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@brooklyngirl I honestly never thought about the beans. I know Scott mentioned the garbonzo beans to me too. I have been gassy and my belly just flipping' feels bad - but never related it to the beans. huh! who knew - I'll change to regular protein - just had some really good turkey breast - and see what happens!
Wow, no offense but that surgeon is full of horseshit. What a terrible thing to do to somebody making them have two surgeries.

I'm not thrilled about it either, but he's the only vetted surgeon in the entire country, and we didn't have the finances available to go elsewhere. He is a skilled cutter, which was the most important thing, so I decided to go ahead with him. If he wasn't comfortable doing it in one stage, the last thing I wanted was him doing something he wasn't comfortable with. He really thought I was going to be much more high risk than I was because of my starting weight.
@brooklyngirl I honestly never thought about the beans. I know Scott mentioned the garbonzo beans to me too. I have been gassy and my belly just flipping' feels bad - but never related it to the beans. huh! who knew - I'll change to regular protein - just had some really good turkey breast - and see what happens!
mmm, turkey!

Mom, the thing is that something that might be a problem for me, might be fine for is just a trial and error thing so you just have to kind of learn as you go.

I think Lauren said broccoli or cabbage don't bother her. Broccoli or cooked cabbage don't bother me but cole slaw does not seem to sit well with me (one of the few things that really doesn't).
I'm not thrilled about it either, but he's the only vetted surgeon in the entire country, and we didn't have the finances available to go elsewhere. He is a skilled cutter, which was the most important thing, so I decided to go ahead with him. If he wasn't comfortable doing it in one stage, the last thing I wanted was him doing something he wasn't comfortable with. He really thought I was going to be much more high risk than I was because of my starting weight.
I understand, and yes sometimes you have to do what you have to do. As long as you are comfortable with it that is good. regarding pushing protein and such...ignore my previous comments because you don't have the malabsorption. Hopefully you can convince this guy to do the switch before too long.
mmm, turkey!

Mom, the thing is that something that might be a problem for me, might be fine for is just a trial and error thing so you just have to kind of learn as you go.

I think Lauren said broccoli or cabbage don't bother her. Broccoli or cooked cabbage don't bother me but cole slaw does not seem to sit well with me (one of the few things that really doesn't).
I think coleslaw may have been the first real veggie I tried, at about 2 months out (aside from anything that was puréed into a soup or something) and the 2 bites I had sat fine and I've been enjoying it ever since. So hard to predict these things.
Well, so today the menu consisted of turkey ***** (breast), pork roast, and yogurt and you know what?! not belchy or gassy! who knew - for some reason I just did not think of the beans causing me issues. My gut rumbled and grumbled from the beginning pre-beans so just did not connect the dots. Thanks guys for mentioning of potential issues!
11 1/2 years post op.

Breakfast - 4 large eggs scrambled with mozzarella cheese, lots of butter.
Lunch - Salad with chicken, feta, pine nuts and lots of oily dressing
Dinner - Large Pork chop with creamy garlic mushroom and onions and lots of veg.

Snacks -

Cheese strips
Cashew nuts
Couple of cookies
Cheese and crackers
Well, so today the menu consisted of turkey ***** (breast), pork roast, and yogurt and you know what?! not belchy or gassy! who knew - for some reason I just did not think of the beans causing me issues. My gut rumbled and grumbled from the beginning pre-beans so just did not connect the dots. Thanks guys for mentioning of potential issues!
Good news!
Well, so today the menu consisted of turkey ***** (breast), pork roast, and yogurt and you know what?! not belchy or gassy! who knew - for some reason I just did not think of the beans causing me issues. My gut rumbled and grumbled from the beginning pre-beans so just did not connect the dots. Thanks guys for mentioning of potential issues!
One thing I have learned...if you find something that bothers you on this journey, try again later. It may and CAN change.
I'm approaching 11 weeks and I'm nowhere near the amounts that some of you eat.

Could be why I seem to be in this unending stall. I really need to track better but I still don't have the hunger or desire to eat alot of days :frown:
I'm approaching 11 weeks and I'm nowhere near the amounts that some of you eat.

Could be why I seem to be in this unending stall. I really need to track better but I still don't have the hunger or desire to eat alot of days :frown:
Also depends on the size of the sleeve portion of your DS.

As to not being hungry or have the is NO longer optional. You have to eat or at a minimum, drink your protein. BUT I understand, I still have many days like that. Yesterday was hard...just not hungry but with cheese and hard boiled eggs, I got thru the day.
Also depends on the size of the sleeve portion of your DS.

As to not being hungry or have the is NO longer optional. You have to eat or at a minimum, drink your protein. BUT I understand, I still have many days like that. Yesterday was hard...just not hungry but with cheese and hard boiled eggs, I got thru the day.

Oh believe me, I know it's not an option and I feel like **** if I don't make the minimum. My surgeon used a French 40 for the sleeve so I think I'm about 4 - 5 oz.

It's just tough forcing myself to eat sometimes and I am trying to stay away from the drinks as much as possible. If I only had the protein shakes I would easily make my goals.
Oh believe me, I know it's not an option and I feel like **** if I don't make the minimum. My surgeon used a French 40 for the sleeve so I think I'm about 4 - 5 oz.

It's just tough forcing myself to eat sometimes and I am trying to stay away from the drinks as much as possible. If I only had the protein shakes I would easily make my goals.
Almonds, cashews, pistachios, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds (i don't like those) are great sources of protein that to me were very easy to eat. They helped me increase my protein dramatically and my drinking. Very easy to nibble on through the day and before you know it the protein really adds up.
Almonds, cashews, pistachios, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds (i don't like those) are great sources of protein that to me were very easy to eat. They helped me increase my protein dramatically and my drinking. Very easy to nibble on through the day and before you know it the protein really adds up.
The only nuts I can handle are boiled peanuts (not the taste but the texture to my still recovering jaw).

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