So I spent Saturday at the ER after I collapsed twice after getting up this morning. The second time I hit the floor the wife woke up and almost called an ambulance before I managed to convince her I could get myself to the car. I was very pale with cold skin. I felt incredibly weak and "foggy". Came within a hair's breadth of being admitted but the ER doc changed his mind after talking to the GI doc on call. Verdict seems to be I have a GI bleed and was dehydrated. I already knew I have blood in my stool (apparently from hemorrhoids). So I was turned loose with a scrip for Protonix and orders to call the GI practice on Monday.
I just got my lab results in the mail from visiting my GP last Friday for painful elimination and blood in my stool. I'd already flagged D as a concern. ER doc looked at my history and said that My hemoglobin had been very consistently at 14.5 for years , dropped to 14.1 at the labs taken last friday, and when he checked them today I was in the high 13s. He didn't mention it but I noticed my Red Blood Cell count was low. I'm assuming this means I need to get more Iron. Here are my labs from the GP. Are there any other time bombs I need to catch?
I just got my lab results in the mail from visiting my GP last Friday for painful elimination and blood in my stool. I'd already flagged D as a concern. ER doc looked at my history and said that My hemoglobin had been very consistently at 14.5 for years , dropped to 14.1 at the labs taken last friday, and when he checked them today I was in the high 13s. He didn't mention it but I noticed my Red Blood Cell count was low. I'm assuming this means I need to get more Iron. Here are my labs from the GP. Are there any other time bombs I need to catch?

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