I guess I’m NOT supposed to want to buy this?

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Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
Due to a number of factors*, we think we need to buy one of those walk-in tubs. A small one. We did our homework, still doing it, but came up with the name of one of the companies we want to have visit. I called the manufacturer for the name of THEIR contractor for our area. I have NEVER encountered anyone so determined to NOT sell me something. A few examples:

•well, you wouldn’t want to get one of these too soon, you know. They are usually used by the elderly or sometimes the disabled.
•they aren’t exactly cheap. SOME cost in excess of $20k. We don’t cost that much, but we often hit $14-15k.
•maybe you’d like to think about this and call back in a week or two.
•there has been a lot of marketing, but the showers can spray all over and get the floor wet. (They actually sell a “shower screen.”)
•your husband needs to be there when our representative arrives.
…and so on

Under duress, she made the appointment for me. I called back to the manufacturer (a family-owned company) and said, “If your sales in California have been lagging, I think I can tell you why.” The Customer Service Person was appalled. She said that if the sales rep guy who visits is equally strange, the company will be glad to sell me a tub that my own plumbing contractor can install.

Anyway, if we’ve never spoken on the phone, here’s a heads-up so you aren’t surprised: I sound like a young, healthy, poor woman who doesn’t have the sense to do ANY research before I make five figure purchases or to figure out that shower curtains/doors exist to keep shower water from hitting the floor.

It COULD BE a geography thing. That woman is in the town where my Second Goofiest Aunt (SGA) lives. Also living there is a cousin, SGA’s daughter, who is an RN, who was appalled that her mom, tested positive for COVID in spite of having three vaccines. I mentioned that perhaps those vaccines were the reason that the SGA had mild symptoms and even though she tested positive and the hospital WAS NOT full and she’s a few weeks short of 89, she was not sick enough to be admitted. Cousin responded with something like “my hairdresser’s gardener’s cousin knows someone whose kid had side effects from the vaccine.“ And I, of course, mentioned that we know a three-year-old who was part of the blinded Moderna studies and who had ZERO side effects, not even a sore arm, so the parents were SURE he got the placebo. Study was unblinded, he got the real thing. Anyway, maybe living there makes everyone goofy. Although my SGA has ALWAYS been very odd.

*This means there has been yet another catastrophe which will require tearing out a shower, the leaking (concrete) shower pan under the shower, the subflooring under the shower pan and even adding a “sister joist” under the new subflooring.
I sound like a young, healthy, poor woman who doesn’t have the sense to do ANY research before I make five figure purchases or to figure out that shower curtains/doors exist to keep shower water from hitting the floor.
I can't believe that's true, it must be her.

I hope you find a good one and you and Mr Sue can both enjoy it.
Well, now I'm having second thoughts about getting a walk-in.

From what I’ve found so far, the highest rated lists always SEEM TO include American Standard, Safe Step, Koehler and Ella’s Bubbles.

They ARE expensive, but…we currently have a no-bathtub house. We were good with that, until colorectal surgery. And we know he is a candidate for hip replacement and we aren’t sure how THAT factors in, and then…if we don’t replace his shower, in his bathroom, with a small in tub, we probably have a pretty large project fitting a tub—even a plain old regular tub—in what is now a laundry room between the two existing bathrooms. THAT would entail more construction, new plumbing lines to and from the new tub and meanwhile, we’d still need to replace his currently messed up shower. So that ain’t cheap either.
Inflatable hot tub.

We’ve had a real hot tub and could NEVER manage to get the chemicals right. In a pool, yes. Not in a hot tub.

I am not familiar with inflatable hot tubs. But I might have to get permission from the skunk that was setting off our Ring Alarm almost every night. We sprayed stuff to discourage his/her presence, but we expect a return!
DH has a hip replacement two years ago and my hip surgery was four months ago. Neither one of us has problems yet. I've just been thinking about maybe getting some things done before we actually need them. And our bathroombathrooms aren't very big so it would have be able to fit in there. We have those fiberglass preformed units, which I absolutely hate. With my luck, I'd get one with all kinds of problems. I glad I have a bit of time to think it over.

I appreciate your input.
Hilary is so smart!

Yes. hilary1617 is smart. She is brilliant. She is ALSO not in California…lol.

See, I went looking for info on inflatable hot tubs/spas. I also looked for the extra charges added on to large-size purchases and discovered that…the first one I found anyway, isn’t welcome in my home state. This, of course, isn’t the only such item and it isn’t even a very highly rated item…too few jets…but it is going to make me look at other


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