Humiliated by flight attendant on return flight TG weekend

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Sep 3, 2016
Knoxville TN
I've never been treated like so much **** as I was during a return flight on Allegiant air after visiting family over Thanksgiving. What made it worse is that my daughter was with me and had to watch as a male flight attendant forced me to buckle my seatbelt in front of him. We ordered the flight tickets online and got random seat assignments. It never occurred to me that the seat assignment would be a problem, but I guess we got stowed in an exit row and as I boarded the plane and we found our row, this male flight attendant came from the back of the plane and stood in our row (there was extra space there) and kept staring at me. When I sat down he immediately said "Let me see your seatbelt." I showed it to him and he kept staring "I have to watch you buckle it."

Of course, this ******* KNEW it would not fit and did not try to discreetly tell me that, hey, let's move your seat because this won't be comfortable for you. No, instead he watched me struggle with it, staring at me the entire time. Then he said "Give it one more try" and I asked him for an extender (I have never needed one on a flight before and it never occurred to me I would need one this flight. I didn't need one on the departing flight). He proceeds to literally scoff at me shaking his head and huffing "You can't use a seatbelt extender on an exit row. You have to fit in the seat!"

I did fit in the seat. The seatbelt did not fit around me. So, I asked "Can we move our seats?" He snapped "Well, YOU have to wait until the entire plane boards and then we'll see if we can switch your seats with passengers who can fit the exit row."

I wanted to die. He was so mean. I barked back "Well, I would like to sit with my child, if that is not too much for a fat woman to ask." He was so rude "I see what we can do about that. If you want you can keep trying the seatbelt." I was horrified and humiliated. He was being outright loud about it.

With that, the two gentlemen in the seats behind ours, who watched and heard this entire interaction offered to switch seats. I thanked them and thanked them for simply being nice about it. One of them said "You dealt with an ******* already the least I can do is be nice."

We switched seats and when I got situated the flight attendant leaned his arm over from the seats behind ours--he was in the aisle but leaned right over the people in those seats with this bright red seat extender and dangled it over my kid "Here. This is for your mother."

This entire incident was beyond humiliating. My daughter handed me the ******* extender and said "He didn't need to be so mean to you, mom. He's a jerk!"

I can't wait to have my ******* surgery so I can fit into the ****** world that's not made for me or people like me. This is just one more reason that I feel that the six month waiting period where we're put on this 1200 calorie a day diet that won't work infuriates me. I could be already on my way toward recovering. I can't understand why we're forced to wait this long and because I teach, I have to wait until the end of the spring semester now.

That flight attendant had me so flustered that I got off the plane with that stupid extender (that I did not need in the seat we moved to) still in my hand. I just stared at it for the hour long flight back home. I have to fly again in a few weeks to go back for Christmas and now I am dreading the experience. I don't want to get back on a plane. This should be something I can look forward to doing--going to see my parents and family. But, I'm stressed about the entire thing now.

It's remarkable that, no matter how accomplished you are in your life, if you are deemed too fat to live by people who choose to be mean to you, everything else about you is overlooked. All I was to this flight attendant was a fat passenger. I got in his way. I made his life/job harder. I was a problem he had to deal with. He gave no consideration to me as a human being. I never want to fly anywhere ever again.
I'm so sorry that happened to you. There are mean people in the world. That was about him and NOT you. You did have some nice people help out. Shake it off, a little bit of time and you are on your way. And screw him for being a jerk
I've never been treated like so much **** as I was during a return flight on Allegiant air after visiting family over Thanksgiving. What made it worse is that my daughter was with me and had to watch as a male flight attendant forced me to buckle my seatbelt in front of him. We ordered the flight tickets online and got random seat assignments. It never occurred to me that the seat assignment would be a problem, but I guess we got stowed in an exit row and as I boarded the plane and we found our row, this male flight attendant came from the back of the plane and stood in our row (there was extra space there) and kept staring at me. When I sat down he immediately said "Let me see your seatbelt." I showed it to him and he kept staring "I have to watch you buckle it."

Of course, this ******* KNEW it would not fit and did not try to discreetly tell me that, hey, let's move your seat because this won't be comfortable for you. No, instead he watched me struggle with it, staring at me the entire time. Then he said "Give it one more try" and I asked him for an extender (I have never needed one on a flight before and it never occurred to me I would need one this flight. I didn't need one on the departing flight). He proceeds to literally scoff at me shaking his head and huffing "You can't use a seatbelt extender on an exit row. You have to fit in the seat!"

I did fit in the seat. The seatbelt did not fit around me. So, I asked "Can we move our seats?" He snapped "Well, YOU have to wait until the entire plane boards and then we'll see if we can switch your seats with passengers who can fit the exit row."

I wanted to die. He was so mean. I barked back "Well, I would like to sit with my child, if that is not too much for a fat woman to ask." He was so rude "I see what we can do about that. If you want you can keep trying the seatbelt." I was horrified and humiliated. He was being outright loud about it.

With that, the two gentlemen in the seats behind ours, who watched and heard this entire interaction offered to switch seats. I thanked them and thanked them for simply being nice about it. One of them said "You dealt with an ******* already the least I can do is be nice."

We switched seats and when I got situated the flight attendant leaned his arm over from the seats behind ours--he was in the aisle but leaned right over the people in those seats with this bright red seat extender and dangled it over my kid "Here. This is for your mother."

This entire incident was beyond humiliating. My daughter handed me the ******* extender and said "He didn't need to be so mean to you, mom. He's a jerk!"

I can't wait to have my ******* surgery so I can fit into the ****** world that's not made for me or people like me. This is just one more reason that I feel that the six month waiting period where we're put on this 1200 calorie a day diet that won't work infuriates me. I could be already on my way toward recovering. I can't understand why we're forced to wait this long and because I teach, I have to wait until the end of the spring semester now.

That flight attendant had me so flustered that I got off the plane with that stupid extender (that I did not need in the seat we moved to) still in my hand. I just stared at it for the hour long flight back home. I have to fly again in a few weeks to go back for Christmas and now I am dreading the experience. I don't want to get back on a plane. This should be something I can look forward to doing--going to see my parents and family. But, I'm stressed about the entire thing now.

It's remarkable that, no matter how accomplished you are in your life, if you are deemed too fat to live by people who choose to be mean to you, everything else about you is overlooked. All I was to this flight attendant was a fat passenger. I got in his way. I made his life/job harder. I was a problem he had to deal with. He gave no consideration to me as a human being. I never want to fly anywhere ever again.
@writegirl I am so sorry this happened to you.

I fly a lot, mostly for business, and pre-surgery I had many similar experiences with clueless, rude, mean, even sadistic airline staff and fellow passengers. It was horrible. Now that I am approaching "normal" BMI, I no longer experience this myself but often see it happening to others and do my best to model compassion and accommodation.
Sadly, we can't change people, just our reaction to them. I hope you will send some version of your post to management of the airline - calling out this staff member by name if you have it. They need to know how their staff are representing them with their customers.

Meanwhile hugs and positive energy!!
You still have the extender? Keep it as a trophy for handling an ass-hat with flair. And when you're thinner you can keep it as a trophy for being successful. Bless those people behind you. Try to forget the attendant and celebrate the decent human beings you met. You probably will never forget the whole experience, yet if you can give the niceness of strangers more value over the lunacy of meanness, you can turn the memory into something valuable.

( I had an experience about 50 years ago in high school with Mean Girls. Two dear friends showed me a fierce display of loyalty and support. I have written off the Mean Girls as stupid adolescents and still adore my supporters with my own fierce gratitude.)
@writegirl I am so sorry for your experience. It's horrible that you received such hostile treatment from someone paid to provide a service to you. May karma reward you with a thousand kindnesses in the coming days!
I once had someone treat me just as badly (but not for weight). Anyway, I took a picture of him and described matter-of-factly my experience on Yelp, Trip Advisor, etc. Now his photo (with description) and my review serve to remind him and others what not to do. Companies don't like to see negative reviews.

And, as Galaxygirl observed, it's about him, not you AND most people are not like that.
I'm so sorry this happened? Flying used to be very stressful for me too. If I was in a fatter than usual arc of life and had to fly I would diet like crazy the weeks before to try to insure I fit in the seatbelt. I finally ordered online an extender that fit Southwest airline belts and one that fit American and another company that I flew sometime. I felt secure with the extender in my purse knowing I could discreetly use it without having to ask an attendant for one. I only had to use it one time. There are vast differences in seat belt lengths with no rhyme or reason to why. I never could figure it out. I haven't flown any airline other than Southwest in so long now I wouldn't know what it felt like to have an assigned seat. I even flew it to San Diego when I sent to have my DS in Mexico. Everyone kept saying, go first class but Sw doesn't have first class and I had points to get my ticket so no way was I going to mess with any other airline. SW has the best connections and nonstop flights to SanDiego anyway and it helps that I'm short! :geek:
Hope you kept the seatbelt extender! I'm sorry this happened. Cruelty is never acceptable but too many of us have been in that seat with you.

I hope you place the blame for the useless diet squarely on the insurance company. They want to make sure you have suffered enough to be deserving of surgery. I wonder what would happen if they used this same cruel criteria on heart or kidney patients? But I keep forgetting it's quite OK to be cruel to the fatties.
Hope you kept the seatbelt extender! I'm sorry this happened. Cruelty is never acceptable but too many of us have been in that seat with you.

I hope you place the blame for the useless diet squarely on the insurance company. They want to make sure you have suffered enough to be deserving of surgery. I wonder what would happen if they used this same cruel criteria on heart or kidney patients? But I keep forgetting it's quite OK to be cruel to the fatties.

Yes, I kept the extender. I may as well have it with me when I have to fly this same airline later this month, just in case. It's funny that you mentioned about the insurance company. I think these insurance companies would make kidney or heart patients wait for treatment if they could get away with it. Can you imagine what would happen if they told men who need vi-agra (why is this word banned on this forum?) that they have to wait 6 months and keep trying to get it up before they would cover the cost of treatment for their erectile dysfunction?

I'm furious with the way this flight attendant treated me. I wonder how many people a month he fat shames. Of course, he is the size of a twig with arms, himself.
You still have the extender? Keep it as a trophy for handling an ass-hat with flair. And when you're thinner you can keep it as a trophy for being successful. Bless those people behind you. Try to forget the attendant and celebrate the decent human beings you met. You probably will never forget the whole experience, yet if you can give the niceness of strangers more value over the lunacy of meanness, you can turn the memory into something valuable.

( I had an experience about 50 years ago in high school with Mean Girls. Two dear friends showed me a fierce display of loyalty and support. I have written off the Mean Girls as stupid adolescents and still adore my supporters with my own fierce gratitude.)

I still have the extender. Thank you for the idea. I think I will keep it after I have surgery. It's a good reminder of the way the world shames fat people. Do they need to make the extender bright red? Do they need to make it so people have to ask for them? Why not make a bin at the entrance point of the plane so people can just grab one, if they need it? Why not advertise the size of the seatbelts when you're booking a flight so you can choose seats that are more comfortable or request an extender at booking? Everything about the way this airline treats overweight passengers makes me sick. I really do not want to fly ever again.
@writegirl I am so sorry this happened to you.

I fly a lot, mostly for business, and pre-surgery I had many similar experiences with clueless, rude, mean, even sadistic airline staff and fellow passengers. It was horrible. Now that I am approaching "normal" BMI, I no longer experience this myself but often see it happening to others and do my best to model compassion and accommodation.
Sadly, we can't change people, just our reaction to them. I hope you will send some version of your post to management of the airline - calling out this staff member by name if you have it. They need to know how their staff are representing them with their customers.

Meanwhile hugs and positive energy!!

Thank you! I'm sorry you have had this experience, too. No one should be treated in such a way. I have his first name, but I don't want to deal with calling the airline. I don't think they'll actually care. Let's face it, airlines look at passengers as freight. They do not give a crap about us as people. This incident has made me feel panic-stricken about the possibility that my insurance company could try to deny me my DS surgery. I can't navigate the world as a fatty--it's not built for me. I need this surgery and I'm freaking irritated that I am being forced to wait three more months before I am "allowed" to get the surgery my body needs. I appreciate the hugs and the energy. This entire situation makes me want to scream and punch a skinny bitch.
The airlines may not care about you, but they do care about their image. No need to make any phone calls if you are not so inclined. Just post post post on every review cite and relevant Facebook or other social media cite you can. And do use the name of the airline, flight info, and name of the flight attendant. There should be consequences for bad behavior.

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