Men vs Women


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2014
Green Bay WI
Was watching a show tonight on TV and they were talking about men losing weight faster than women. I've heard that before - metabolism or more muscle, I don't recall.

I'm just wondering does that seem to apply when it comes to WLS as well? Maybe it's never been studied, or maybe men do lose more because they are often heavier to start?

Any ideas, guesses, or actual evidence?
From what I've observed on the forums since I've been around, it seems like the men lose much faster than the women and almost always get to goal, or past goal. You don't see that nearly as often with the women, we seem to struggle more. I'd love to know why this is the case.
Historical data... Women were made to reproduce and make sure the species continued. A fit woman always has a higher percentage body fat than a fit man. Our bodies were meant to nurture a baby to birth. The extra fat helps give the baby a better chance of survival in lean times. I've also read some interesting ideas on the physiology of attraction. Not sure if they are all true today but in the distant past women attracted mates using their rounded butts and boobs. And scrawny wasn't considered to be a prime catch for mating. Men were more attracted to the rounded form. And that goes straight back to a little extra fat gives the baby a better chance of survival....

Fit men were more attractive to women because they could provide the best security for the family. In good shape for hunting/gathering, etc. They could protect and provide.

Some things seem to be hardwired to assure the continuation of the species. If you look at it this way it makes perfect sense that women have extreme difficulty losing weight.
Yes. Men lose faster and more even in the WLS world which is one reason it irks me to no end when guys tell me "I did it, so can you".

In the non WLS world it is true as well. All the hubz has to do is *think* about dieting and he drops weight!

Lucky for the dudes! haha
Historical data... Women were made to reproduce and make sure the species continued. A fit woman always has a higher percentage body fat than a fit man. Our bodies were meant to nurture a baby to birth. The extra fat helps give the baby a better chance of survival in lean times. I've also read some interesting ideas on the physiology of attraction. Not sure if they are all true today but in the distant past women attracted mates using their rounded butts and boobs. And scrawny wasn't considered to be a prime catch for mating. Men were more attracted to the rounded form. And that goes straight back to a little extra fat gives the baby a better chance of survival....

Fit men were more attractive to women because they could provide the best security for the family. In good shape for hunting/gathering, etc. They could protect and provide.

Some things seem to be hardwired to assure the continuation of the species. If you look at it this way it makes perfect sense that women have extreme difficulty losing weight.

In the way back, you know...before Gerber's and Enfamil and all, we were also the only source of nutrition for our young for a good year...maybe longer! And, as any nursing mammal will tell you, "Feed me!" is their universal call.
I think it is possible that men are still socialized more toward heavy exercise, working out in the gym etc. although women are certainly turning out in droves, it tends to be more diet related. Men are looking for physical results that require harder work, women do a lot of cardio related. not sure why this would be different, just thinking....

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