Update on dieting like a mofo.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2014
Soooooo remember I was on a diet? Yeh I know...having to actually adhere to a DS way of eating...shocking! Well in that thread (not this one,that one) I learned that others fought the same disordered brain bogeys that I did. Namely pressured thinking about food, exercise anorexia history and a very great potential to develop an eating disorder, namely anorexia or bulimia.

I discovered that I loved being so thin that people worried about me. On some level it meant that I'd won. I'd destroyed obesity, but at what cost? Along came regain and down went my self esteem.

So after some serious introspection I decided to change my behaviours. I've been low carbing for about a month and a bit I think?... I've also been doing Metafit classes every other day and weight lifting when I can be arsed. This brings my daily exercise to a controlled 45mins max per day. Remember I used to work out up to 6hrs a day once upon a time.

As for weight loss...I have a healthy BMI of 24 a 28inch waist and less then 17% body fat or 10kgs. I decided to gain muscle and be fit rather than diet to a tiny size. In so doing I've lost about 1.8kgs over this time. This isn't a lot of weight loss but my clothes are comfortable and my brain is comfortable and I look like I could hold my own in a pub brawl.

I am hesitant to say this but I think I'm on an even keel. If this is maintenance than it is pretty good to me. I'm starting my level two fitness instructor training in August then hope to train to teach Metafit offshore to my beautiful people. If I get my croft house (Scottish farm) then I'll be grafting keeping it going as well.

The future is bright people. If I can do this then every single person reading this can too. Truly I was so close to being physically disabled before my surgery and now....shiiiittttttt. Well there you are.

Right work to do. Xx

Edited because I can't cope outside of metric and have the reading comprehension of a beet root.
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Well I have used a body stat monitor in the sick bay as I've been gaining muscle mass. The BMI is terribly limited as it only factors height and weight not body fat so yes you can have a low body fat percentile and still have this BMI. I COULD CRACK A WALNUT WITH MY ARSE CHEEKS...PITY THEY STILL LOOK LIKE A SPANIELS EAR BUT SKIN DOESNT TONE. **** sorry caps lock attack.

Right just doubled checked cause my post reads like ****. according to the body stat 1500 monitor my body fat is 10.8KG not %. My percentile is 17% so you are right and I'm a ******. I was rushing between patients and didn't read my results properly. What a ****! Right editing post to show the 17% and 10kg.

**** just got out the sick bay tape measure and I'm 28 inches not 21. I'm a metric girl so I'm sorry about my ******** conversion there. I bought 21 waist Gap boyfriend jeans so I guess that isn't a 21 inch waist. I'm better sticking to cms. For ***** sake should have stayed in bed today I've managed to read everything wrong.
Oh FFS! I can't get anything right today! Just ran off to my permit to work meeting. Right focus! Will amend.
Are you being compliant on your supplements? I want to make sure this self-loathing isn't something simple like a vitamin deficiency before I go off on the possible psychological roots of the whole thing.
Yes utterly and I'm using a sublingual B12 as well. I've had 4hrs sleep, work is busy and I was posting and running. I'm on the Rig.

Dyslexia and tiredness are not helping one another.
@kirmy its all cool -- I was just a little concerned about you wanting to lose more when you already had body fat of 10% - whew! I was thinking body dysmorphia and I'm relieved that's not the case!
You might want to re-edit, tho. Now it says your BMI is 28...that's your waist size, right?

I'm so jealous of your BMI and such....maybe someday I will have similar results :) I can't imagine cracking anything with my booty cheeks, nevermind a walnut! LOL
I don't want to lose more weight BTW just maintain and build muscle mass and bone density. I did start out struggling with wanting to lose lots. I know that's disordered thinking. I now just want my digestive tract not to hurt from bad eating and to be in optimum health. I do get scared of further regain I won't lie though.
Yeah, but...just because the topics about which your youthful abusers used to torment you no longer exist, you do not need to invent non-existent problems about which to belittle yourself. You ARE allowed to let the Mother-in-your-Head just die off from lack of attention/acknowledgment. Really, there is no sense in dragging her along with you anyway.
Not far off the mark. It is hard to get away from conditioning but I think I am. It isn't the easiest thing. I'm able to discern what is ***** mind speak and what is valid. I know when I'm veering towards disordered thinking. I'm retraining my behaviours towards being healthy. It's not the same as being skinny. It doesn't involve eating bags of crisps and pastries which cause me very real pain. That is masochistic.

One day I hope I can exclaim "ding dong the witch is dead"!

Really I need sleep. If anyone annoys me this afternoon for ***** I'm biting their face off.

Afternoon kip ahoy.
damn, The Bugger has a lot of good advice.

now get some sleep! and someday? post a video of the the spaniel ears cracking a walnut - I would so pay to see this.
@kirmy its all cool -- I was just a little concerned about you wanting to lose more when you already had body fat of 10% - whew! I was thinking body dysmorphia and I'm relieved that's not the case!
You might want to re-edit, tho. Now it says regroup after this.your BMI is 28...that's your waist size, right?

I'm so jealous of your BMI and such....maybe someday I will have similar results :) I can't imagine cracking anything with my booty cheeks, nevermind a walnut! LOL

So today, she has added innumeracy to her list of personal failures. Gawd! She'll never recover!
Oh honey I know I'm a cluster **** but hell so is Jennifer Lawrence. I do it with style...cluster **** style but style. Bitch be fabulous...if not incapable of reading,writing and comprehending.
Oh honey I know I'm a cluster **** but hell so is Jennifer Lawrence. I do it with style...cluster **** style but style. Bitch be fabulous...if not incapable of reading,writing and comprehending.

I ADORE Jennifer Lawrence. Too. But then, I ADORE Robert Downey, Jr...and he was "under the weather" for quite a spell.

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