HAHAHA - our ~ 15 year old hot tub was non-functional for about three years, and I finally got annoyed last summer and got Charles to get someone to the house and FIX IT. And it was fixed - for about 3 days, before it sprung another leak. Another few weeks, and it was fixed again - and the electronic panel promptly went tits up. And so it sat for another several months until the spring.
We went spa shopping in March, and picked out what we would get. And then Charles decided he needed to redo the redwood deck first. About two months ago, he finally decided to get some help getting the tub off the deck, but - since the hot tub was brought in, fences have gone up that require disassembly to get the tub out (and the new one in), it needed to stay somewhere - it ended up on its side next to the pool house, with a huge board nailed into it and into the side of the pool house to keep it from getting knocked over, while Charles worked on the deck.
The idea was, once the deck was done, we'd order the hot tub, and the delivery guys would deliver the new one (after disassembly of some portion of fence) and for $200 remove the old one.
Well, some things have come up, including a slight possibility that we might have to move, temporarily. So Charles decided it was better to delay ordering the hot tub, though he's nearly done with the deck. But we still have the old broken tub on the deck.
Until the other day. We're having guests from foreign lands for a week, and a DSer party on Sunday. Charles decided that the old hot tub had to go. And vvvvrrmmm vvvrrrmmm - out came the SawsAll. He chopped up a 7'x7' fiberglass and redwood hot tub into pieces he could get out the gate and into the driveway (where it will stay until we've accumulated a whole new dumpster load - which this time is looking to include crap I've been packratting for years).
The hot tub deck and pool deck look much better now.