Sunday Weigh In (9/1/2024)

Last week 137
This week 137

I have a peer seminar paper due tomorrow. Is it done? No. Have I known about this for long enough that I've had plenty of time to get it done? Yes. Was this something I actually did not have to do and signed myself up for this? Also yes.

Anyway, so I'll be here procrastinating.
Last week 137
This week 137

I have a peer seminar paper due tomorrow. Is it done? No. Have I known about this for long enough that I've had plenty of time to get it done? Yes. Was this something I actually did not have to do and signed myself up for this? Also yes.

Anyway, so I'll be here procrastinating.
Doing good on holding the weight.
You have the Queen of Procrastination here on this board. @DianaCox
She loves to procrastinate. So you are in good company.
142.5 pounds

141.0 pounds

Yesterday was my 10 month post DS! So grateful!
You are doing awesome. Are you ready for maintenance or want to drop a few more lbs just in case?
Last week 137
This week 137

I have a peer seminar paper due tomorrow. Is it done? No. Have I known about this for long enough that I've had plenty of time to get it done? Yes. Was this something I actually did not have to do and signed myself up for this? Also yes.

Anyway, so I'll be here procrastinating.
I am you. 🫶🏻
I'm back 😁 goodness I slept a few days away. I made sure to email my professors and let them know I'll be basically out for the rest of the week, but that I'll do as much as I mentally can considering.

Surgery was 08/28/2024
Surgery went well, still struggling with sleepiness. My normal.

I had Cindy look at my post op report (FB was not letting me post it in the group because the text was too long) and confirmed it was a conservative DS

200 cm Common Channel
100 cm Roux Limb
Total Alimentary Limb Length is 300 cm

I'm struggling with pain and not able to move much due to said pain. I've used ice packs and the acetaminophen the Dr Rx'd, but I'm at a loss on what else to do.

So far since I got home I've hit my 60oz liquid goal and 60g protein goal and staying strong. I'm not able to drink much more than that just yet.

My daughter (17) has been helping me since I can barely move due to the pain (I'm highly sensitive to pain) and my PA comes in on Monday. PA is available Monday -Friday in the morning and my daughter will help me with other tasks as needed. I've offered her a cash incentive so it doesn't before a chore for her.

Thank you again everyone for helping walk me through this journey, without y'all I literally would not be here right now 🫶🏻

Last week 412
This week 406.2

HW 475
CW 406.2
GW 160 (Not sure)

Surgery date 08/28/24
I'm back 😁 goodness I slept a few days away. I made sure to email my professors and let them know I'll be basically out for the rest of the week, but that I'll do as much as I mentally can considering.

Surgery was 08/28/2024
Surgery went well, still struggling with sleepiness. My normal.

I had Cindy look at my post op report (FB was not letting me post it in the group because the text was too long) and confirmed it was a conservative DS

200 cm Common Channel
100 cm Roux Limb
Total Alimentary Limb Length is 300 cm

I'm struggling with pain and not able to move much due to said pain. I've used ice packs and the acetaminophen the Dr Rx'd, but I'm at a loss on what else to do.

So far since I got home I've hit my 60oz liquid goal and 60g protein goal and staying strong. I'm not able to drink much more than that just yet.

My daughter (17) has been helping me since I can barely move due to the pain (I'm highly sensitive to pain) and my PA comes in on Monday. PA is available Monday -Friday in the morning and my daughter will help me with other tasks as needed. I've offered her a cash incentive so it doesn't before a chore for her.

Thank you again everyone for helping walk me through this journey, without y'all I literally would not be here right now 🫶🏻

Last week 412
This week 406.2

HW 475
CW 406.2
GW 160 (Not sure)

Surgery date 08/28/24
Some people have a low tolerance to pain, others a high tolerance. I’m in the last crowd.

I’m sorry you are in such pain. Try to avoid opioids cause they will cause constipation. Maybe a heating pad rotating with the ice packs along with Tylenol. But stay ahead of the pain.

As far as fluid goal, protein shakes count toward that. So you are doing fantastic.

Remember this will pass and become a distant memory.
Some people have a low tolerance to pain, others a high tolerance. I’m in the last crowd.

I’m sorry you are in such pain. Try to avoid opioids cause they will cause constipation. Maybe a heating pad rotating with the ice packs along with Tylenol. But stay ahead of the pain.

As far as fluid goal, protein shakes count toward that. So you are doing fantastic.

Remember this will pass and become a distant memory.
I didn't realize protein shakes count towards it, that helps so much, thank you!! I was getting worried as to how am I going to get in all of my protein and water. 🫶🏻

Just ordered some more ice packs to be delivered (to constantly have one ready), will be here shortly. Doctor only gave 5 tabs of pain meds, now it's just Tylenol and a belly band. 🤞🏻

I didn't even think of a heating pad, going to have my daughter get it now as it's put in a wooden chest.

Thank you!
wow, holy cow!

you are doing great, but sorry to hear about so much pain. Liz is right, try ice, heat, anything that helps and keep on going. so far, so good!
Thank you!

I just ordered a toilet riser as that would at least help with going up and down and the pulling (which makes it so much worse) PT sent me home with a different walker, I usually use a rollator because I have POTS, but he sent me home with the basic Walker that's load-bearing so I'm able to push on to it when I try to get out of bed and it's been helping a little 🤍
Doing good on holding the weight.
You have the Queen of Procrastination here on this board. @DianaCox
She loves to procrastinate. So you are in good company.

You are doing awesome. Are you ready for maintenance or want to drop a few more lbs just in case?
Good morning!

On 7/30/24, I had a follow-up appointment with my cardiologist. I was hospitalized on 7/22-7/26, diagnosed with bradycardia and hypotension. He advised me to not lose anymore weight. I about fell out my chair when I heard that! I have never been told that, like EVER!

I, at that moment, thanked God, I have a therapist to talk to deal with the emotional roller coaster I feel I am on.

I was 146.2 pounds that day.

I have been in constant contact with my bariactric nutritionist and bariactric surgical team. I am trying to just maintain my weight the best I can. But it has been hard to not lose weight due to my current health issue.

Long, long story short, I have been trying to get an endoscopy/colonoscopy since 6/20/24 because I have been experiencing severe stomach spasms and burning. But, due to my hypotension and bradycardia, the gastroenterologist would touch, rightfully so. I have not be able to eat much. But trying to prioritize protein.

I have been taking BP increasing meds since my hospital stay and my BP has drastic improved!

The gastroenterologist is comfortable performing the procedure, which will be this Friday, September 6th.
Thank you!

I just ordered a toilet riser as that would at least help with going up and down and the pulling (which makes it so much worse) PT sent me home with a different walker, I usually use a rollator because I have POTS, but he sent me home with the basic Walker that's load-bearing so I'm able to push on to it when I try to get out of bed and it's been helping a little 🤍
I'm back 😁 goodness I slept a few days away. I made sure to email my professors and let them know I'll be basically out for the rest of the week, but that I'll do as much as I mentally can considering.

Surgery was 08/28/2024
Surgery went well, still struggling with sleepiness. My normal.

I had Cindy look at my post op report (FB was not letting me post it in the group because the text was too long) and confirmed it was a conservative DS

200 cm Common Channel
100 cm Roux Limb
Total Alimentary Limb Length is 300 cm

I'm struggling with pain and not able to move much due to said pain. I've used ice packs and the acetaminophen the Dr Rx'd, but I'm at a loss on what else to do.

So far since I got home I've hit my 60oz liquid goal and 60g protein goal and staying strong. I'm not able to drink much more than that just yet.

My daughter (17) has been helping me since I can barely move due to the pain (I'm highly sensitive to pain) and my PA comes in on Monday. PA is available Monday -Friday in the morning and my daughter will help me with other tasks as needed. I've offered her a cash incentive so it doesn't before a chore for her.

Thank you again everyone for helping walk me through this journey, without y'all I literally would not be here right now 🫶🏻

Last week 412
This week 406.2

HW 475
CW 406.2
GW 160 (Not sure)

Surgery date 08/28/24
Congratulations on your surgery! I am sorry you are in a lot of pain though. I have a very low tolerance for pain, myself.
Thank you!

Having a low pain tolerance is the worst 🥺 if I could just get it to stay at a 6/10 I would be golden. I have migraines, but this pain is extremely different. I could handle a 6/10.

I got a grabber yesterday and toilet riser today. The riser should arrive tomorrow, and that will definitely help. 🤍

Soon this pain will be a memory 🙏🏻
Thank you!

Having a low pain tolerance is the worst 🥺 if I could just get it to stay at a 6/10 I would be golden. I have migraines, but this pain is extremely different. I could handle a 6/10.

I got a grabber yesterday and toilet riser today. The riser should arrive tomorrow, and that will definitely help. 🤍

Soon this pain will be a memory 🙏🏻
Having a high pain tolerance is almost as bad. I’m usually about dead before I’ll admit I need help. If I say I’m in pain, it’s usually an 11 out of 10! I get that from my daddy. He even did dental work without Novocaine.
Having a high pain tolerance is almost as bad. I’m usually about dead before I’ll admit I need help. If I say I’m in pain, it’s usually an 11 out of 10! I get that from my daddy. He even did dental work without Novocaine.
Oh my goodness 😲 I didn't realize high tolerance could get that high! That's super scary. Especially the novacaine (a little impressive, but scary!)

My significant other has a high pain tolerance, but he'll voice it at about an 8.

I couldn't even imagine 11/10 😢
🤍🤍🤍🤍 Is there a reason that this happens to us? Why we have different tolerances? I understand that pain is subjective but is there something scientific behind it?

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