Full of Fairy Dust
Saw this at Costco yesterday. Haven't tried it but I'm sure it would mix better in shakes than the real thing. Cheaper than regular PB too. Anyone tried this stuff?
This looks pretty good:
OMG, those look delicious! First thing I did was calculate in my head how many calories it would be to eat all of them at one sitting - because that's probably what I'd do.
That's actually a great idea! For me, it makes a HUGE difference to FEEL like I'm eating a sandwich the proper way vs. eating the insides with a knife and fork. That's why I love burger places that wrap in lettuce!Recipe for the Sausage Egg "McMuffins" we had this morning (they are soooo delicious):
(We did add a slice of cheese to them, though. Because cheeeeeeeese!)
Those look good! Had heard about the chia seed/coconut milk recipe but hadn't seen these before.I used PB2 in my oatmeal-in-a-jar breakfasts I used to make and it was delicious! (These: