I consider myself to be a super-competent person. However, I am aware of SOME of my limitations, and making snap decisions is one of them. When I was a biology major at a college where 96% of the bio majors were pre-med and heading for a far more lucrative profession than I was (I expected to be a researcher/professor), and one of the reasons for NOT giving medicine as a career a second thought is that I need to give EVERYTHING a second thought - I'm not comfortable being pressured like that, even if I think I'd make the right decision almost every time. Almost isn't good enough when you're a doctor.
I know there are medical professions that don't require snap decisions - or that much contact with people either - like pathology or radiology. But that whole "people's lives are depending on me to make the RIGHT decision RIGHT now" is just not me. Note that although I'm a lawyer, I rarely do any arguing in court - most of my work is done on the computer, at my own pace. That's how I like it.
Having said that, there are PLENTY of other things I think I *AM* good at that maybe, just maybe, I'm not as good at as I believe. Driving for instance. I read somewhere that 85% of people think they are better-than-average drivers. I include myself in that statistic. It is a fact that my husband essentially refuses to be a passenger in the car if I'm driving (I think he's just a control freak, of course). And maybe a few others have complained as well. But I don't REALLY believe I am anything but an excellent driver, just a little aggressive, and what's wrong with that? I haven't been in an accident or gotten a ticket in years. I am quite confident of my abilities, and blind to my possible incompetence.
My point is, I don't want anyone who has my life, or anyone's life, in their hands because of carrying a weapon, to be an amateur, "good enough," an arrogant incompetent, or a dilettante. I don't think anyone who isn't in the top 5% of humans in their capability to have and properly control a weapon of mass destruction in their hands should be allowed to have one, perhaps outside of renting one at a shooting range.
50% of people in the US have an IQ below 100. Fact. I don't want citizens who are on the left side of the bell curve to have a gun. And really, I want further filtering requirements for owning or using a gun that would likely eliminate ME from being allowed to do so, including IQ, reaction time, mental fitness, eyesight, emotional intelligence, personality characteristics, etc.
Owning and using a gun should NOT be something that is allowed just because you're born. The requirements should be incredibly stringent.
I don't think I have the personality that is suitable for being a doctor, or using a gun in an emergency situation. I don't get off on having a gun in my hands, though I have mildly enjoyed target shooting, so I have no emotional involvement in my "right" to own one, and I'm HIGHLY suspicious of people who DO care so much. (I'll admit, however, that part of me would like to have a gun buried in an earthquake preparedness kit, though again, that is borne of paranoia and TV movies, I think.)
And perhaps that is my prejudice - I think I'm overall a super competent person, and I don't trust having a weapon of mass destruction in my home. Far too many of the gun nuts I've seen on TV yowling about their "right to bear arms" are slack-jawed, knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers who IN MY OPINION shouldn't have one either, because I don't believe they can handle them in a way that is consistent with the overall safety of the public. That's my prejudice.
Read more: http://weightlosssurgery.proboards.com/user/3/recent?page=2#ixzz2q1ulhGca
I know there are medical professions that don't require snap decisions - or that much contact with people either - like pathology or radiology. But that whole "people's lives are depending on me to make the RIGHT decision RIGHT now" is just not me. Note that although I'm a lawyer, I rarely do any arguing in court - most of my work is done on the computer, at my own pace. That's how I like it.
Having said that, there are PLENTY of other things I think I *AM* good at that maybe, just maybe, I'm not as good at as I believe. Driving for instance. I read somewhere that 85% of people think they are better-than-average drivers. I include myself in that statistic. It is a fact that my husband essentially refuses to be a passenger in the car if I'm driving (I think he's just a control freak, of course). And maybe a few others have complained as well. But I don't REALLY believe I am anything but an excellent driver, just a little aggressive, and what's wrong with that? I haven't been in an accident or gotten a ticket in years. I am quite confident of my abilities, and blind to my possible incompetence.
My point is, I don't want anyone who has my life, or anyone's life, in their hands because of carrying a weapon, to be an amateur, "good enough," an arrogant incompetent, or a dilettante. I don't think anyone who isn't in the top 5% of humans in their capability to have and properly control a weapon of mass destruction in their hands should be allowed to have one, perhaps outside of renting one at a shooting range.
50% of people in the US have an IQ below 100. Fact. I don't want citizens who are on the left side of the bell curve to have a gun. And really, I want further filtering requirements for owning or using a gun that would likely eliminate ME from being allowed to do so, including IQ, reaction time, mental fitness, eyesight, emotional intelligence, personality characteristics, etc.
Owning and using a gun should NOT be something that is allowed just because you're born. The requirements should be incredibly stringent.
I don't think I have the personality that is suitable for being a doctor, or using a gun in an emergency situation. I don't get off on having a gun in my hands, though I have mildly enjoyed target shooting, so I have no emotional involvement in my "right" to own one, and I'm HIGHLY suspicious of people who DO care so much. (I'll admit, however, that part of me would like to have a gun buried in an earthquake preparedness kit, though again, that is borne of paranoia and TV movies, I think.)
And perhaps that is my prejudice - I think I'm overall a super competent person, and I don't trust having a weapon of mass destruction in my home. Far too many of the gun nuts I've seen on TV yowling about their "right to bear arms" are slack-jawed, knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers who IN MY OPINION shouldn't have one either, because I don't believe they can handle them in a way that is consistent with the overall safety of the public. That's my prejudice.
Read more: http://weightlosssurgery.proboards.com/user/3/recent?page=2#ixzz2q1ulhGca