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Sitting in a steakhouse a block from the hotel. The walk here was treacherous. Snow on top of ice that formed from the melted snow and salt that is now freezing with the drop in temperature. It's coming down hard now. We were walking like old people trying to not fall and break a hip. My boots don't have enough tread for this. I'm from California! No fair!

Ya know, people walk that way to avoid ACTUALLY breaking a hip. Be careful out there b/c you're from California (and mostly we don't know from snow). Glad you skated on the lecture! Now don't go skating in your tread-deprived boots!!
As the VA portion of our visit winds up, the wrap up of what we were supposed to do and what actually happened, given the unexpectedly miserable weather here:
  • I had about 18 files in my office that needed attention. There are two left for me to deal with today, and even if I didn't do them, it would be OK - they're not due for three months. Check!
  • Telephonic interview with patent examiner scheduled for Tuesday unexpectedly happened even though the FedGov was closed; plus an unexpected second interview. I was 1 for 2 in successfully arguing for my clients.
  • Spent part of Monday preparing a 2 hour guest lecture for my partner's Chemical Patent Practice course at my alma mater GMU - which didn't happen because school was canceled on account of snow. But the lecture is prepared for when I come back in April.
  • Prepared and conducted year end review for the patent agent who reports to me - he is on a PIP, and finally there was some improvement, so it wasn't as awful as the last few times - his work is very good, but he has time management and client relations issues.
  • Picked up two new projects.
  • Visited with some people, including my sister, but two others canceled on account of weather/illness.
  • Saw my mother twice - she looks a little better. Her legs are only about twice normal size instead of four times, and most of the oozing wounds have healed. I can't believe she hasn't gotten gangrene yet.
  • My husband bought Mom a new computer and set it up so she can Skype with us and her grandchildren.
  • We saw my husband's daughter and our granddaughter - he will go see them today, if they are feeling better.
  • I figured out what to get my secretary for Xmas, and Charles went and bought it; I'm taking her to lunch today.
  • Holiday party at the firm tonight.
We go up to NYC tomorrow on Amtrak for some R&R, seeing friends and Pippin on B'way. And a WLS lunch at Katz's Deli!
I believe that is the first time that I have ever heard of someone being on PIP where it wasn't a prelude to "out the door".
I believe that PIPs really are for the purpose of giving someone a chance to improve. I have "redeemed" two people from PIPs in the past - but more often, unfortunately, PIPs are for the purpose of documenting that they were given a chance and failed.
Just closing it down in my office - off to a fancy bowling alley in DC for the firm's holiday party - who bowls wearing "business casual??"
So sorry about Mom...though this is nothing new with her, still, it's hard to watch. On the other hand, at 82 people should be permitted to do whatever they want, even if it's not, to our perception, in their best interests. She made her choices long ago and has stuck with them. But sad for you, for sure.

Don't let that stop you from having a great trip. that part is your choice.
Ridin' that train, high on cocaine - oh wait, that white stuff is SNOW. Dammit, I know it's winter, but cut me a break!

Heading for NYCity - and hoping we can tolerate going out and about for the next four days. It is just intolerably cold!
Trying to decide whether to walk to Caroline's Comedy Club in the snow and cold for the 10:30 pm show (Kevin Nealon). 0.7 miles. It's not the length of the walk of course - it's how cold it is. And that the snow on the sidewalks make it slippery. I'm feeling "adventurous" and Charles is worried about being practical. And not breaking anything.
Okay, assume you do walk...what happens if one of you fall and break something? I know the obvious, you end up in the ER but how long will you be out there while you wait for help?

TBH, I'm with Charles on this one.
I say, go for it! You didn't travel to NYC to see the inside of your hotel room. Maybe travel by cab?

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