My 5 day countdown to DS in Mexico

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Oh geez, I'm so sorry the spousal unit was less than supportive. Sounds like you are hanging in there and doing fine though.
I had incessant gurgling the first couple of weeks and now it's down to a mild roar. I notice it most when I'm in bed snuggling with the dog. Half the time I don't know whether it's me or the dog - but I figure it's me.

I'm also having some acid reflux, usually at night. So far a dose of ranitidine helps but it seems to be getting more frequent so I'm going to ask about a second dose of the PPI to see what they say. We can compare notes if you'd like :)

Hang in there - we knew going in that the first three months would be the worst of it. I'm still having issues making myself eat - I am soooo not hungry most of the time, but I do have my hungry-hungry-hippo times. I'm trying to get it all evened out so I have a decent schedule for these things... it's a work in progress.

Don't worry about the weight right now, ok? It will come off. Stay away from the scale if it's bothering you. You're still doing fine!
Double your PPI

Nuts, seeds, cheese, jerky ....things you can nibble on was the only way I got in protein early on once I was able to eat. It also made me thirsty so I could drink...I can't drink if not actually thirsty
Double your PPI

Nuts, seeds, cheese, jerky ....things you can nibble on was the only way I got in protein early on once I was able to eat. It also made me thirsty so I could drink...I can't drink if not actually thirsty

Thanks, Scott. I think it's time that I do double the PPI like you suggested so I'll start with that tonight and see how that works for me. Betcha it will solve the problem.

I do have nuts and cheese - those are things that I've always loved - and I try to eat as much as I can. I've also started having a protein coffee in the morning even though coffee is, at this point, verboten according to the doctor. It's more HWC & milk than coffee though so it's not quite as bad for my stomach. The chai tea recipe posted recently in the recipes section has also helped tremendously! I drink that after I have my protein coffee. I used to rely on the frozen protein shakes but it's gotten cold outside and I just can't bring myself to drink them so warm protein drinks are now a must.

It's a real work in progress and I know I'll manage it. I just need to remind myself to eat. How unusual! LOL
I'm not ready to involve my PCP (actually need a new one) unless I am in bad shape. So if I think my 40 mg of prescription prilosec is not enough, should I add an OTC of prilosec or something different like Nexium?
I'm not ready to involve my PCP (actually need a new one) unless I am in bad shape. So if I think my 40 mg of prescription prilosec is not enough, should I add an OTC of prilosec or something different like Nexium?
I would add another dose of Prilosec in the evening (1 in morning and one before you eat dinner at night).

Regarding not wanting to involve your PCP I understand finding a new one is not always easy, but you will need to do so because your PCP will be ordering labs and you need a good one who will do what you want. MY PCP has his own office but works for one of the local hospital systems, so I rarely see him because I use the online messaging system from their portal and I simply email him to order my labs. He also answers questions and does refills of my PPI and Neurontin online as well......I do see him a few times a year but that if something else is going on for which he needs to see me. If I didn't have him I would be screwed because Dr Marshall's office is not good with labs and are slow as hell to do anything like testing if it needs to be is why I had to travel to Dr K for my revision....Marshall was Mr "lets just wait a month and see what happens".....I was Mr "Bite me ******* I have a life to live".

Anyway, I say all that in hopes that you soon find a good PCP. BTW, my PPI is much cheaper through prescription than OTC -- $50 for 3 months, that would be several hundred OTC. Also, if you do need to add carafate (soothing liquid that coats the stomach and to me really made it bearable to ingest something) you will need a Doc to order. Yes you will have to advocate and tell him/her what you need and I know you are tired and weak so that isn't easy now, but you need to do it sooner than later my friend.

Hang in there....the first month or two suck but it gets much, much better. Even though I am still struggling with some issues it is nothing like it was those first few months when I couldn't get in any liquids or keep at it and keep your spirits up because you are going to feel much better soon.
Thanks, Scott. I think it's time that I do double the PPI like you suggested so I'll start with that tonight and see how that works for me. Betcha it will solve the problem.

I do have nuts and cheese - those are things that I've always loved - and I try to eat as much as I can. I've also started having a protein coffee in the morning even though coffee is, at this point, verboten according to the doctor. It's more HWC & milk than coffee though so it's not quite as bad for my stomach. The chai tea recipe posted recently in the recipes section has also helped tremendously! I drink that after I have my protein coffee. I used to rely on the frozen protein shakes but it's gotten cold outside and I just can't bring myself to drink them so warm protein drinks are now a must.

It's a real work in progress and I know I'll manage it. I just need to remind myself to eat. How unusual! LOL
Good deal. Just a warning - tea and especially mint, can be very hard on the stomach. I know that isn't the common belief but it is. Hopefully the doubling of the PPI helps but if not, maybe try eliminating the tea to see if it makes a difference ..BUT, I know how hard it is to get liquids in at this point so anything you can get in is good. Obviously plain old water is the best but I am just now to the point 2 plus year out where plain water doesn't taste get in whatever fluids you can. Like I said, munching on salty sunflower seeds, cashews, pistachios throughout the day really helped me get in my fluids because it made me I nibbled all day.
Thanks again, Scott. I already knew that prescription generic prilosec was maybe $4 a month with insurance and OTC will be more expensive. I'm thinking of making an appt with a new PCP in December. I don't need labs until February. I'm trying to get my first lab order in without my insurance company getting wind of "Unapproved duodenal switch". Once they've paid for one lab order before learning of the surgery, the more likely they will be to continue.
I assumed you knew about the cost, so my comments were just a friendly reminder about the importance of a good PCP for DS patients. Obviously cost is not your main concern right now and it is rightfully feeling better that is your main short term goal.

As far as labs, my insurance Anthem BCBS pays my labs with no questions. I have no copay and have been getting labs pretty much every month since last september when my Malnutrition and severe malabsorption was found. Insurance companies and plans vary wildly but they should cover your labs if coded properly. I believe mine are ordered as malnutrition and I think that is the key. @Larra or @southernlady might have some more insight on proper codes.
As far as labs, my insurance Anthem BCBS pays my labs with no questions. I have no copay and have been getting labs pretty much every month since last september when my Malnutrition and severe malabsorption was found. Insurance companies and plans vary wildly but they should cover your labs if coded properly.
The coding for labs has been updated to ICD 10 as the old codes are invalid now. The lab slip I use is here.

Under ICD 9, I was able to get my labs pulled (Humana Medicare) at no cost or copay twice a year (retests for very low or very high results were also covered). I'm not due up for new labs until Feb so I won't know how the new codes will work until then.
I didn't know about this specific forum, "Sharing my journey". Ive been wondering how you've been @Clematis . I kept checking the DS and Main forums and never saw you post so I was worried your surgery fell through or something. Glad everything went so well and I'm so happy for you! Funny but it looks like your post-surgery experience is mimicking bebe's and mine.

I didn't want to scare you when we talked before the surgery but I've been really hungry since the 3rd or 4th day after the surgery. I have no signs of acid reflux (I honestly wouldn't know what those are if I did, I've never had it) so I don't know what else it could be except hunger. It's somewhat reassuring that you're hungry as well, as long as its not bothering your recovery or weight-loss that is. I don't mind being "hungry", if that is what I'm feeling, because I'm losing so much weight so fast I kinda need to be hungry soon.

Are you getting enough liquids down? How about you @BebeZed ?
Good to hear from you, @Soonerjoseph Yes I'm hungry and so disappointed about this as it means I will have to work harder to diet, and from the very beginning. Oh well.

Today was first day of full liquids and I had an Atkin's shake that took me more than 5 hours to finish. Must have been something about the shake, though, because I just ate a 5 oz tub of greek yogurt in a little over an hour. (I won't bother with any more Atkin's shakes as they are not high quality protein. I bought them last spring so they're ready to expire anyway.) But all that was only 27 grams of protein so I need to go have an Unjury chicken soup. (My GAWD but I have grown to hate protein supplements.)

I don;t have any pain but occasionally I get a "stitch" under the left side of my rib cage. If I try to sleep on my side, my belly starts to ache in a minute or two once gravity takes ahold of my innards. I still feel weak and lacking in energy. A walk through a big Costco and I'm ready to go home and sit for a few hours. This is just not like me. Although old, I am usually very high energy.

My fluids are only about 45oz despite trying. (I do not feel dehydrated at all, though.)

I'm not losing weight as fast as you -- you're a lot younger and have that "man factor" working for you. I've dropped about 2 BMI points since the pre-diet, so not jaw-dropping but OK. I'm just taking it one day at a time. How much are you eating now?

It would be awesome if I could get to 29.9 BMI by the end of January when my doctor has to weigh me to appease my insurance company for insurance renewal. (They did not cover the DS.) If I'm BMI 30 with a waist over 35" I'll have to do phone counseling sessions with their staff who from all reports, are morbidly obese. That would make me exceptionally dyspeptic.
I really struggle to get down 64 ounces of liquids a day. I know I'm kinda dehydrated and I try to get enough liquid down. I've stopped sipping because I think I was drinking too much like a baby. I drink enough in one gulp to get 6 pills down at once now. That has made getting the proper amount of intake each day slightly easier. I'm at about 45 ounces a day as well and truthfully am kinda dehydrated. Oh well.

I just drank my first coffee (yeah, I know I'm not suppose to) because I wanted to see if I could get more liquids down if it included things I love (caffeinated tea and coffee). It did the opposite, made feel so full like I had to puke for hours.

I eat between 200 to 800 calories a day. Mostly nuts, fish, chicken, livers, refried beans, and cheese. I had an adverse experience with eating some popcorn (had like 15 bms in a few hours because of it) and so I have lessened my eating the past 2 days because my bottom hurts like hell. Makes me feel even worse thinking of when my kids became raw from a bowel movement or acidic juice drinks.

I've passed out 3 times from hyperglycemia this weekend. From not eating of course but my bottom has to heal. This whole thing is a learning process so it just takes time to learn what does and doesn't work.

Your insurance people sound like a big pita. I'll pray that you lose enough weight so you don't have to put up with their intrusions. Two BMI points in 10 days is really good so you're definitely on your way!
Clematis no, no, no, no..... Get that diet word out of your vocabulary. DS patients do not diet. You have a switch for malabsorption and the sleeve restricts what you can eat greatly for at least a year. Your job is to maximize protein and get in fluids and the pounds are going to fly off and stay off. If you are hungry as a DSr you eat.
I've passed out 3 times from hyperglycemia this weekend. From not eating of course but my bottom has to heal. This whole thing is a learning process so it just takes time to learn what does and doesn't work.

Your insurance people sound like a big pita. I'll pray that you lose enough weight so you don't have to put up with their intrusions. Two BMI points in 10 days is really good so you're definitely on your way!

Yikes, SJ. HyPOglycemia? (a drop in blood glucose level) or hyPERglycemia as in you have diabetes? All it takes is a mouthful of food to bring your glucose up fairly quickly if you start getting the shakes. If diarrhea is a problem, you;re allowed to take immodium.

Wow, you've lost FORTY POUNDS in a month. That damn man factor is at work. I've only lost 10-11 since the surgery; 24 total since I started Atkins 5 weeks ago.

@DSRIGGS Yeah, I know I did this not to diet. But feeling hungry and only eating 800 calories is a diet in my book. (Actually I'm only getting about 200 calories now.) I'll keep an open mind for a few months and see if I still feel I'm dieting.
Sorry. Yeah, hypoglycemia. I can usually just drink juice and that stops it but I can't get it to stop lately. I've been taking my full load if vitamins for the past 4 days so I'm hoping that will help balance everything out.

I'll run to the store for some immodium
Ive just been afraid of plugging myself up. Thanks for your help Clem.

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