my job will almost certainly be going away

Have you ever thought about working for the insurance industry? As in, an office job, reviewing claims?

I sure am willing to try. just have no idea where to start.

it sounds like you have winter blues on top of all this

I'm sure, and I got a Happy Light for this but, while it worked fine a couple months ago, lately I can't use it without increased anxiety. :(
Every once in a year, I get cocky and try to go off mine. It has never ended well

I have learned a lot reading over at Surviving Antidepressants; doing what your doctor suggests - or just going off cold turkey - is not a good idea. they recommend no faster than a 10% taper then wait as long as it takes to stabilize before you taper again.

My dtr works in food safety. They are in constant need of smart workers. She is in Grand Rapids.

just now I am not so smart, seriously. I wish I was just being gloomy but I believe the reality is that decades of using SSRIs has left some brain damage that is going to take awhile to heal. and anxiety makes everything worse, of course.

I really appreciate your kind words and suggestions!
So sorry you are struggling with all this! You deserve better. If you are open to relocating, consider somewhere with more winter sunshine (though we sure don't have any today here either).
Jackie, just wanted to share that you are in my thoughts and I am sorry you have had employers recently that frankly, do not deserve you. Know that we care and think the world of you and wish we could lift the burden a bit.
If you are open to relocating, consider somewhere with more winter sunshine
Larra, usually we have sun here in the winter! but we are having a mega el nino, I guess. this is very unusual. I moved here for the climate, frankly.

thank you both for your kind thoughts.

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