Stationary and now we are officially West “by God” Virginia residents

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Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
As the title mentioned, we are officially residents. Got our DL, voter registration, and tags.

But this last 4 months have not been without challenges and none related to moving here. In fact, it may be the best thing we did.

The day we got here, we discovered we came extremely close to losing our back axle. If you don’t know how the axles are attached, this will be hard to understand. But we have spring hangers that are hung from the axle with a UBolt and there is a plate that is welded to the frame. Well, the one on the door side sheared off, the UBolt came loose from and that spring hanger twisted as well as the back axle. It twisted almost 90 degrees. If it had been for our upgrade in 2019 to a heavier shackle hanger had not happened, that back axle would have completely left us and caused several accidents including us. Our rig is too heavy for just one axle.

Well, we opened a claim with our insurance company that was a full replacement policy. Our rig had an MSRP of 132,000. (nowhere near what we paid), but it would allow us to get a new one.

The insurance company played diddlefart but much of it was due to Covid restrictions. He hasn’t been allowed to come view damage til just the last month.

In the meantime, we were assuming it just needed fixing. Lippert, the maker of the frame for 98% of the industry and Dexter, the maker of the axles have both stepped up to the plate and sent most of the parts to us free of charge. And we’ve fixed most of it. We were reattaching the tire on the back axle when we discovered a possible bent frame issue. Bent frames can not be fixed and the rig is typically totaled. We are waiting for their decision now. The welder accidentally popped a hydraulic line, Lippert sent a new one, but we’ve had bottle jacks and Jack stands on each side since the leveling jacks are all hydraulic. Then we tried to catch the underbelly on fire with the welding torch, fire extinguisher was a life saver. In trying to fix the wheel, hubby and I almost tipped the rig over. Charles gets about one good day a week of help from me.

Yesterday, we went to the Pittsburgh RV Show. Saw lots of rigs. Prices have gone up. Most were travel trailers and fifth wheels.

But first, hoping we get this one totaled, we pay off this loan, we got approved for a VA loan but need about 8K in the bank since this is the first time I‘ve used it and there are some extra fees. So of the remainder, we will put that in an account and then get a house. We have several on a list to look at. Once in the house and our furniture gets to us out of storage, we will consider our next rig. We won’t go big like this one which is 43 ft nose to tail. Looking at 30-35 ft this time and a travel trailer is not out of the running. The one we really want is not yet in production but saw a rep from that company and they are starting production next month. If this all pans out as we hope, it will be mid Nov before we need it.

We are looking at a mid profile 30RLS Alliance Fifth Wheel. In most RV’s you can figure out the floor plan from its model number. 30 is the inside front to back living length, RL is rear living. Not sure what the S is for. If our current one had a number instead of a name, it would be a 41RL.

But we don’t need it for full time if we are living in a house. And traveling about 6 weeks at Christmas. And maybe 4-6 weeks around the year.
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Thank goodness that bolt held. I am so glad you and Charles are safe. I live in New York I am retired and I want to relocate. What influenced your decision to settle in West Virginia? Before the pandemic I was visiting friends in different locations to test some locations. Unfortunately, COVID-19 stopped my exploration.
Yikes! I hope you can at least break even, if not come out ahead on this.

Our coach is in the shop right now for maintenance and repairs (some electrical issues we noticed on the last trip), but we are hoping to leave for California for several weeks as soon as Dad finishes his chemo and radiation for stage 2 bladder cancer, gets a scan and cystoscopy, and a first dose of immunotherapy. I’m so looking forward to seeing our kids!

I love long trips in the RV, but I also need to have a home base with access to my stuff
Thank goodness that bolt held. I am so glad you and Charles are safe. I live in New York I am retired and I want to relocate. What influenced your decision to settle in West Virginia? Before the pandemic I was visiting friends in different locations to test some locations. Unfortunately, COVID-19 stopped my exploration.
In all our relocating during Charles’ working years. one of our stops was Moon Township just north of Pittsburgh. We loved it so decided to come stay in the area. It didn’t hurt that we are “doctor groupies” and his shunt surgeon and my spine surgeon had relocated to Wheeling Hospital in Wheeling WV as the chair of Neurosurgery. Plus most of Pittsburgh is only about an hour away for some good health care.

We considered Washington County PA which is the county right next door. But the property taxes are sky high.

After spending several months here, while this area is poor in things, they are rich in things we consider important like caring, niceness, helpfulness.

And assuming things go how we want, we found a house we like that I’m watching!
Yikes! I hope you can at least break even, if not come out ahead on this.
Depends on which policy they use. The one mentioned above was in force when this happened so it should be the one used (but you know how insurance companies are). The one in force for the last month is not as generous. It isn’t a full replacement (as in based on the MSRP of what we paid). But it will pay off what we owe. Doesn’t help as it doesn’t give us the extra cash to buy the house.
wow, I am glad there wasn't some kind of axel failure while you were on the freeway.

I was really kidding myself back when I thought I could live in an RV. it's all too damn complicated for me, seriously.
After spending several months here, while this area is poor in things, they are rich in things we consider important like caring, niceness, helpfulness.

And assuming things go how we want, we found a house we like that I’m watching!

I'm so glad you found a place where you like the people and I hope the house you like works out.
what is the weather like there?

I know WV had lots of mountains, are you IN some?
I'm so glad you found a place where you like the people and I hope the house you like works out.
what is the weather like there?

I know WV had lots of mountains, are you IN some?
Well, this month we had a stretch when we didn’t get to 60 for an entire week. It’s been on the upswing for a week now. And by tomorrow we should hit 80 or above for a week. Then back into the 70’s. We tend to get morning fog as we are right on the river that creates the Ohio Valley.

Mountains surround us. Almost every road east or west goes uphill first. And I do mean uphill. The road we take to Washington, Pa is not the interstate but is a truck route. And there are some inclines at 9-10%. But for now, our rig isn’t actually IN the mountains as we are only about 300 yards from the Ohio river. But where we are isn’t in a flood plain.
Wow. Glad you are okay! Sounds like you have a good future plan. Hope you find an amazing new house and new rig to come. :)

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