Yup. The luxury of a hot dog or a hamburger on a real bun. Fries. A taco. Fried rice. Toast. Fruit. Pasta. Chips. Things regular people eat every day.
It is cheat day 4:20 pm Christmas Eve to 4:20 pm Christmas day. I get to eat a banana tomorrow for breakfast. That will bring my fruit consumption for 2020 up to my 10 bite per year limit! And tonight before bed, a hot fudge sundae.
So.... I missed the basics, besides gummy bears
Is the goal as few carbs as possible?
Does fat count?
So, what's wrong with hot dogs in your scheme?
I get cheat days... but they assume a rigid discipline on non cheat days. Most of my discipline comes from theVSG, thers is just no way I can comfortably overeat at one sitting. The rest is from the DS.. it takes a lot of serious continual eating to gain back the weight.
Is it different for you?
I'm sure you have gone over this, but I've not read all 25 pages of posts