Sunday Weigh In (8/4/2024)


Staff member
Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
Last week 122
This week 119
We’ve been away from organized religion for quite some time but after my life altering scare with my heart attack, we have decided to find a church to attend.

I grew up Presbyterian, he grew up Baptist, but we both attended other denominations. I went to a Catholic high school long ago so I’m comfortable there as well. What I like about the Catholic Church is they have Saturday Mass. And the Catholic Church is all over here. So that’s where we are trying. We did decide we need a church family.
Last week 122
This week 119
We’ve been away from organized religion for quite some time but after my life altering scare with my heart attack, we have decided to find a church to attend.

I grew up Presbyterian, he grew up Baptist, but we both attended other denominations. I went to a Catholic high school long ago so I’m comfortable there as well. What I like about the Catholic Church is they have Saturday Mass. And the Catholic Church is all over here. So that’s where we are trying. We did decide we need a church family.
I hope both of you find the utmost peace and comfort with your church family 🤍 the scare of the heart attack is terrifying. 🫂
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted—seems I say that every time I post!

Last week: 170.4
This week: 167.8

I’ve been on estrogen and progesterone for 2 months now to get some of these perimenopause symptoms under control.

I hope there’s some shift in my weight since I believe my challenges with losing are related to the ‘pause. Actually, I think the gain is also related.

I want to get back down to favorite 155.
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted—seems I say that every time I post!

Last week: 170.4
This week: 167.8

I’ve been on estrogen and progesterone for 2 months now to get some of these perimenopause symptoms under control.

I hope there’s some shift in my weight since I believe my challenges with losing are related to the ‘pause. Actually, I think the gain is also related.

I want to get back down to favorite 155.
Hey, you lost a bit. I was lucky. Went through menopause and didn’t even notice it. Of course, having the baby hotel removed in ‘94 helped.
147.4 pounds

147.1 pounds

This past week has been a whirlwind. Emotionally and physically.

One of these days, I am going to update everyone.

I have had quite the adventure since 7/12/24 until now.

Have a great week everyone!
147.4 pounds

147.1 pounds

This past week has been a whirlwind. Emotionally and physically.

One of these days, I am going to update everyone.

I have had quite the adventure since 7/12/24 until now.

Have a great week everyone!
You lost some.

When you are ready, we’re here to listen. If you need it to be private let me know, ok? I can handle that for you.
Wishing everyone a good week ahead. It's one of the last here before Hannah leaves our Chicagoland nest for a college in the Boston area. Planning to stop chomping on carbs once she spreads her wings and this knee injury of mine allows better mobility....
Wishing everyone a good week ahead. It's one of the last here before Hannah leaves our Chicagoland nest for a college in the Boston area. Planning to stop chomping on carbs once she spreads her wings and this knee injury of mine allows better mobility....
That's definitely hard 🤍 hugs
well, just had my annual labs (well most, they missed a few so I'll have to go back) and my protein is suuuupper low. Time to get back on the protein shake bandwagon. I gotta remember all the things I did in the beginning to take care of my self and stop letting my "I want now" take over my common sense. :|

My ferritin is also at 34 (same as last year, so holding steady) but still lower than I like. I'm going to push for an infusion. It's been about 3 years since I've had one.
talitali, I use protein waters, about three years ago me and protein shakes divorced each other.

Which ones do you like? Most just taste really off to me.

I don’t mind protein shakes at all, I use cold brew coffee in some, hot coffee in others, and I have some clear ones that I like.

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