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BTW, are you still going to be in St Louis? There is a really good concert at the St Louis Amphitheater a couple weekends in May. Cameron wants to go and as you know I really would love to meet you and Mike in person, but I know how hard it will be for you to see all your family so I certainly don't want to complicate things...but if you were there and we could meet for say lunch, dinner, coffee etc that we cool. I don't want to sound like an old creepy dude but I want to give you a hug my friend...and meet Mike because what a dude he is keeping up with you! :p

No not making it to St Louis :( That's a work trip for Mike in July and it was a logistical nightmare trying to get to Cali and Idaho from St Louis within a short time frame :( boooo. But we found cheapish flights for Cali in May so that's when we head out that way. There's never enough time I feel. ugh!

I would love to meet you too! I haven't met many DSers in real life lol.
I am glad that woundzilla is almost healed for you Donni and that you get to come state side here soon. You've battled through so much stuff and are a rock star, a rock star who makes me feel like a pussy! :p

BTW I am eating less protein now, probably under 200 grams a day now (I don't track at all just guestimate once in a while) and I have actually gain about 15 lbs in the last 2 months. Yes I eat way too many cookies and coffee with organic cane sugar and half/half but it is weird that eating less is helping me gain weight. My passing out seems to be getting better a bit too...well LOL it was. Dawn PM'd me this morning asking how I was feeling and if I was still passing out and I told her that I have a couple good days and then 5 or 6 **** days, and that I haven't been passing out as much. That was this morning. Guess what happened this afternoon? YEP LOL I pm'd her back and told her that she planted the psychosomatic seed. :D

Glad to hear you are gaining weight and passing out less.

You've battled through a lot too Mr! The funny thing about complications, at least for me, is I look around at the people who have had a really ****** time of things and am grateful for my own struggles and wouldn't want to trade lol. It's like we get used to our own battles and don't find them as hard as we assume other people's battles are. You are no pussy (don't make me grab you! lol).

The battle goes on for both of us :)
Feeling good - mentally, physically - far more important that whatever number that scale lands at. I was barely under 300lbs when I was ready to start hiking, and even got back into skiing a bit that early. Then, the more you do, the more you feel like doing. Now I'm looking forward to the beginning of spring, so I can work in the yard and plant a garden. I'm glad you are on the mend and mentally in a place to enjoy the ride :)

LOL I wish I was more active! The universe is kicking my ass. There is so much I want to do, but as of yet, am not physically capable. Someday though, I hope I get there :) Even if it's just simple things like travel! Im still wheelchair user for any walked needed over a few metres. Post DS, when my hip went all tits up, it made my back weird and I still can't stand up straight and when I stand for more than the time it takes to make my protein shake, my lower back KILLS! Im hoping with some water workouts, I can strengthen my back a bit and it will sort itself out. :) Im still thankful for all I CAN do....like fit in any car, with the seatbelt, only paying for one seat on an airline, fitting in booths and amusement park ride and not getting judgemental ******** being cruel to me...I love the invisibility/blending ability I have now....Im just one in the crowd :)
eek! I just showered (tmi sorry lol) and I think...I mean Im 99.9% certain woundzilla has packed her bags and moved out! I have nurses today so I dressed it per usual so they can assess the situation, but man oh man!!! YAY!!!!!!

My body is getting better at this wound healing business lol. DS took a full year, this one only took 8 months! Next time I shall aim for 6 months lol

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