On the road again! And a long diversion beforehand ....

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Wow Diana, thxs for sharing! A lot of cool stuff! I like that pic of you and Charles the best, you’ll look very happy…

I love RV’ing and miss ours. We sold ours less than two yrs ago because our lil one just entered junior high school and we are SOOO busy doing softball, volleyball, band etc, every weekend and we wasn’t able to go not near as much, BUT, we plan on retiring in 3-5 and plan on getting a new one in about 3 yrs or so.

I heard you talk about the “stalker” story before but NEVER had any idea it got SO involved….Just ANOTHER perfect example of what a “Bitch” you are and how you never help anyone??? RIGHT?…lol (SARCASM INTENDED OF COURSE)….:D...My God, I don’t see how you still do it? After all you’ve been through and ALL you’ve done for people and you still haven’t lost your goodness or your desire to help someone. Jus sayin…

Unfortunately, due to my running of my own business for over 7 yrs, and being the plaintiff in lawsuits against my former business partner, I know ALL about civil court, and for the judge to award “Attorney fee’s” almost never happens and they usually do that do send an even harsher message for punishment, as of course you well know, and am sure you never collected.
@robs477 : It's kind of interesting about the collection thing. When she filed for BK in FL, she did it two days before the scheduled hearing on sanctions in CA, and asserted that the BK filing put an automatic stay on all civil actions everywhere - which is MOSTLY true. Due to the nature of federal BK law, I was not allowed to file ANYTHING further in the CA court, or risk contempt of the FL BK court. I had to hire FL counsel to get the stay lifted with respect to the CA sanctions hearing - based on the assertion that a sanctions hearing was a POLICE action of the state of CA against her, and not my direct action. We got the stay lifted, and the sanctions hearing was allowed to proceed. However, in the meantime, as her creditor in the BK proceeding, we needed to request extensions of time for TWO next steps in the BK itself - a stay of the filing of the proof of debt (because of course I didn't know what, if anything, she would owe me until the CA judge made his ruling), and a stay to file a motion to exempt that debt, if one came into being by the judge's decision, from being discharged in BK, because you can't discharge an award of damages for an intentional tort, but whether any particular judicial award is damages for an intentional tort is a matter for the federal judge in the BK action to determine.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?), my BK attorney filed for the extension of time to file the proof of debt, but forgot to separately file for the extension of time to file the motion to exclude the debt from discharge. So, I won the sanctions case, but lost the award in the BK. I gave the FL BK attorney notice that I was going to file a malpractice claim against him, and we settled for a reasonable fraction of what the award had been (which included ALL of his fees and some of my CA attorney's fees). Considering that I would have had to (1) continually try to track the stalker down and thus (2) continue to be involved in her life and making myself a continuing target for her irrational hatred; (3) that doing so would have continued to cost me money and psychic energy; and (4) that I probably would never have collected even a fraction of the fraction that I DID collect from her bankrupt ass, because she is very tricky and is unlikely to ever work again (she is sucking off her latest boyfriend or perhaps by now husband, while crying that I ruined her career as a nurse), I probably made out better than I would otherwise have because of their mistake.

And to my knowledge, there are four felony charges pending against her for forgery and perjury - the judge was VERY pissed at her.

And she lost her house in FL too - she apparently thought she could keep it when she initially filed for BK, based on her filing. Karma's a bitch.
Do I detect white knuckles in that one picture? I know I would have had them! What an adventure. I wish my employer would give me access to such a pool! I'm surprised he didn't add skylights and modify the floor or provide flotation devices for the celebrities...
@robs477 : Karma's a bitch.

Ive always believed that too. This Woman sounds off the charts when it come to being "Bat-**** Psycho crazy"....Thing is, with me, I am the nicest person you would ever want to meet until you do something like that. Then I will spare NO expense or no amount of time to right the wrong, or at least try. I will gladly spend $100 to get $10 back because I am all about principal and doing the right thing. I am NOT a "turn the other cheek" kind of person and it doesn't sound like you are either. With me, it wasn't about "winning or losing in court"...it was about doing whats right and not sparring you the lesson you needed to learn. Or, as they say in my favorite movie, "Tombstone"....about giving you "your day of reckoning".

I'm so sorry you had to go through all that NEGATIVE energy, but am glad its over and even more glad you didn't let her get by with all that ****. It weighs you down and is very hard to do and takes A LOT of strength and courage because it literally lasts for years.
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Rob - it was about that to some extent, but mainly to teach her the lesson that she was NOT smarter than I, that I was not going to allow her to torment me and damage my reputation, especially my professional reputation, and that she'd better GTFO of my life - because if she didn't, I was going to destroy her.

You have to give it to her - she was persistent. She didn't give up until she lost her house, her credit, her ability to work as a nurse, and got felony charges to boot. As with most sociopaths, she has an unwarranted belief in her intelligence.

I also had something else - two wise women even smarter than me, who helped me behind the scenes with the whole process. I'll leave it to you to guess who one of them was (by PM only please). In addition, there were about 10 people who were appalled by what she was doing to me and sent me screen shots and other evidence to help me prove my case against her. I am grateful to them as well.
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Jeeze, Diana. My Yard Sale neighbor came over this morning. Off.The.Deep.End. Capris, maybe, and a too big t-shirt, like sleepwear? Hair inspired by Albert Einstein. Ringing doorbell, pounding on door, screaming that we had turned her in and we had better watch out. Flipping us off, refusing to leave the property, lots of swearing.

I wonder if it was Bloody Marys for breakfast this morning. Anyway, we may need a restraining order ourselves...dumb C|_| N+.
Sue - she threatened you. Call the police to document! (I know I don't need to tell you that, but others in the same situation should know to do it!)

Liz - I thought I had posted my condolences as well, but don't see it - I'm sorry for your loss.
Yesterday, we did some running around and then I did a few wineries. Not bad - but I can't bring myself to spit, and I'm SUCH a cheap date that I get toasted on tastes. I was flying after three wineries, so we came back and relaxed after 5:30, until I was ready (and able) to make the steaks we brought. Mimi is starting to like being outside, so I put her on a leash and she sat with me watching TV on the extra used one we bought to replace the tube TV (which turns out to still work, after some wires were reconnected, so we're leaving it there for the time being):

Today, which is our last day here, we're going to just hang out and relax, except for taking a bike ride up and down the service road near the campground for a little exercise.
Sue - she threatened you. Call the police to document! (I know I don't need to tell you that, but others in the same situation should know to do it!)

Liz - I thought I had posted my condolences as well, but don't see it - I'm sorry for your loss.

Police WERE here. Technically, she was merely warning us to " watch out," coulda been to watch out for bird poop. But she looked just as crazy when the cops got to her house...good for us. So, it's not a threat, but it is documented.

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