Super Bowl

I'm thinking hot hors d'oeuvres - meatballs in spicy pasta sauce; queso dip/nachos; smoky links in Q sauce. A pot of chili plus cornbead with diced Ortega chilis. Those mini-quiches from Costco. And shrimp cocktail.
I will be drinking a bottle of foul tasting bowel cleanse. It will be a night to remember!! Lol!

Do you have a TV in the potty? If not plan to miss a bit of the game. As this is very fresh in my mind, have some Cottonelle wipes handy, and maybe a little Desitin or what ever butt goo you prefer. Things tend to get a little sore.

Drink lots of water and keep drinking it right up till midnight. It will help flush everything through.

BTW, I did not find the mag. cit. foul tasting. It was, to me, like a cherry sour candy. Not horrible.
It will be foul tasting to me - no matter the flavour - for the night I will be having! ;) Got the wipes - thanks for the rec on the butt-goo! I will get some of that...I think the stuff in my medicine cabinet is 19 yrs of age (when man-child was in nappies!). Lol
I don't think Diana realizes how many of us will be showing up at her door.

I'm partying at another persons house, so will check and see what is already on the menu and fill in all gaps. I'll make sure that all of the meat food groups are well represented, as well as at least 5 interesting cheeses (I am SUCH a cheese whore!) and some stuff like artichoke / parmesan / spinach dip, and bacon wrapped pepper poppers.

And being from western WA when our beloved hawks are playing, there will be extra insanity necessary. This will require my new love - strawberry infused MOONSHINE! I found this stuff and Costco, and thought moonshine was supposed to be strong, but basically taste like rot. NOT SO. This stuff is actually sippable straight- no need for multiple mixers. There were a few other fruit infused flavors I bought, but haven't tried yet. Hopefully I won't be too hammered to catch the game.

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