VSG vs. DS (Sydney, Aus.)

Yep, K-J. I didn't want to say her name here to respect her privacy (in case that was necessary) but that was it. She is very nice. Thanks for the offer - hubby and I will be making a long weekend out of it in Melbourne (neither of us have ever been there). I'll definitely let you know when our plans are concrete - just waiting on one more verification that he can get the time off.
I can't believe I never came back to this thread and updated - I will be in Melbourne Friday to see Prof. Nottle. :) Hubby and I are driving down Thursday, and will be there Friday through Sunday, and driving home Monday. Can't wait! @K-J if you're free at all any of those days, let me know, and we can grab coffee and talk about your experiences! :)
Welp, guys - looks like no DS for me, at least not yet. Prof Nottle said that if I had a BMI of, say, 55 he'd do it all at once, no problem. But at my BMI he wants to do it in (you guessed it) two stages. So we'll get the VSG done as soon as practical, and then we'll see how the results from that are. If I still want a DS (guessing I will), hubby and I will work on popping out a kid or two :p and after we're done he'll do it for me then. He did tell me two things that didn't seem right to me: 1) You shouldn't necessarily get pregnant after the DS, because sometimes with a DS you can end up with serious malnutrition even if you take your vitamins and do everything else right (what?!) and 2) You need to follow a low-fat diet. Sigh. Even after I said "Uh, I thought we end up malabsorbing most fat, and that you just needed to make sure you didn't eat so much that it results in diarrhea, but also make sure you eat enough that you're not facing dry skin/hair, constipation, etc. I thought it was about finding a balance?" and he said "Yeah, it's about finding a balance, like most things."
I know this might be an extremely controversial, but if the procedure has to be conducted in two steps, would it be worth considering a SADI, followed by conversion to DS? That way you would get some malabsorption up front, but with a procedure which would have you under anesthesia for less time? Not ideal, but might be a decent compromise... Just a thought... Certainly not trying to push SADI in any way, just wondering if this might be one of the circumstances where it would be helpful.
The SADI is almost as much surgery as the DS - just one less anastomosis. If Dr. Nottle feels the DS is too much surgery for her bmi, chances are very, very good that he'd feel the same way about the SADI. It also might be tougher to get the full DS done later. Lots of reasons for sticking with VSG as a first step.
I'm so sorry!!!!! Did you ask him if there was anything you could do minimize your risk so he could do the whole surgery? Would he do it open?
I know this might be an extremely controversial, but if the procedure has to be conducted in two steps, would it be worth considering a SADI, followed by conversion to DS? That way you would get some malabsorption up front, but with a procedure which would have you under anesthesia for less time? Not ideal, but might be a decent compromise... Just a thought... Certainly not trying to push SADI in any way, just wondering if this might be one of the circumstances where it would be helpful.

Nope. Never. I had mine in 2 stages and I wanted nothing but a DS, a proper DS. :) 2 stages isn't the end of the world. And as for surgeons and diet advice just know this: find a surgeon who is a good CUTTER and then listen to the vets about supps and diet. :)

And @more2adore I know several post DS babies, they are ALL perfect in every way :) Just go to the surgeon for cutting and take everything else they say with healthy scepticism. :)
Hi @DuodenalSwitchaRoo , Just to be clear, a two stage procedure with a SADI first that is converted to a DS would be a proper DS the same way a VSG to DS would be. The ending anatomy would be the same. Starting with a SADI would be akin to doing 2/3 of a DS during the first stage, versus the 1/2 of a DS that a VSG represents, if that makes sense. That said, from Larra's comments, it wouldn't reduce the risks enough to make it worthwhile. But I would never even suggest something that wouldn't end up as a proper DS.
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Okay, now that I'm home and have internet access other than through my phone I can reply a little better. I changed my avatar, so don't let it confuse you.

I'm still trying to work through my feelings about the appointment. I had asked that they let me know if there would be any specific tests I'd need done or other doctors I needed to see in Melbourne prior to surgery so that I could make those appointments happen while we were down there. I didn't find out 1) that he was only willing to do a VSG on me at this time (I asked specifically if he could help me, and let them know I wanted the DS, and all they said was "yes" - they had my BMI and all my health details in front of them at the time) and that 2) they want me to see the head of surgery at the hospital where the surgery will be performed and meet with their nutritionist. All of this means ANOTHER 9-hour drive (and cost of over $1000 by the time all is said and done) just to do those two appointments. The nutritionist would be possibly willing to do a Skype session, but the other doctor has to be in person.

I honestly feel like both of those things could have been handled better by their office. While he is the only surgeon in Australia I'd trust to do a DS, there are a surgeon or two in Sydney that could handle a VSG on me at this weight since the VSG is so much easier and less complicated. We could have saved ourselves thousands of dollars we don't have (again, living off ONE income right now) when all is said and done by going with a surgeon in Sydney for the VSG and him for the DS later.

There's no way we can do the VSG, wait 18 months, have the DS, and then wait another 18 months after THAT to have kids, even if we wanted to. I will be 36 by the time I have the VSG - that's 37.5 years old at MINIMUM before the DS, and 39 before we can start even TRYING post-DS. I just feel like we're already in a race against time here given my age - I would feel awful if we waited that long to try and then couldn't have children due to my age. :( So I think since he's unwilling to do the DS in one procedure, it's going to have to be VSG, then a few years' break (time for at least one kid... I hope), then the DS (and hopefully he'll consider resleeving me too?) I don't like that idea, either, but I really feel like I'm in a bad position here.

I also met with a friend in Melbourne - someone I've known for a couple of years online who lives in Melbourne. I went and had tea at her house, and we got to talking about our various health issues. She told me she'd had weight loss surgery, and (before she even knew I was considering WLS) was telling me the absolute horrific story about her surgeon and how absolutely bullying and cruel he was to her, how he wouldn't listen to her or other doctors when she said something was wrong, etc. I can't get into more specific details or he/his office would know who it was if they ran across this post. But... it was an absolutely horrible experience for her. I asked "Who was your surgeon?" while thinking "PLEASE don't be him. PLEASE don't be him. PLEASE don't be him." And... you can probably guess... it was. Same surgeon. My husband and I were stunned and there was this hugely awkward silence where we had to explain to her what had just happened.

Quite honestly, I'm pretty depressed about all this and I don't know what the right answer is anymore. I have a job interview Tuesday so I can't schedule the VSG until I know whether or not I got that job, as if I did, I obviously can't be out for surgery right away. It'd be a six-month contract job, so I'd probably just schedule it for after that's over. Sigh. :(
@more2adore , just wanted to give you a huge virtual hug. It must be incredibly frustrating. I'd have to say that looking to get a VSG in Sydney with a skilled VSG surgeon seems to be a good contingency plan for stage 1, and would have some serious advantages. Wishing you the best!
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A VSG might, MIGHT be enough to get you small enough for kiddos. I got down to 440....regained to 450....but that was with debilitating disability and no ability to exercise. And you are starting off 100+ lbs smaller than me, so you COULD see the 300's. It won't be easy, and you WILL have to work your ass off and you WILL have to diet...but dieting post VSG is a walk in the park compared to trying to diet pre-op.

Dare I suggest this? Have a VSG where you are, with a GOOD surgeon experienced in operating on the super obese....get as low as you can, have a kiddo, then get your then chubby ass on a plane and go to Dr K in cali ;)

BREATHE! Everything happens for a reason, a time or a season.

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