This is NOT a boast - it is a curious observation


Bad Cop
Dec 30, 2013
San Jose
I work from home. Some days, I never manage to even get dressed - because I don't have to (this is NOT a good thing, because it also means I don't go outside and get exercise, but that's a different issue). I've mostly been wearing stretch capris from Costco year round, because why should I spend money on "real" clothes?

We leave on Wednesday for a trip back east, to my 40th college reunion, and then to NYC to see friends and go to see Phantom of the Opera, and then down to NoVA where I will be going into my office for the first time in over a year (up until now, I had gone back for a week at a time 3-5 time a year, but this last year, the firm was in a cash flow crunch and I simply had no need to be there), and to see my mom and sister (OldBroad); while in the office, a potential new client from Asia will be coming in for a meet-n-greet. So - I have to dress up and look fancy/professional a few times in the next couple of weeks. This is NOT my favorite thing to do, AT.ALL.

Last summer, I was interviewing for a job in Europe and had to be prepared for a last minute trip to the UK for a formal interview (which never happened :-( ) - so I bought some fit-for-interviewing slacks and sheath dresses and jackets and tops, most of which I have never worn. I knew I needed some kind of foundation garments to smooth the lumpy parts, so I tried them on yesterday for my daughter (who got her taste, style and discernment from someone other than me) and made her go with me to the mall. She noted that my bras (from Soma) were not doing the job they needed to in keeping the girls up where they belong, so after a brief diversion to the dress sale at Macy's (CUTE 50's style sundresses are in this year - VERY flattering! I got one!), we headed for lingerie. I hate that place.

After trying to wriggle and writhe into a variety of Spanx-type options of varying levels of ridiculousness and discomfort (and keeping in mind that my nearly 62 year old, post-2-babies bladder gives me about 90 seconds of leeway between the thought that I have to pee and the inevitable release of sphincter control), I found a thigh-to-just-under the bra shorts type of compression garment that had sufficient smoothing vs. suffocation factor, and which I can peel off quickly enough. And then - the bra shopping.

First, I should be grateful that Macy's carries Wacoal bras - they didn't use to carry anything near the sizes I need, and now they do. But DAMN! I have lost a little bit of weight recently - just enough to be under 200 some days - and I'm post-menopausal, so HOW IN THE HELL are my boobs getting BIGGER?

I left Macy's with 4 new bras (don't ask the price), two 38Gs and two 36Hs. I didn't even know bras CAME in those sizes.

And at least to me, my boobs don't look that outsized - about 1/3 of what's in there is side-boobage from excess skin that needs to be removed, but I can't deal with the idea of more reconstructive surgery. But those bra sizes sound ridiculous!

But they do make the dresses fit better.

Anyone else getting BIGGER? Or are they just changing the bra sizes these days - some kind of reverse vanity sizing?
Just so you know, it could be worse, before a reduction, my sister-in-law wore a size J bra. To answer your question, no, I am not getting bigger. Soon, I will be just stretched out skin with a golf ball inside, not pretty. I used to be a small D. Where does the cute sun dress hit on your legs? I want a dress that falls below the knee. I can only find dresses that barely cover the vagina.
Reverse vanity sizing in bras is a thing. Victoria's Secret does it, because you're supposed to feel amazing that you're now a 38 DDD. Personally, I feel like the Amazing Massive Mammary Woman form Mars...but...yeah, a lot of bra makers do that now.
I find it also depends on the bra...I also have a serious case of side boobage. So I need the wide sides. And thanks to two back surgeries, I prefer the ones that close in the front...and NO underwire. (Yes, I am picky). I have ONE brand I prefer that fills all those requirements. And due to the front closure, it actually is a size larger than a back closure would be. Cause unlike a back closure with two to 4 (depending on size) of the hooks, you only get ONE set of hooks up front.
I love Wacoal Bras I have been wearing them for years they last forever.

I went from a 46 DD to a 34 C mostly skin. When I take off the bra its golf balls in tube socks. If I was younger I would have a boob job.

I need a dress for a 50th Birthday dinner party in San Diego. I've been trolling on line not seeing anything even remotely acceptable. I do not do sleeveless...Maybe I'll head to Bloomingdales or Macy's in SF to see what's acceptable.

Have a good trip.
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Got distracted yesterday after taking the pic of the dress and forgot to post it. It hits right at the knee. And it has pockets! I love a dress with pockets!

you look marvelous! I got to say, I laughed out loud at your shopping story - only because I can relate so much to the "oh I gotta pee" - to the oh shit I did!
@Whit - I have a hot pink 3/4 length very light swing sweater that is almost an exact match for the hot pink in the dress - I'll be covering my arms until and unless it becomes too hot, even though I had my arms done - I never went back for fine-tuning the scars and 5 years and some weight gain later, my arms are no longer tight anyway.
yes!!!!!! Pre sleeve I was a 56 C. Post sleeve weight loss I was a 50 D and now.......48 HH!!!!!!!!! Bloody hell. Like yours, some of my UMPH is from side boob, but STILL!!!! I've found Lane Bryant the best so far as Im still large around and the sides are very wide and don't roll up.

Yay for you finding support garments that work. I have some spanx I love that aren't typical spanx. More like knee to under boob strong pantyhose. I have other types supposed to fit that look like a size 10. so yeah lol.

Your dress looks FAB! <3 love it!
You look lovely in that dress! :)

I wear a 34-36 F-G depending on brand/style. I usually get bras from as they carry quite a variety of options in my size. They also carry swimsuits by bra size for buxom figures, which is helpful. Elomi and Fantasie are my favorite brands.

Outside of bras, I refuse to wear shapewear. I enjoy breathing too much!
A FB friend posted that she visited the Rudi Gernreich exhibit at a museum - it reminded me that I had thought of him when I was shopping for Spanx - I tried this monstrosity on (no it didn't look like that on me, and it was impossible to get in or out of unassisted):

Reminded me of this iconic design:


(@southernlady and @MsJacquiiC - I wish we had control to size down (or up) our photos!!)
I have one like that Diana (the top one lol not the bottom one!) And I tried in on once...and then thought, if I need a wee I would have to get 100% undressed and then redressed and then Id be a hot mess by the end of it lol. No thanks to full body spanx! I'd post a pic of me in my bra and spanx but I don't want to burn your retinas out lol