My Parental Failings…

Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
…have helped my kid.

I’m pretty sure she thought everyone gift wrapped birthday presents in the car, on the way to the party. And dealt with Halloween Costume ideas on October 31st.

On her way to her current career, she did Special Events. Not weddings. But one job, for several years, was handling filming and other events at a local government facility. That’s how I got texts telling me, “Just sitting here coolin’ with LL and Chris.” And how all of us are in a photo with one president and she is in photos with two.)

The other day, she was chatting with others with Event Planning histories about their current gigs. She said something like, “I need Event Planners involved with the events I currently oversee. The PR people always forget something essential and don’t know what to do. With Event Planners, even if something IS forgotten, by the time of the gala dinner party, there’s actually silverware and water glasses on the tables!”

So my lousy parenting skills taught her how to deal with and overcome poor planning! A win!
PS…it’s 12:35 am and this is my one power boost for the day! But I DID get a CT scan of my abdomen to see if kidney stone pieces remain. And I dropped off a pair of Birkenstocks at the Authorized Birkenstock Shoe Repair. Of course, my hero did all the driving because my feet cannot feel the gas or brake pedals.

Yesterday, we did SEVEN errands. Way too many, but all needed.
I hope the CT scan shows NO remnants of kidney stones.

Maybe it’s time for adaptive pedals in your car?
Adaptive pedals? I know nothing of these.

I know that making our car’s gas and brake controls hand-controlled at the steering wheel has a “discounted” (because they have done this model before) cost of $9000+.

I’m hoping for a fix on my feet. (Probably won’t happen, but that’s where I am) so I can drive.
Adaptive pedals? I know nothing of these.

I know that making our car’s gas and brake controls hand-controlled at the steering wheel has a “discounted” (because they have done this model before) cost of $9000+.

I’m hoping for a fix on my feet. (Probably won’t happen, but that’s where I am) so I can drive.
That’s what I mean by adaptive pedals, they adapt to to your hand controls.

Do you know why you can’t feel your feet?
That’s what I mean by adaptive pedals, they adapt to to your hand controls.

Do you know why you can’t feel your feet?

Neuropathy. Which is a HORRID diagnosis. IF it is being caused by something that can be reversed…like bones pressing on nerves…I’ll need to try that. Otherwise, you just lose feeling more and more, become immobile…no walking…can’t feel injuries or infection…can lead to amputation, which is NOT on my Things to Do List. It’s scary.

Fairly short version:
Well, first I gave hell to my home health service and then I “wowed” them at the uro’s office today.

The home health thing is something our insurance company does to cut down on Urgent Care and Emergency Department visits. UTI symptoms? They come out, you pee in a cup, they take it to the lab. So far so good, but…today I meandered onto the lab’s website and saw that the lab had diagnosed a UTI and had run a culture and sensitivity. But no one EVER contacted me or ordered meds. So I’ve been hosting an untreated UTI for many days.

Because of that…and because we had to be in the area and I wanted to SHOW my uro my giant kidney stone and because I wanted a new UA…we stopped there. I gave the stone, packaged cleanly, to the receptionist and she handed me a cup for a new UA. By the time I managed to produce ANYTHING, that stone had been everywhere. The NP said that it was rather phenomenal in that they believe a person has a 50% chance of passing a stone of 7-8 mm. Mine was 18 mm, so rather unheard of.

I told them I have a relatively high tolerance for pain AND I was on oxycodone and Lyrica and still whining and moaning. I just should have complained more! They agreed.

Anyway, they are sending in today’s sample, but decided to prescribe an antibiotic based on the lab results that were already shown on my account. I do believe they are starting to work.

And the doctor in charge of the “team” that screwed up by not getting back to me on the first UA called and tripped all over himself apologizing and kept saying he didn’t understand how his team messed this up.

Every day is a new adventure.
But now, I just got TWO antibiotic Rxs delivered. I have a history of c-diff, so I’m reluctant to double dip on antibiotics. I believe I’ll just take one and call them on Monday.

See? STILL a new adventure.
Thankfully I can still feel my feet, although that’s a mixed blessing.
the thing about less feeling (yay, less pain!) is it increases your fall risk. :frown:

Mine was 18 mm, so rather unheard of.
the doctor in charge of the “team” that screwed up by not getting back to me on the first UA called and tripped all over himself apologizing and kept saying he didn’t understand how his team messed this up.

seriously? a doctor doesn't realize health care in general is messed up or thinks its not true for those he works with? I don't buy this.

I'm pissed off on your behalf for sure and wish you weren't having all these "adventures".

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