Hi all, I'm new

Hi again! Glad you found your way here.

Never trust what some random insurance company low level employee tells you over the phone. Read your policy for yourself. No one cares about you more than you.

And I bet you never thought it would be a "good" thing to have a bmi over 50. The world of bariatric surgery is a strange one.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!!

Southern lady I actually have UHC as well, so perhaps my wife's company also overrode the 6 months thing since I see hide nor hair of it in our policy.
Dh is an GE retiree...(medically retired but retired). It was GE that did not require the 6 month diet even tho UHC did. And we even took a copy of HIS policy into Boyce's office to prove it...they were stuck on the 6 month thing...it was AFTER that that we both tried to move to his surgeon but my insurance had a cow (I was BCBSTN Medicare) about going out of state and unlike Spiky, there WAS a COE and DS surgeon in TN.
Hi Russ welcome to the group. I revised from RNY to DS my BMI was under 40 but it never came up. My Dr. said the surgery was medically necessary. Dr.s office submitted for approval in early October I was approved late October and had surgery mid-December.
Good luck
Hi Jim, I remember on the other site that you were unable to use U of C. Unfortunately I have over 50 BMI, so no problem there.
Did you look into Bariatric institute of Wisconsin in Milwaukee? They are a Center of Excellence and do the DS. I also have heard of a doc in Stevens Point that does it but have not checked into him at all. Just thought I'd throw those out there for you to look into :)
The first seminar I went to was Calvin Selwyn in Stevens Point at the time they weren't a Center of Excellence. I see they are now. I have been in contact with them and will see where it goes.
Jim, let me know how it goes. I am going to an informational meeting at Bariatric Institute in 2 weeks. Sorta drives me nuts that they all make you go to their seminars. You've seen one, you've seen them all.

Spiky, o-line is offensive lineman in football (American)

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