I have a sm hiatal hernia and gastritis

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Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
Update at end of post

You know there are times when you have to be a know your own health.
I was “blessed” with reflux around 2000. Tried several PPI’s and while my DS didn’t help, it didn’t make it worse. But now something has.

Up until about a month ago, 2 15 mg capsules of Prevacid worked fine about 98% of the time. I’ve had breakthroughs on occasion so I’ve kept a bottle of a quick antacid to help. Now I’m taking the Pepcid nightly.

I have an endoscopy on Friday morning and while I don’t want them to find anything, I do want to know why this started.

My diet hasn’t changed, I’m a boring eater. When I take the medication hasn’t changed in 20 years. But for some reason, I’m getting severe GERD. In fact, tonight was so bad, I ended up with a bad coughing fit and burning in my esophagus.

I’ll be glad to get the endoscopy done.

Update; small hiatal hernia found
Along with gastritis.
I can no longer take NSAIDs
Thankfully topical is still allowed

I’m confused about the gastritis, I looked up common cause and I barely fit. No signs or symptoms other tha breakthrough reflux.

Ive reached out to my pcp for something to take the place of the NSAIDS. But how to heal the gastritis?
I'm sorry to hear this... :( Hope the gastritis resolves spontaneously and you feel better soon!
But how to heal the gastritis?

don't they have any advice for you? what about the hernia, is there the option to have it repaired?

I'm so sorry you are going through this, Liz, the reflux sounds just terrible. I hope someone can figure out something!


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