Horrible feet pain

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Now an angel
Jan 1, 2014
My feet have been burning horrible. It's like nerve damage pain. The gabapentin is not working. I only had it this bad before was if I sat too long on the toilet. Yall not gonna believe this but they hurt I want to go to the ER.

Any ideas on what I can do for the extreme nerve pain.
All they will do is have you add more gabapentin. That's the problem with that drug...you get on it, it works for awhile, then your body gets use to that dose which means you need to up the dose.

That kind of nerve pain is caused either from diabetes, spinal cord damage, low B12 or high B6 typically for DSers, alcohol, etc. See if you can get your B12 and B6 tested.
All they will do is have you add more gabapentin. That's the problem with that drug...you get on it, it works for awhile, then your body gets use to that dose which means you need to up the dose.

That kind of nerve pain is caused either from diabetes, spinal cord damage, low B12 or high B6 typically for DSers, alcohol, etc. See if you can get your B12 and B6 tested.

They were giving me b12 in the rehab. Plus I think b1.. once people increase the gabapentin how long is it before it stops the pain.
I got shingles and I read neuropathy has to do with them. I DON'T KNOW I JUST NEED THIS PAIN TO STOP!!!
They were giving me b12 in the rehab. Plus I think b1.. once people increase the gabapentin how long is it before it stops the pain.
I got shingles and I read neuropathy has to do with them. I DON'T KNOW I JUST NEED THIS PAIN TO STOP!!!
Mine always took a week. But then that's me.
From a friend who has post-herpetic neuralgia , it is not fun and taking gabapentin makes her a few degrees away from being in a zombie-like state. The Mayo clinic describes some relief from patches such as lidocaine or capsaicin. Interesting, but I wonder how they'd work on a wide area of pain. I use a lidocaine cream for one toe that has neuropathy from either a fracture or post-traumatic arthritis. I like the results, but can't imagine how it would work on a larger area. One toe is manageable. I've tried OTC lidocaine and capsaicin without any relief. The cream I use is only by prescription. It might be wroth looking into.
It would take me about 5-7 days to notice a difference but I needed 2,400mg a day of Gabapentin to have it work well on my funny nerve impairments and I still needed a narcotic to have less pain. Those who say narcotics don't work on nerve pain must have never experienced nerve pain because it for sure helped me. I also have a spinal cord stimulator implant for nerve pain. It's like torture and I understand why you would want to go to the ER. I'm so sorry that you are suffering.
From a friend who has post-herpetic neuralgia , it is not fun and taking gabapentin makes her a few degrees away from being in a zombie-like state. The Mayo clinic describes some relief from patches such as lidocaine or capsaicin. Interesting, but I wonder how they'd work on a wide area of pain.

I get prescribed lidocaine cream already it doesn't really work. Plus I get a cream with 7 different pain agents in it. It has..ketamine. gabapentin, lidocaine I can't remember the other 4 things. When I go to my actual house ill look. Hopefully remember to grab some to try. Im miserable.
It would take me about 5-7 days to notice a difference but I needed 2,400mg a day of Gabapentin to have it work well on my funny nerve impairments and I still needed a narcotic to have less pain. Those who say narcotics don't work on nerve pain must have never experienced nerve pain because it for sure helped me. I also have a spinal cord stimulator implant for nerve pain. It's like torture and I understand why you would want to go to the ER. I'm so sorry that you are suffering.

Im one of those who say narcotics doesn't work on nerve pain. When you have surgery or something broken take a narcotic and it stops the pain for some hours TILL ITS TIME TO TAKE MORE.Take them with nerve pain. A little tiny bit it helps. VERY LITTLE. You went from what dose to 2400 for it to work?

Take them with nerve pain. A little tiny bit it helps. VERY LITTLE. You went from what dose to 2400 for it to work?
I started at 1200 in 1997 to 7200 (yes, you read that right) by 2002. My body kept getting use to it and the pain would be back.
Gabapentine was designed for epilepsy not nerve pain. As an epileptic drug, the maximum dose was 3600 in divided doses. Neuralgic pain never had the same clinical trials that they used for epilepsy. My 7200 was in divided doses.
I started at 1200 in 1997 to 7200 (yes, you read that right) by 2002. My body kept getting use to it and the pain would be back.
Gabapentine was designed for epilepsy not nerve pain. As an epileptic drug, the maximum dose was 3600 in divided doses. Neuralgic pain never had the same clinical trials that they used for epilepsy. My 7200 was in divided doses.

So i think i may have figured out What's causing the extreme foot pain by what you said Liz. You said a could be from low B12 well when they checked my labs in the rehab B12 was low. Now all of a sudden I have these cracks/sores in the corner of my mouth where my mouth. when that happened to me I didn't even know but I had went to see doctor K and soon as he saw me he said your B vitamins are low that's what those cracks in the corners of your mouth are. I had them for months and couldn't get rid of them. When i took the B-complex vite like dr K said the healed in a week. So hopefully that will fix this foot pain if not im going to become very irrational.

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