Portion control..... or lack thereof

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Mar 30, 2018
Portion control..... or lack thereof

I saw my GP yesterday and chatted with her assistant. She told me about a friend who had an RNY who spent a lot of time on portion control

I spend no time on portion control. If I had enough I stop. If I don't stop I sneeze. If I still don't stop ( trust me, this does not happen anymore) I spit up the last bit (really disgusting)

I really don't diet,,... all my efforts, such as they are, go into vitamins, liquids and protein... with a conscious decision to avoid "white" carbs (bread, potatoes, rice,cake, cookies, etc) mostly so I don't get Diarrhea

These days I try to get half my protein at breakfast, a protein shake and a protein bar. (50 of the 90 gram daily goal). Makes "planning" the rest of the day a little easier.

This may not be the greatest idea as some say " The magic amount of protein your muscles are capable of absorbing during a meal seems to be about 25 to 35 grams"

Maybe I'll make the bar a late morning snack

If I think of it I try to get in a vegetable and a fruit too

What do other DSfolks do?
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I don’t handle early morning that well. First breakfast is yogurt and hot tea. Then I ramp it up by eating about every two hours.

Portion control is and always has been my biggest issue my entire life. Post DS, I put stuff on my plate and about 95% of the time, put some back. I even remind myself that if I want more, I can always get more.
Breakfast is coffee. I have 3 meals a day almost never. Don't snack much either. Lunch is mid afternoon and dinner is early evening. Bedtime is a SF fudgesicle.
I eat all day and once I got over the fact my body didn't want to be 145, it's been easy to maintain. Currently I fluctuate between 150-155.
I stop when I’m full - a sensation I did not really experience pre-op. If I don’t, I pay with discomfort and even when just full, my nose runs.
When I was small, if we did not eat everything, we probably were hungry... 5 kids, with usually a couple of cousins living in from some sick relative or other... there were 50 first cousins in all

Bad habits continued in college...budgeted for everything but food... went on clinical trials to get enough to eat

The sound you hear is the world's tinniest violin squeaking in the background.... I would not trade the cousins and siblings for all the fresh oranges in the world, though I could skip some of that government cheese in college

You can have my portion

I knew this guy from Southie in Boston in the early 70's, a cross dresser, really before his time. Used to collect government cheese as both a him and a her.... This was back before they could track you 7 ways from Sunday

he never made any money off it, he was just hungry
My mom ran a daycare in the 80s and 90s but in the 80s they gave licensed daycares butter and cheese. The cheese was good!

Even Martha agrees!


During The Great Depression, my grandfather the cop got cut to 3 days a week from 5. But he always had a side hussle as a butcher. So he had real meat.

His sisters, on the dole, with lots of kids, got gubmint food...which meant corned beef. My grandfather exchanged “real” meat for corned beef so that they could have some variety. My mother REALLY resented it and always hated corned beef. Even on St. Patrick’s Day.
From what I've read the limit on protein per meal is more a bodybuilding thing. Your body can only turn so much of a single "dose" of protein into muscle.

The thought does occur to me though that given our malabsorption and short transit time for food it seems to make sense that a DSer might hit a point a diminishing returns with a super protein dense meal where the system just can't extract more than X amount of protein in the brief time the chyme is in the alimentary limb.
From what I've read the limit on protein per meal is more a bodybuilding thing. Your body can only turn so much of a single "dose" of protein into muscle.

The thought does occur to me though that given our malabsorption and short transit time for food it seems to make sense that a DSer might hit a point a diminishing returns with a super protein dense meal where the system just can't extract more than X amount of protein in the brief time the chyme is in the alimentary limb.

Don! That seems like a somewhat odd suggestion. “Why?” you ask.

Well, the chewables contain xylitol, a sugar alcohol, which is know to cause diarrhea for many. So there’s that. Also...they are an “internal deodorant,” designed to make your farts and poop less aromatic.

To me, it was awfully close to a Pepto Bismol.
Don! That seems like a somewhat odd suggestion. “Why?” you ask.

Well, the chewables contain xylitol, a sugar alcohol, which is know to cause diarrhea for many. So there’s that. Also...they are an “internal deodorant,” designed to make your farts and poop less aromatic.

To me, it was awfully close to a Pepto Bismol.

If you are talking about devrom.... it also comes in pill form.. no xylitol...

I don't know if it works for Diarrhea... but if it does ...woohoo...
If you are talking about devrom.... it also comes in pill form.. no xylitol...

I don't know if it works for Diarrhea... but if it does ...woohoo...
Yes, pills were better for me. Just warning that, for some, the chewables can CAUSE diarrhea.

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