New Possibilities to Ponder


Full of Fairy Dust
Dec 31, 2013
Way Out West
Seems to me these are worth a look see. Not very invasive or difficult to perform. Perhaps if you were considering a surgical revision, one of these might be tried first. Anyone out there who has had these procedures? I also wonder if these might not be a cheaper way to redo us. I have more questions than answers at this point.

I wonder what the docs think about these? And I'm not talking about the docs interested in selling the procedures either. Has the ASMBS said anything?

Endo-barrier- A plastic sleeve installed in the small bowel to induce/increase malabsorbtion. Also being touted as a great idea for diabetics and if it works would be a huge step forward. Wonder how long this would last?

Stomach Balloon- Yes, they put a balloon in your stomach and inflate it. Wonder how long this one lasts and what happens if the balloon breaks? I guess they could use smaller balloons on people who already have small stomachs. And this seems kinder to me than the Band, even as a first procedure.

Gastric Plication- I have big doubts about this one. They more or less fold your stomach into itself and suture. What happens to the stomach sutured in to the stomach long term? I can envision quite a few potential problems.

From my seat in the bleachers, most of the RNY regain problems start happening when the body adapts to the malabsorbtion. Seems like the barrier could take care of that issue. Let's say you want the Band. That barrier sure could help you lose the weight and get more off faster. Even if you only elected to keep it in for a year or so. It would be like a Band on steroids. Most of the DSers who never drop all the weight are superabsorbers. There isn't a drastic enough OP out there to get them to thin. Well, they could add the balloon and the barrier. Sure would carry a lot less risk than a surgical revision. And the balloon and barrier are almost instantly revisable so no big deal to get rid of them. My understanding is you just poop them out.

Are people doing these? Why or why not?
If I remember correctly, the endo-barrier can only be left in about a year. Not viable as a long term option.
That barrier thingy sounds pretty cool for someone who just wants a jump start for dieting. I think you need more permanence for diabetic control (although maybe not if it's T2 and weight loss helps it...)
When i think of these foreign bodies being placed inside of us all I think about is the band. Its a foreign body it was supposed to be less invasive than rny or ds. Now look at the results. No thanks, so going into the surgery you already know you will need another surgery?
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When i think of these foreign bodies being placed inside of us all I think about is the band. Its a foreing body it was supposed to be less invasive than rny or ds. Now look at the results. No thanks, so going into the surgery you already know you will need another surgery?
Except for the plication, it's all done through the mouth so not cut 'em up type surgery.
I know eventually something new will come along with good results. However, I am leery of putting something foreign in the body.

I am afraid scar tissue would form and encapsulate these objects similar to problems with the lap band.

I am not that knowledgeable about these procedures but my initial reaction is HELL no.

Show me the data.

(that's kind of one of my favorite sayings, especially now that I'm older)

I tried just about everything to get back on track after RNY. I ate almost nothing and still gained (yes, really). It would take a lot of convince me to undergo any of the procedures above. Too much risk.

With multiple procedures, the risk to the patient goes up. Why not just choose the DS, which has the most good data behind it, to begin with? I don't buy the "less invasive" argument at all, as too much depends on the skill of the surgeon and other factors.
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I wonder if you know when the balloon breaks?

Personally the reason why I am so interested in this is maybe someday if it's not too expensive I could try something like this and possibly reach a normal bmi. I would try it, referring to the balloon and the ball. Probably not the plication.

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