Today’s bad news…

Bariatric & Weight Loss Surgery Forum

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I'm so sorry! I've been there, and no matter what the circumstances it's so very tough to go through. Sending lots of sympathy her way (and your way, too).
Yes, she will. Has she ever lost a pet before?

Yes. Herbird and Albirda, her finches, when she was six or seven, and Pepper, a sickly cat she rescued but knew death was coming. But Monkey has been there with her, through thick and thin, for TWENTY years. They are on their way to the 24-hour vet for euthanasia. Cannot stand, swallow, eat…so sad to see. I may need to head over to her house with some Lorazepam.

Monkey then:

Monkey today:

I'm so sorry. My heart breaks for MiniSue, you and all who have loved Monkey. It's one of the hardest things to endure.
My condolences to you both. Those furry babies occupy such precious space in our lives. When I lost my dog of 16 years I was anchorless and adrift for a long time... The grief was just as intense as when I've lost humans, if not moreso because she was such an anchor in my life and was always there for me. My heart goes out to you guys. <3

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