when you are completely unfit


Staff member
Jan 1, 2014
that is when exercise is most important and can make the most difference. I am now committed to getting more regular exercise and have started an accountability thread - plan on a new one every dang day. join me!

you only have to check out the fitness forum to see exercise isn't a topic we spend much time talking about - I had to battle my way through some major cobwebs to post and don't get me started on the dust bunnies.

at work I recently had a patient who has been in the hospital for months and is unable to sit on the edge of her bed without falling over she is so weak: I know how much her life will improve if we can get her to do regular exercise, very little and very gentle is all it takes but it has to be regular!*


*speaking of regular, another thing that happens we we work with patients that are mostly in bed - we get them up and they poop! since all therapist go through this, when people say "I have to get to the toilet!" we just smile and tell them we have that affect on everyone.
The answer to the problem is in your post. I found the real key is, it has to be something you are willing to do consistently. I always want it all right now and therefore I have many times been the one who sabotages herself trying to be the weekend warrior. If there is a mistake that can be made, I have probably done it. More than once even.

I hate physical activity. I hate sweating and getting all grungy. And I resent the 'waste' of time too. And it sucks to be always redoing your hair. I have found what I will do consistently is swim, walk, run. and bike. I finally gave in and got wash and wear hair.

I hate getting dirty and sweaty and grungy BUT if I am also accomplishing something that I see as worthwhile like the door downstairs that is being stripped and redone into a headboard, then I can handle dirty, sweaty, and grungy. I think it is all in the payoff. I need to see results, even if it isn't my body that is showing it but things I get done.
I have found what I will do consistently is swim, walk, run. and bike.

what about when it's too hot?

and it isn't too hot right now, right? :p

I need to see results, even if it isn't my body that is showing it but things I get done.

I'm not like that - I love moving if the music is on!

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