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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2014
Middle TN
Life has been a challenge for me the past few weeks or months, not sure how long I've been zoning out. I knew that somehow, I'd been logged out. I kept saying I needed to log back in. Today I got off my procrastinating butt!

I won't go into details, yet my youngest brother actions have me heartbroken and wanting to punch him in the throat. The Reader's Digest story is that he slid on a patch of black ice and ran into a head-on-head collision with a semi. We learned this from a friend who told us he was under strict instructions by a friend (who was aware of the wreck) not to let any family member know. Friend did call my other brother. It was a bad wreck. The last I heard he was in ICU. It's been about two weeks. We know nothing else since that initial phone call. With our family dynamics, I can understand some reasons for the estrangement. He has His Truth and we have the more objective truth of our dysfunctional family.

On the more positive side of what's been going on, I contacted a mental health provider. I wanted some management of my medications. My first visit was Nov 20. They took swabs of my cheek for a DNA analysis to better understand which meds might be more useful. Modern science never ceases to amaze me. I have a follow-up appointment tomorrow. I also want some therapy/counseling which will be discussed at the appointment.

I know, objectively, I need to have human contact. My virtual friends here have been a god send. I hope all of you are doing well. I know some of you have your struggles. I wish you success in overcoming them. I also rejoice in your triumphs.
I know you need several but a virtual is all I can manage. Sometimes I wish we all could live in a great big community and support each other.

I hope you get good news of your brother, that he heals. I can understand frustrating family dynamics. All I could do was keep the door open at my end and hope that someday things would heal. It took almost two decades but things finally did. I’m glad I never shut the door. Sometimes being the older in the family is hard.
my youngest brother actions have me heartbroken and wanting to punch him in the throat.

I'm so sorry this has been going on and, like Liz, wish we could give you hugs in person. please update us going forward!


I'm doing well generally except for this week when I think I have covid for the third time. I was too tired to test (seriously) but it's been just fever and exhaustion since Tuesday. Today the fever is down a lot so finally improving.

I hope you both have a good holiday!
I'm so sorry this has been going on and, like Liz, wish we could give you hugs in person. please update us going forward!


I'm doing well generally except for this week when I think I have covid for the third time. I was too tired to test (seriously) but it's been just fever and exhaustion since Tuesday. Today the fever is down a lot so finally improving.

I hope you both have a good holiday!
Jackie, sorry you have Covid, AGAIN! Stay hydrated and rest.
I'm so sorry this has been going on and, like Liz, wish we could give you hugs in person. please update us going forward!


I'm doing well generally except for this week when I think I have covid for the third time. I was too tired to test (seriously) but it's been just fever and exhaustion since Tuesday. Today the fever is down a lot so finally improving.

I hope you both have a good holiday!
I'm sorry to hear about Covid. I hope you feel better soon.
I got my DNA results back for compatible antidepressant and anxiolytics. It looks like I can take most of them. We're going to fiddle around with the dosages and see how that goes. I'll take any good news.
UPDATE My brother is out of the hospital and reconciliation is beginning. He has some social services like transportation, meal delivery, and has been enrolled in Medicaid. Life with him has been filled with many ups and downs. I'd like to hope this will be a big change. However, I'm not holding my breath and will enjoy connecting with him. I'd also like to think this is a huge and life altering change. Yet again, I won't hold my breath.
Glad he’s out of the hospital. Do what yo can to mend the bridge between you but don’t leave yourself too open. You don’t want him to hurt you again.
He has more of a social support system than he's ever had before. I'm cautiously optimistic. If he lapses like he has all the other time he's rallied, it won't surprise me. It will sadden me but not impact me otherwise. What was so scary this time was the seriousness of his wreck. Someone shared a picture of the crashed and burnt pickup truck he was in. He must have had a guardian angel working overtime. Just like you can't force someone to have WLS or quit drinking, he has to initiate change. I will always love and support him but not at the expense of my mental health.

I thank you all for the good wishes and chicken swinging. Being able to share this has helped me cope. I love you all.

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