VSG to DS: 9 Weeks Post-Op (LOW CARBS!)

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This post made my day! Interesting that we are losing at the same rate. I was really disappointed at first, but now that my perspective has adjusted, I'm okay. It wasn't that long ago that I began to feel that I'd never be below 300 pounds again, and today I'm 275, so I'm close to saying that the surgery was already worth it! Glad you are here and I look forward to hearing all about your journey too :)

Yes ma'm!! Please share your list when you have it together!!
It's great you were able to see the problem and fix it logically. Maybe about the hair loss but most attribute it to anesthesia and general trauma. I didn't lose any hair but my sister almost went bald. We both have really crappy hair anyway.

Some people still do well while eating carbs but...almost all the time they are back in a couple years fighting the regain or trying to lose the last 30lbs. Or they are male. The DS just works better for them.

Feel free to ignore my advice. I know you are a smart woman and very capable. If I was in your place, I would cut the carbs even more. I would want to give myself the best possible shot to get the weight off. And I would do everything I could to increase my activity level.

I didn't get a 'good' DS. My CC is supposed to be 75 but I don't believe it. I never had any easy weight loss and I have had 0 deficiencies over the years. You will never know how badly I wanted to be one of those wearing size 0 jeans and complaining about losing too much...but of course it didn't go that way for me. That's why I tell everyone to put the hammer down and lose as much as possible as fast as possible because it will never get any easier to lose than it is right now. I want everyone to have the best possible chance to reach their goals.

Thank you for sharing and for the advice. I do want to try lowering my carbs even more, but it seems like when I do, then I cave and carb binge... trying to find that balance. I didn't realize that's why people lost their hair!
How time flies once you have to go back to work and resume life. But many of you have asked that I continue to post updates on this particular revision surgery. I will try to make these updates more frequent as I know it is super helpful to see someone else's story.

Weight Loss
My surgery was Jan 24 so I am 9 weeks out. On the day of surgery I was 301 pounds and today I weigh 276, so that's a 25 pound weight loss. Yep, MUCH slower than everyone I see or read about that got, well, really, any other surgery. During my revision surgery, my stomach was not re-sleeved. Sometimes I wish it was so that I could experience the fast weight loss that I see others have. However, with a DS, it is imperative to consume enough protein and fat. Almost immediately, I was able to do that with no problems AT ALL. I feel healthy and I don't think I will lose any of my hair because of this. Maybe more important than fast weight loss?

What do I eat right after surgery?

Well, I will tell you that I can literally eat anything I want. And that was the case immediately as well. Once home from the hospital, it only took 3-4 days to have my appetite back. And my stomach was untouched so it was VERY difficult to not indulge. I was eating food 5 days after surgery. I'm not telling you to do this as my surgeon gave me the same instructions as the gastric bypass and first timers of not eating food until 2 weeks post-op. What I did do was eat protein only, and very mashed up. I ate fried eggs (mashed) and scrambled eggs. I ate refried beans with sour cream and mashed up avocados. And I ate tuna salad with full fat mayo and hard-boiled eggs. By 2 weeks out, I was finally not constipated, and really ate anything I wanted. HOWEVER...

What not to eat:
I KNEW not to eat sugars and high carb foods, but I did it anyway. This is my 2nd surgery and I went through all of the classes and read up on eating disorders, so you'd think I would have known better. But I suppose that something was in the back of my mind telling me that I absorb far fewer calories now so go ahead and eat what you want. Let me tell you - don't do this! Weight loss completely stopped. I stayed at 286 for almost 3 weeks straight and this was only like a month post-op. I was eating between 150-250 carbs per day. I don't know if carbs affect everyone like this, but I want to share my mistakes and experience. Had I continued on this track, I suspect my DS Revision would have just maintained me for life at 286 pounds, at best. I wanted much more than that.

Bathroom Issues
Yep, the higher carbs story gets worse. I went from constipation (right after surgery) to full on diarrhea. I was going 3-4 times a day and I even had a few accidents. Talk about being horrified! So there I was just fresh out of a revision surgery that I had to SELF-PAY for no less... not losing a bit of weight, running to the bathroom, and pooping my pants! OHHHHHHH... the other thing I had DAILY was the most horrible smelling CONSTANT gas. These are the horror stories that you read about DS. And they are VERY REAL... but don't have to be.

The Cure
So about 3 weeks ago, I had to have a reality check with myself. I spent an entire weekend studying this site (again!) and others on the proper way to nourish and take care of myself after this surgery. (So no lectures please - I took care of it already ;) I made food plans. I shopped for high protein, satisfying foods. I made menus consisting of 100-150 grams of protein a day (we only absorb approximately 50%) and around 100-125 grams of fat per day (we only absorb around 20-50%). (Also, I found that I needed the higher fat to avoid constipation.) I immediately felt better. No gas. No smells. Only a morning bathroom trip and then done for the day. Plus I'm eating some very tasty food! (By the way, I'm often pushing 1800-2000 calories). For sweets, I am currently hooked on organic strawberries smothered in heavy whipped cream. Sometimes I'll go grab a spoonful of peanut butter. My daily carb intake is now down to around 50-60, and I seem to do okay with that. Total weight loss in the last 3 weeks after finally eating right: 10 pounds. Effortless.

So I've already made a ton of mistakes. I'm definitely on a journey and the surgery was NOT the easy button. But if I make the proper diet modifications, which are still MUCH easier than the other surgeries, then it is one heck of a great tool to get this weight off and regain health.
Stefanie S., I love your posts! They are so helpful and inspiring! Please do keep posting all your experiences, you are such an inspiration. I was really getting scared the closer it is getting, but reading your posts have eased my fear a bit. Also I would love to see your posts on high carb and low carb foods. For decades, I have been told you only need to count calories, so I never knew anything about carbs (high or low), but I want to learn. I leave for California next Tuesday and have surgery Friday. I'm so anxious to be on your side! I am so happy I found this website, it has been such a help, everyone on this site is so willing to share their knowledge.
Stefanie S., I love your posts! They are so helpful and inspiring! Please do keep posting all your experiences, you are such an inspiration. I was really getting scared the closer it is getting, but reading your posts have eased my fear a bit. Also I would love to see your posts on high carb and low carb foods. For decades, I have been told you only need to count calories, so I never knew anything about carbs (high or low), but I want to learn. I leave for California next Tuesday and have surgery Friday. I'm so anxious to be on your side! I am so happy I found this website, it has been such a help, everyone on this site is so willing to share their knowledge.
I will definitely be posting on carbs soon. Wow, only 6 more days. You got this!! When you're feeling up to it, let us know how your'e doing :)

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