrow!!
Yup, had a similar situation with my father's business when my younger brother took over. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. All you can do is protect yourself from people like that. Unless you really want to get your hands dirty and take over legally for your brother in his mental state. Which shouldn't be too hard, considering the money he sent overseas. What's he got, dementia?
My take? Don't get sucked in. Don't pack your bags for ANY of their guilt trip invitations. And don't EVER give them any money. EVER.
Good advice. The money part is simple. They are morons and I am broke. Guilt trip is pretty well sealed off thanks to 20-plus years of therapy.

My weakness is getting sucked in. I go over my head/limits quickly. Keeping the balance is complicated. I'm too ******* soft hearted for my own good. I want more success and change than "they" want. I dream too much, at my expense. )Sensible people would not cry at the sight of their abusers being reduced to childlike mental levels. Nobody ever accused me of being sensible.)

But damn I am enjoying the planned drunk. (If I discover that D is incapable of working together on an action plan for his health, we'e going to have a planned drunk together in a couple days. I have told him we'll have a meeting and then eat and drink good stuff from our favorite recipes. He's in charge of meat--for which he has many recipes--and I'm doing everything else including beer. The ratio of meat to beer will be dependent on how much he seems able to comprehend. The less he comprehends, the more we will drink.)
Yup, had a similar situation with my father's business when my younger brother took over. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. All you can do is protect yourself from people like that. Unless you really want to get your hands dirty and take over legally for your brother in his mental state. Which shouldn't be too hard, considering the money he sent overseas. What's he got, dementia?

Protecting myself at every tangible level is easy. We got total separation in 2000 when he bought us out. NO WAY do I want ANY power. Even IF I wanted an interest, they and every property connected (real estate, ag land, brand everything_ is so far under water that I wonder why they are still there.) Why would I want to attach myself to people who look like they are headed for Alzheimers unit? That's what their sons are for, only one of the two is such a goddamned selfish ******** that he would disown them rather than fulfill basic responsibilities.

I think it's dementia but not sure what kind. He has MASSIVE untreated sleep apnea, so best case scenario is he's majorly sleep and oxygen deprived. Thus far his deficits do not fit the classic pattern of early or moderate Alzheimers, which both gives me hope and worries me. I think that his mood and cognition patterns resemble mine when I was crippled by a combination of brutal depression and sleep/oxygen deprivation, but that's best case/wishful thinking scenario.

The other end of the spectrum is somewhere in the realm of TIA brain injury/intermediate undiagnosed Alzheimers. I hope I can use the week I have available to them to leverage an comprehensive evaluation...You know, the kind of thing his CHILDREN should be doing, and if they would RESPOND to my contacts, I would cheerfully assist them in making to happen. ********. No wait, G is an *******, S is distant. He has flown to MT at drop of a hat so many times, as has the GF, and they are so much more deeply invested in mom and dad, don't get me started....
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I have now pmed the sons, their so's and all apparent-on-friends-list peeps.

S is not-quite-wedded to an ag attorney. I found her, PM'ed, emailed and v'med her.

Pretty good drunken research eh?
Bless you. At this point, I think this falls under the category of 'Let it Go'
Bless you. At this point, I think this falls under the category of 'Let it Go'
Yup. I'll put three days of effort in (till A returns) and then I'll spend a bit of visiting time, then go on my way. If I can't shake their denial enough to get D into some real health care, then there's nothing else I can offer anyhow.
Yup. I'll put three days of effort in (till A returns) and then I'll spend a bit of visiting time, then go on my way. If I can't shake their denial enough to get D into some real health care, then there's nothing else I can offer anyhow.

I wish you strength and hope the efforts of the next few days prove successful, especially perhaps in the order of getting D a sleep study. What an ordeal!
This falls into the "earning jewels for your crown in heaven" category of sister'ing. What a trainwreck to have to observed, but bless you for still trying to help get him some quality care.
wow, unbelievable.

I also think you should let it go if you can. I understand why maybe you can't!
Eh, I don't believe in telling other people to "let it go". Because I am one of those people who cannot forgive and forget, be the bigger person, or move on when someone does a grievous wrong. I'm funny like that. I remember things for EVER and never forget who did what.

I believe, in the contrary, in shining a HUGE, bright light on wrong-doers and their deeds. And in reminding people they can't be trusted.

So, @Elizabeth N. , go on with your e-mails and warnings to other family members about your brothers' condition and financial snafu and other ****. It's best when all the involved people KNOW the details from a reliable source such as yourself, who will not sugar-coat the reality, and someone who has the rare gift of being able to also provide first-response type answers of WHAT TO DO with said lunatic.

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