@Adorable, I love reading how much you are gaining as you are losing! Sometimes it is the simple pleasures that mean the most. And know you are beautiful and will be so at any shape and size.
Here here!!!!!!!!! Cheers @more2adore
So proud of you. Just wow.
Don't even get me started!! I was buttass nekkid in front of someone for the first time in years this weekend. I've been 'almost' naked - but never 100% completely.. I kept looking at my ****s. It's super-incredible how much definition has been lost. My poor ******* LOL. For anyone interested - I AM collecting for the Jacquii Cooke's Big ******* fund. I made a Facebook page and a stupid graphic about it:
I know - it's super ridiculous.
A graphic made in 10 minutes and a *piece of a poem* made in even less time LOL
I haven't made the page public - it's been collecting dust for a year or so now hahaha. Je t'adore .... a bit ironic. But haven't each of us come from a place of unsatisfaction only to find that we ARE worthy of love? I think so. And I'm totally loving your success right now @more2adore --- Anyway - perhaps one of these days when my fund reaches capacity - Can share a bit for all of us with the saggy tubes. And perhaps a bit of help for us with the batwings as well LOL. Only request I have is if you can share some of those shapely hips! Excuse the language - but **** what you heard!! Your shape is EVERYTHING girlie.
Too Funny! For most of us one of the downsides is the leftovers. It sucks when the body can't snap back. Usually it's the women with issues but it happens to all of us. Here's a guy story that will slay you. I know a man who lost about 300lbs. He had to have a testicle lift and it was covered by insurance. Every time he sat down on the toilet, his testicles hit the water. Insurance agreed to pay because it was quite unsanitary and there was no other way to take care of the problem! Thankfully he did have a sense of humor and was able to laugh about it.
Here here!!!!!!!!! Cheers @more2adore
So proud of you. Just wow.
Don't even get me started!! I was buttass nekkid in front of someone for the first time in years this weekend. I've been 'almost' naked - but never 100% completely.. I kept looking at my ****s. It's super-incredible how much definition has been lost. My poor ******* LOL. For anyone interested - I AM collecting for the Jacquii Cooke's Big ******* fund. I made a Facebook page and a stupid graphic about it:
I know - it's super ridiculous.
A graphic made in 10 minutes and a *piece of a poem* made in even less time LOL
I haven't made the page public - it's been collecting dust for a year or so now hahaha. Je t'adore .... a bit ironic. But haven't each of us come from a place of unsatisfaction only to find that we ARE worthy of love? I think so. And I'm totally loving your success right now @more2adore --- Anyway - perhaps one of these days when my fund reaches capacity - Can share a bit for all of us with the saggy tubes. And perhaps a bit of help for us with the batwings as well LOL. Only request I have is if you can share some of those shapely hips! Excuse the language - but **** what you heard!! Your shape is EVERYTHING girlie.
Yeah, I can't relate but I CAN be in awe of y'all for being so determined. It was hard enough for me, I can not even begin to comprehend how hard it was for either of you but I can cheer you on and celebrate your victories with you.
Sounds like you are coping well. I predict further issues with your friends in the acceptance movement. Sorry but you may as well be prepared.
I hope your physical issues continue to improve. Movement should be pain free! And there should be happy dances associated with being able to do the simple things most consider to be just daily life. Keep on!
Oh, I have no doubt there will be further issues. I'm open and honest about having had the surgery without ever pushing it on anyone, though. So far my experience has been that a lot of people my current and former size want to talk about it and hate that there's no real safe space to do so. But they know they can come to me privately and chat, and some of them do just that. That's about all I can do for the moment.
Wow. Just wow. Those responses were just as incisive and insightful as the questions. Thanks for trusting us enough to give us a look into your journey, @more2adore.
Thank you so much for your answers to such thought provoking questions. I love your honesty and wisdom that is shown in them. They are huge things and I'm so happy that you're enjoying them
I think it is only other WLS patients who can appreciate our victories. While my change from size 32 to size 12, is the most important change to some around me, I found others to be more important. I hated having to use a shopping cart when all I needed to buy was one small item. The changes in my mobility are truly more important. Well, that and the loss of a few problems such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and obstructive sleep apnea. Yet the health problems were known only to me and my doctors. Those seemingly invisible victories are HUGE!
Thank you so much. It's so funny you'd mention shopping carts - I don't know HOW supersized women in Australia handle it. I guess they all get their groceries delivered. Because here, the shopping carts have ALL FOUR wheels that spin 360 degrees instead of just the front two. So there's NO stability to the cart. You can't lean on it for support. Pushing it (especially when it gets full) is incredibly difficult. When I first arrived, I had to have hubby do all the shopping because I could no longer use the cart for a little extra support while doing the walking around the store! Only the Costco here (with American everything) also has American-style carts - the little things you take for granted and never know about, I swear!
And stay in touch with the fat acceptance crowd. I've seen others learn, the hard way, that while societal acceptance is a worthy goal, the physical and health problems accumulate as time goes on. Mobility decreases. Pain increases. You won't be the last to accept the need for bariatric surgery, though it's an extra hard decision for them.
Oh, definitely trying to do this. You wouldn't believe how many people came out of the woodwork to say to me privately "I've had surgery too" or "I'm thinking about having surgery" when I announced it. It's so taboo and so hidden yet many more people are having surgery in this community than anyone really knows.
Wow! Just WOW! You are amazing and your sassy little smile says it all. While I can never know how hard it was at your starting weight, I am in awe of your strength, positive attitude and determination. Congratulations!!!! Adorable is right!
Here here!!!!!!!!! Cheers @more2adore
So proud of you. Just wow.[...]
Only request I have is if you can share some of those shapely hips! Excuse the language - but **** what you heard!! Your shape is EVERYTHING girlie.
And stay in touch with the fat acceptance crowd. I've seen others learn, the hard way, that while societal acceptance is a worthy goal, the physical and health problems accumulate as time goes on. Mobility decreases. Pain increases. You won't be the last to accept the need for bariatric surgery, though it's an extra hard decision for them.
The smaller you get, the harder it is for them. I have been accused of 'fat shaming/body shaming' people by mentioning weight loss on my own FB. It's a sore and touchy subject. Gin might be better at not talking about a huge part of her life now than I was, but my weight loss was and IS a huge part of me. I have kept a handful of peeps, those that are truly happy for me. Also, because of my outspoken stance on weight loss, others that became ready to start their journey, sought me out
Neither way is better....it just is what it is
I was so happy when Ginny contacted me here (we know each other through the Size Acceptance community) as I just knew she would rock the hell out of it...and she HAS!
Thanks so much @DuodenalSwitchaRoo. <3 I do think I've found the happiest medium I can with my tightrope walking... on my FB I make updates on my WL/WLS visible to everyone EXCEPT my FA friends, UNLESS they opted in back when I first announced I was having surgery and (in order to be cognisant of people who could be triggered by it) updates would be opt-in only. And then I have my separate FB WLS account. I'm surprised I didn't lose more friends at the start when I announced it, but I have had people come to me asking about it. So people definitely know I had it and they can talk to me about it, thankfully.
I'm not sure how long my WLS FB will last at this point. The people in most of the groups (the sane groups run by people on this forum excepted!) just drive me up the flippin wall. I just can't even respond anymore.
I'm not sure how long my WLS FB will last at this point. The people in most of the groups (the sane groups run by people on this forum excepted!) just drive me up the flippin wall. I just can't even respond anymore.
Yeah, the WLS groups seem to have more than their fair share of crazies lol. I keep to myself a lot more now. When I first came on 'the wls scene' I had a blog, a vlog, a twitter (linked to vlog and blog), and a distinct FB. yeah. I drew in the crazies in droves. lol. Now I have one FB that is not in a birth name, and a blog. That's it. End of story. Not so many crazies now lol.
I didn't want to start a new "comparison pics" page like two weeks later, heh, so I'm sticking these here. I hit 200 pounds down today... I'm officially under 400 and in the 300s! And I've lost 1/3 of my body weight now! YAY!!!