Fear and uncertainty of life...damn!

This is shitty news! I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I am encouraged by the fact that this is no match for your strength and courage.
Hugs and best wishes for you and yours to fight the fight!
Oh no Kirmy. I am saddened to read this. Please stay hopeful and your feisty, wonderful self through the upcoming days. We all care and we all know you will beat this because you are a warrior. All the best.
I am so sorry to hear this, Kirmy. Good that it is tiny and doesn't know who it's dealing with. Thinking of you and sending (((((hugs)))))).
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I'm so sorry to hear this, and hate that you are having to screw around with this. Stupid fucking cancer. Sending all my best energy and mojo your way.
I am very sorry to hear this news Kirmy. Cancer sucks but you are such a strong lady. I am confident that you will win, that being said, even though you are a tough lady it is okay to be pissed, scared and even feel a little sorry for yourself before you go into battle mode.

Best wishes Hon.

For what it is worth I have had three friends in the last five years get diagnosed and they have all done very well. It seems treatment is getting better every year.
Thank you everyone. I'm dealing. Surgery on the 23rd MRI on Monday then we deal with the findings. So for now we assume the best but prepare for the worst. All will be well.
That's the way to handle things. Can David or someone come update us after your surgery.

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