Hi...thanks for missing me!
We have been deciding, and acting on decisions...and spending money and getting tired.
Essentially, we will probably return to SoCal. Maybe this summer. I have health issues, he has health issues--nothing overwhelming at the minute--my sister (in So Cal) has health issues, her husband...my age... has buried his two (younger) brothers in the past two years reminding us that we might not last forever. Meanwhile, daughter has decided to accept a job offer that will be better for her in the long run, but offers almost zero flexibility in terms of hours...aaaaand, that will--sooner or later--mean that neither she nor her bf will be able to to take his little one to school AND get themselves to work on time. IOW, it will take a village to raise each other!
UNFORTUNATELY, we bought this money pit with the notion we would be here a while, and poured a shitload of money into it. So we probably need to rent it out for a few years. We are not "underwater" on a loan, we just invested more than we can get out right away and we DON'T want to take a bath on it. Meanwhile, a couple of neighbors decided this was a good time to unload fixer-uppers, thus producing lower-priced "comps" for anyone we'd want to sell to. And yet, to rent it, we need to spend more...re-plastering and fencing the pool. And we HATE renting out houses; we seem to be experts at finding normal, responsible people just before they go over the deep end and become unemployed, divorcing, deadbeat ********.
So we are up to our ***** in alligators.
And I think I got some bad shrimp when we went out. Two a.m. potty calls are a pretty good sign.