Lower Body Lift on THURSDAY!!!

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So where are the photos? :D Kidding! I'm glad it went so well for you. Go get some rest and stay hydrated.
You're doing AMAZINGLY well!!!! I'm soooooo happy for you! You've been such a great help to me, preparing for my LBL AND Breast Lift thats scheduled in a few weeks! I'm practicing getting up and down from a seated position, using just my legs...and I've bought the same lift recliner as you!!!! I think I'm prepared, I've got the same items that you have listed above (I think I'll have my handyman install a hand held shower attachment/head in my shower as I currently have a "rainforest" style). I'm wondering about hiring a private duty nurse, as I am spending two nights in the hospital (my choice) and have a petsitter lined up to stay at my house as long as I need....as there is no way I can deal with four pugs post op!!!! She'll help me get up and down, shower and keep me fed - but I don't see her helping with drains and bandages!!! I'll stay tuned to your progress! Take it slow......you'll heal easier (and prettier scar!!!). Are you going to use Embrace or similar silicone tape???
Yay!!! The worst is over on your trip to fabulosity!! I laughed at the "anything pales to kidney stones", because it's true. You learn that anything that pain killers can touch, can be dealt with. Get lots of rest and speedy healing.
It's done. Yes I am most assuredly sore and can barely stand and walk (more because muscles aren't working) but not anywhere near the pain half-my-age others report. Being old does have some advantages I guess. Besides anything pales to kidney stones. I'm swollen so my inner thighs look amazingly smooth - I doubt that will stay as I was told beforehand that inner thighs aren't helped by LBL and will need a separate procedure. But a girl can DREAM. Because of the swelling I can't really tell much but what I can see in the front looks great. Percocet kicking in. More later

Happy you are recovering well!
I'm amazed you were posting already @Clematis -- you are one tough cookie, as my momma would say. Hope you're feeling stronger each day. Congrats on getting the procedures you deserve. As for not being able to complain because you chose the surgery--that's a bit of hogwash. If you feel like complaining, it's your God-given right ;))
hI @Clematis! I wandered back here and saw that you'd had the LBL... WOW! I have pretty much decided to allocate my somewhat limited resources to travel (by the end of the year I will have been on a cruise ship every month except July, August, and December!) so... my sharpei lives on. However, I am back working part-time as a travel agent and I'm putting that income aside for "something special" - probably my own LBL. Great to know you have come through it and also good to know of your surgeon and the charges (I was really surprised!!). I'd love to have that skin removed but I haven't gotten as tiny as you have... I'm still about 30lbs overweight, but I can do all sorts of things that I couldn't before so I'm happy and more importantly, I'm healthy!

Congratulations on your surgery!! I am still hoping to meet you when you're up this way.
Take care!!
It’s been four weeks since my LBL and I thought I’d post an update. I haven’t done so before now because I really didn't know what or how to say what I’m feeling. I’m not all together sure this was worth the pain and expense. Recovery is slow with LBL so perhaps my opinion will change in a few months.

One always has expectations going into a surgery like this, realistic and unrealistic, some easily articulated, some held in one’e heart.

This really hurt — far more than DS (actually DS didn't hurt that badly). I am SO glad I didn't get breast lift at the same time as using my arms to get up and down was essential. Physically it has not been as exhausting as DS, probably because with DS one is rapidly loosing weight as well as recovering from surgery.

My ass is a horror show. I don’t know if I have the words to describe it as I guarantee you have seen nothing like it in your life. As I stood late on the night of surgery, it felt like someone was grabbing my butt cheeks and painfully ripping them apart. My anus felt stretched into a grimace and even my perineum and lower labia felt pulled apart. When I got home the next day I saw that my anus was exposed and discolored areas that had been inside my buttocks were now flayed back and a bizarre long shield-shaped hard dark area (sacrum) was just north of my cheeks with the skin gathered into pleats. The surgeon says this spreading can rarely happen on the very thin when the area swells post surgery, but that it should settle as the swelling comes down. And indeed, the lowest part of my buttocks is close to being together now however the mid to top part is still spread and looks like a fist-sized circular dark HOLE between my buttocks going in to a hard bone, my coccyx? Underwear and thin pants sink in to this hole as I walk so it is quite apparent to anyone behind me. I’m beginning to suspect this will not improve. The augmentation with my own flesh is absurd. The only (modest) enlargement is just below the incision which is right at top of cheeks — it’s TOO HIGH, not where the normal swelling of most women, especially a mature woman. After that there is nothing, no ass at all, even less than what I had before. The difference now is that it is super painful to sit on even a cushion and I am in agony on a hard surface. The floppy skin must have given some tiny amount of cushion and now without it there is nothing but skin and bone. My current pain is really only in the strips of the augmentation. I have a follow up appointment next week and we will have to discuss how to repair this.

The hanging, swaying butt cheeks are thankfully gone, as well as just a few inches of the upper back thigh. The upper back thighs, upper outer and upper front thighs are smoother. However when I lift my leg to rest my foot on a chair, the thigh skin still hangs and swings.

The inner thighs are as draped and wrinkly as ever, and the 9” from knee north has a seersucker look from small popcorn-like veins. (I don;t know how to describe this or what caused it. I think it was small portions of veins increasing unseen in size during obesity and the now-fluffy skin can no longer keep it snugged in.) There is a large blob of flesh on the inside of each knee. All of this moves when I walk. There was never any suggestion that this would in any way be fixed during this surgery. Cognitively I did not expect it. Emotionally I had a bit of hope that it would be magically fixed, especially when I woke from surgery to see everything tight and smooth — but that was just from post-op swelling. I can still never wear a skirt or shorts and certainly not a swim suit.

Now for the abdomen. I thought this was a no brainer. There was no fat, just loose wrinkly skin. The muscles were separated in the lower abdomen, but this is all part and parcel of abdominoplasty. I was told and expected a perfect “I could expose my belly” result. Instead the skin from breastbone to waist is still baggy and wrinkled. He seemed surprised when I showed him while still in the hospital and said that it had been taut in the OR. The skin flops over my waistband when I sit. Inexplicably the incision from the back and the incision from the belly come to within 7” of each other on the left and then drop two inches down my thigh WHICH WOULD SHOW IN A SWIM SUIT before rising up and joining. Was this an “oopsie” when he flipped me over?? He has offered no explanation. Yes, the draping skin is gone. (I am still very swollen.)I made it through two pregnancies without a stretch mark… until the ninth month of my second when my son created a thick one going due north 2” from my navel. I consulted plastic surgeons in the 90s postpartum when I was thin and before I had ever been morbidly obese and was told that with a tummy tuck, this stretch mark would be gone. I was surprised as I didn;t think my tummy had that much loose skin. The surgeons I consulted this time with the gobs of loose skin said the stretch mark would absolutely be gone. I was so confident of this that I didn't bring it up with the surgeon I used. Well that stretch mark is still there, about an inch under the new navel he created. (The navel is tiny and cute. Not an ugly porthole like too many surgeons give their patients.) I’m not upset that the stretch mark is still there — even if I could wear a bikini I would never wear one that low — but it is evidence that he did not stretch the midriff sufficiently and why it is so baggy. BTW, it’s not like I could go get the tummy tuck fixed because to restretch the skin, that new navel would become a stitched up slit scar right below another new navel that would need to be created. I’m stuck with what I’ve got.

Because the lower and inner thighs are still very bad, the best I expected before surgery (beach-wise) was to be able to wear hip hugger pants with a midriff top with 3/4 sleeves (arms are wrinkly). Well now that the abdominal area is so baggy, I can forget that now, too.

My waist is 1-1/2” larger than it was the day before surgery. I don;t think this is because of swelling but how the skin was pulled down. My hips were 36” (if I lifted my panni and measured under it) and are now 37” which I hope is due to the abdominal swelling. (The swelling is such that I can’t see my pubis without bending all the way over.)

And so what have I achieved besides a depleted bank account? Yes, there is not belly skin in theatre curtain drapes on my front. That’s a plus as I don;t have to fear having it get caught in my zipper. Yes, I don;t have mud flaps on my ass that sometimes hung down in the toilet and on occasion I’d pee on them. The draping on the back of my thighs which sort of showed through thin pants (but did not show through tight yoga pants or jeans) is gone.

Other than that, my body is still that of a formerly morbidly obese, now old woman. And perhaps that’s part of my disappointment. My memory of my thin body was from 10 years ago or longer. Somewhere in my heart I think I hoped my post-LBL body would look more like I remembered it. No such luck.

But before we dismiss my tale of woe as being a pathetic inability to accept the reality of an old body, let’s not forget that I HAVE A FIST-SIZED HOLE IN MY ASS.
Wowsers, that was a read. As I read, i kept thinking "just wait, things will settle into place" and then I'd read further :(....

Thank you for sharing, I am sorry you are not completely happy with the outcome but I am still hopeful that after the pain subsides, the fist sized hole shrinks, and there is some negotiation of ideal vs. reality, you will be more pleased than not.

That said, I don't wanna gloss over your frustration. This was a huge undertaking, emotionally, physically and financially. You should be thrilled or at least satisfied. Hope some things can be addressed in the follow-up appt.

Btw, my ass appeared like an extension of my back for a few weeks. It did drop as my skin relaxed ( and continues to drop as it is now weighed down by regain:laugh::cry::unsure:).
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Thank you so much for sharing all of this and for articulating in graphic detail all of the issues resulting from your LBL. I have to wonder, could you be the victim of a botched surgery? If things do not improve, please consider lawyering up. You paid dearly both financially and in pain for this surgery. That your surgeon left a fist sized hole in your ass and did not tighten your abdomen correctly and left haphazard uneven scars is beyond nightmarish and does not sound, in any way, like standard of care results. That he left your ass so unpadded it causes you deep pain to sit at all is also seriously suspicious. Please keep us posted as your recover continues along.
@Clematis thanks for the update. I am so sorry that the LBL came with mixed results or in some areas of your body did not work out as planned. Of course, getting rid of the extra skin draping is great. I am hoping that with healing things will shift and the appearance will improve and that your surgeon will fix everything with your next round of surgery. I do recall that @galaxygrrl wrote in a posting that she mentioned to Dr. Rabkin that she wanted a Brazilian butt (fat from her own body added) and he said it would not work. I do not know why, but presumed it had to do with DSers not absorbing fat.

I can so relate to the disappointment of looking in the mirror and seeing an old slender woman and not the young thin woman from our memory. :( It has to be even more disappointing after PLS. Still hoping with time everything will improve for you.

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