Surgery related:
AL ---------- Alimentary Limb
BPD ------------- Biliopancreatic Diversion (old surgery on which DS based, but different)
BPD/DS---------Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch. Make sure this IS a DS.
BPL ------------ Biliopancreatic Limb
CC -----------Common Channel
CW ------------Current Weight
DS ------------Duodenal Switch
ERNY ------------ Extended RNY
EWL ------------- Excess Weight Loss
GW ------------Goal Weight
HW ------------Heaviest Weight
LB ------------Lap Band
LDS -----------see SADI
LoopDS--------see SADI
NUT -----------Nutritionist
PB ------------Productive Burp
RNY ------------Roux-en-y (gastric bypass)
SADI -----------Single Anastomosis Duodeno-Ileal Bypass with Sleeve Gastrectomy
SBL-------------Small Bowel Length
SIPS -----------Stomach Intestinal Pylorus-sparing surgery
SW ------------Surgery Weight
VBG-------------Vertical Band Gastrectomy (added from below)
VSG ------------Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy
WLS ------------Weight Loss Surgery
BCP -----------Birth Control Pills
BI ------------Breast Implants
BL ------------Belt Lipectomy
BT ------------Butt Tuck
CBL ------------ Circumferential Body Lift
FBL ------------Full Body Lift
LBL ------------Lower Body Lift
LW ------------Lightweight (35-40 BMI)
MO ------------Morbidly Obese
OF ------------Over Fifty (BMI over 50)
PCOS ------------Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome
PPI -------------Proton Pump Inhibitor
PCP ------------Primary Care Physician
NSAID ---------Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NSV ------------Non Scale Victory (ie can fit in an airline seat, fit old pair of jeans)
SMO ----------Super Morbidly Obese (Over 50 BMI)
SSMO ---------Super Super Morbidly Obese (Over 60 BMI)
SV ------------Scale Victory (reached a weight goal)
TPN----------Total parenteral nutrition
TL ------------Thigh Lift
TT ------------Tummy Tuck
Food/Medicine related:
FF ------------Fat Free
MOM ------------Milk of Magnesia
SF ------------Sugar Free
PDU------------Primal Defense Ultra
Insurance related:
IMR Independent medical review
DMHC Dept. of managed health care (CA insurance review board)
General abbreviations:
AF ------------Aunt Flo aka menstruation or period
BBL ------------ Be Back Later
BF ------------Boyfriend
BIL ------------Brother In Law
BRB ------------ Be Right Back
BTDT ------------Been There. Done That.
BTW ------------By The Way
DD ------------Dear/Darling/Damned Daughter
DH ------------Dear/Darling/Damned Husband/Hubby
DIL ------------Daughter In Law
ds ------------Dear/Darling/Damned Son
DW ------------Dear/Darling/Damned Wife
F2F ------------Face to Face
FFS ------------ For ****'s Sake
FIFY-------------Fixed It For You (usually when quoting a post that you "fix")
FIL ------------Father In Law
FMR -----------**** Me Running
GF ------------Girlfriend
GL ------------Good Luck
GMTA ------------Great Minds Think Alike
GTG ------------Got To Go or Get Together
HTH ------------Hope This/That Helps
IRL ----------- In Real Life
IMHO ------------In My Honest Opinion
IMNSHO --------In my NOT so humble opinion
JK ------------Just Kidding
KWIM ----------Know What I Mean
LMAO ------------Laughing My A$$ Off
LOL ------------Laughing Out Loud
MIL ------------Mother In Law
MUAH ------------Sound that a kiss makes
NP ------------No problem
OMG ------------Oh My God
OP---------Original Poster
OT ------------Off Topic (not related to weight loss or obesity issues)
PITA ------------Pain In The A$$
PMP ------------Peeing My Pants
ROFL ------------Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLMAO ------------Rolling On Floor Laughing My A$$ Off
RT ------------Real Time
SMTO@U ------------Sticking My Tongue Out At You
SIL ------------Sister/Son In Law
TBC ------------To Be Continued
TMI ------------Too Much Information
TTFN ------------Ta-Ta For Now
TTYL ------------Talk To You Later
TY ------------Thank You
TYVM ------------Thank You Very Much
WB ------------Welcome Back
WTG ------------Way To Go
YMMV ------------ Your Mileage May Vary
YW ------------You're Welcome
AL ---------- Alimentary Limb
BPD ------------- Biliopancreatic Diversion (old surgery on which DS based, but different)
BPD/DS---------Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch. Make sure this IS a DS.
BPL ------------ Biliopancreatic Limb
CC -----------Common Channel
CW ------------Current Weight
DS ------------Duodenal Switch
ERNY ------------ Extended RNY
EWL ------------- Excess Weight Loss
GW ------------Goal Weight
HW ------------Heaviest Weight
LB ------------Lap Band
LDS -----------see SADI
LoopDS--------see SADI
NUT -----------Nutritionist
PB ------------Productive Burp
RNY ------------Roux-en-y (gastric bypass)
SADI -----------Single Anastomosis Duodeno-Ileal Bypass with Sleeve Gastrectomy
SBL-------------Small Bowel Length
SIPS -----------Stomach Intestinal Pylorus-sparing surgery
SW ------------Surgery Weight
VBG-------------Vertical Band Gastrectomy (added from below)
VSG ------------Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy
WLS ------------Weight Loss Surgery
BCP -----------Birth Control Pills
BI ------------Breast Implants
BL ------------Belt Lipectomy
BT ------------Butt Tuck
CBL ------------ Circumferential Body Lift
FBL ------------Full Body Lift
LBL ------------Lower Body Lift
LW ------------Lightweight (35-40 BMI)
MO ------------Morbidly Obese
OF ------------Over Fifty (BMI over 50)
PCOS ------------Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome
PPI -------------Proton Pump Inhibitor
PCP ------------Primary Care Physician
NSAID ---------Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NSV ------------Non Scale Victory (ie can fit in an airline seat, fit old pair of jeans)
SMO ----------Super Morbidly Obese (Over 50 BMI)
SSMO ---------Super Super Morbidly Obese (Over 60 BMI)
SV ------------Scale Victory (reached a weight goal)
TPN----------Total parenteral nutrition
TL ------------Thigh Lift
TT ------------Tummy Tuck
Food/Medicine related:
FF ------------Fat Free
MOM ------------Milk of Magnesia
SF ------------Sugar Free
PDU------------Primal Defense Ultra
Insurance related:
IMR Independent medical review
DMHC Dept. of managed health care (CA insurance review board)
General abbreviations:
AF ------------Aunt Flo aka menstruation or period
BBL ------------ Be Back Later
BF ------------Boyfriend
BIL ------------Brother In Law
BRB ------------ Be Right Back
BTDT ------------Been There. Done That.
BTW ------------By The Way
DD ------------Dear/Darling/Damned Daughter
DH ------------Dear/Darling/Damned Husband/Hubby
DIL ------------Daughter In Law
ds ------------Dear/Darling/Damned Son
DW ------------Dear/Darling/Damned Wife
F2F ------------Face to Face
FFS ------------ For ****'s Sake
FIFY-------------Fixed It For You (usually when quoting a post that you "fix")
FIL ------------Father In Law
FMR -----------**** Me Running
GF ------------Girlfriend
GL ------------Good Luck
GMTA ------------Great Minds Think Alike
GTG ------------Got To Go or Get Together
HTH ------------Hope This/That Helps
IRL ----------- In Real Life
IMHO ------------In My Honest Opinion
IMNSHO --------In my NOT so humble opinion
JK ------------Just Kidding
KWIM ----------Know What I Mean
LMAO ------------Laughing My A$$ Off
LOL ------------Laughing Out Loud
MIL ------------Mother In Law
MUAH ------------Sound that a kiss makes
NP ------------No problem
OMG ------------Oh My God
OP---------Original Poster
OT ------------Off Topic (not related to weight loss or obesity issues)
PITA ------------Pain In The A$$
PMP ------------Peeing My Pants
ROFL ------------Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLMAO ------------Rolling On Floor Laughing My A$$ Off
RT ------------Real Time
SMTO@U ------------Sticking My Tongue Out At You
SIL ------------Sister/Son In Law
TBC ------------To Be Continued
TMI ------------Too Much Information
TTFN ------------Ta-Ta For Now
TTYL ------------Talk To You Later
TY ------------Thank You
TYVM ------------Thank You Very Much
WB ------------Welcome Back
WTG ------------Way To Go
YMMV ------------ Your Mileage May Vary
YW ------------You're Welcome
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