Taking a long scenic route!
I don't know where to shove this and I didn't want to start a new thread cos it makes me feel like an attention whore lol...so I will just do my updates here.
The hand. The hand sucks lol. Saw my GP and she is running every blood test she could order as I am starting to have numbness in my back/butt/right thigh so she wants to test for any and all deficiencies before I go off to a neuro. She has also put me on a waiting list for physical therapy
The wait is 8-12 weeks which means I have time to heal up before they kick my arse.
Also, the hand issue doesn't fit the normal neuropathy that happens after surgery. Mine matches exactly to carpal tunnel!!!!! ???? So yeah. Good times. But, my bother had severe CT and had an operation and is ok now....so now I know this won't be forever I am a bit less anxious.
Also back on the anti-d's. My GP was happy that I ask as she was worried due to my mental health past, quick weight loss AND the effects everyone feels after anaesthesia. So yeah. 50mg of sertraline/Zoloft is now my friend. Now I just await the chronic insomnia I get when on it. (I really can't win sometimes lol)
Life is going ok other than that. A bit slow. I would love to just go for a drive whilst the sun lasts.....and I DO go with rides with the hubz, but I love to drive alone with the windows down and the music up....did I mention ALONE? lol. I'm an introvert IRL and love nothing more than to be alone with my thoughts. So yeah...still not cleared to drive, still not on a vac, but my wound is healing up good the old fashioned way. I was actually able to see the wound bed myself yesterday, so it is coming up.
My back has been giving me problems for about 1.5 weeks and now my hip is stuck. I don't know how to explain it other than to say it keeps catching. To you normies...it's like when your knee needs to click/pop but my hips never clicks it just gets stuck with that pain....so I'm back on the codeine....hence the longest post I have made in a loooooong time. I get chatty on opiates lol.
I haven't weighed in a while....just been pluggin on. My jeans fall off me as I walk up the stairs but Im shrinking in a weird WEIRD weird way...so my jeans one size smaller (same make/brand/year) are tight and hurt my hand to put on. I've been doing okish eating wise. I have sinned and had chocolate...and omg LOL. It didn't hurt, but wow....I had no idea one person could poo so much in one night!!! And my poor husband lmao. I need some of that poopurrie asap lol. It's a really weird smell, my poo. Don't know if it's the "DS smell" but it is bazaar and smells more like a treatment plant that actual poo.
I'm terrified of trying white flour carbs or grains.....like to the point of phobia...and I have no reason to, other than I fear the pain/consequences. Wish I was chocophobic lol.
Anyhow, I hope you all are doing well. I'm doing well with all the vits and protein and I am more mobile showering every single day
(although some days I give my hair a miss because my back hurts to the point I hold my breath and can only manage a quick wash)
Thanks for all of your help and support. The vets for cheering me through the past few years and then my generation of dser commiserating with me. What would I do without you guys?
The hand. The hand sucks lol. Saw my GP and she is running every blood test she could order as I am starting to have numbness in my back/butt/right thigh so she wants to test for any and all deficiencies before I go off to a neuro. She has also put me on a waiting list for physical therapy
Also, the hand issue doesn't fit the normal neuropathy that happens after surgery. Mine matches exactly to carpal tunnel!!!!! ???? So yeah. Good times. But, my bother had severe CT and had an operation and is ok now....so now I know this won't be forever I am a bit less anxious.
Also back on the anti-d's. My GP was happy that I ask as she was worried due to my mental health past, quick weight loss AND the effects everyone feels after anaesthesia. So yeah. 50mg of sertraline/Zoloft is now my friend. Now I just await the chronic insomnia I get when on it. (I really can't win sometimes lol)
Life is going ok other than that. A bit slow. I would love to just go for a drive whilst the sun lasts.....and I DO go with rides with the hubz, but I love to drive alone with the windows down and the music up....did I mention ALONE? lol. I'm an introvert IRL and love nothing more than to be alone with my thoughts. So yeah...still not cleared to drive, still not on a vac, but my wound is healing up good the old fashioned way. I was actually able to see the wound bed myself yesterday, so it is coming up.
My back has been giving me problems for about 1.5 weeks and now my hip is stuck. I don't know how to explain it other than to say it keeps catching. To you normies...it's like when your knee needs to click/pop but my hips never clicks it just gets stuck with that pain....so I'm back on the codeine....hence the longest post I have made in a loooooong time. I get chatty on opiates lol.
I haven't weighed in a while....just been pluggin on. My jeans fall off me as I walk up the stairs but Im shrinking in a weird WEIRD weird way...so my jeans one size smaller (same make/brand/year) are tight and hurt my hand to put on. I've been doing okish eating wise. I have sinned and had chocolate...and omg LOL. It didn't hurt, but wow....I had no idea one person could poo so much in one night!!! And my poor husband lmao. I need some of that poopurrie asap lol. It's a really weird smell, my poo. Don't know if it's the "DS smell" but it is bazaar and smells more like a treatment plant that actual poo.
I'm terrified of trying white flour carbs or grains.....like to the point of phobia...and I have no reason to, other than I fear the pain/consequences. Wish I was chocophobic lol.
Anyhow, I hope you all are doing well. I'm doing well with all the vits and protein and I am more mobile showering every single day
Thanks for all of your help and support. The vets for cheering me through the past few years and then my generation of dser commiserating with me. What would I do without you guys?