Exciting for me....Boring for you!

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Taking a long scenic route!
Jan 23, 2014
New Mexico USA
I'm *THIS* close to being healed up! nearing 8 months post hernia repair and apronectomy! Sweet baby Jesus Im happy! I have one small bandage on a smallish (about an inch) wound that is mostly superficial!

This excites me because I can get back on my journey! I've had so many side journeys that have prevented me from carrying on kicking more ass. Today I am starting to get my diet back under control. Ya see, I was put on a 'wound protocol' diet by 2 surgeons (1 being my WLS surgeon) and a dietician. This meant lots of calories, lots of protein and anything goes as far a carbs. I would say it was glorious, but it wasn't. Sure, cake is good, but the head games were bloody torture! I would wake up feeling 400lbs convinced somehow I had defied biology and gained 200lbs in a week. The mirror and my clothes told me otherwise (as well as the scale) but in my skin I felt 400lbs.

All the while, I STILL tracked everything on MFP. Maybe I shouldn't have? I dunno. But I felt like a DS failure on the regular seeing my cals and carbs. But I tracked because I needed to make sure I was hitting as near as I could to 200g of protein. It's more difficult that you can imagine and the carbs in the diet help to tolerate the huge protein load. yuck.

I'm just so happy that the clouds are clearing and I can once again be an example of persistence. The minute the nurses give me the all clear, I am in the pool! I can't exercise proper until my severe anaemia is sorted out, but Id enjoy just walking around doing some light swimming and getting used to my new buoyancy or lack thereof. I have not been able to be in the pool since before my DS due to open wounds and surgeries/injuries....so I have no idea how much I will sink lol. Its going to be a right laugh Im sure!

Anyways, I needed to share my excitement! Today my calories will be under 3000 and my carbs under 100 for the first time since my wound popped open and I was told to stop trying to lose weight and just heal. :)

I still have realistic expectations lol I very much doubt I will ever see wonderland, but I always wanted to see 210. We shall see. :)

Thanks for listening to me ramble in my excitement about being able to eat like a 'proper DSer'
200 g of protien? Holy muuuuther! Glad you are on the mend and see light at the end of the dark tunnel.

Yeahhhhhhh. I flirted with malnutrition even though Im still a chunky monkey, my protein tanked after my last op. Before that op I was 150g a day just to maintain the bottom of the barrel protein before proper malnutrition. So with all of that, the surgeons were like 200g minimum nearly every day.

So now I have an appetite of a cross country trucker that I need to get under control lol. GOOD TIMES (not lol)
I'm so glad!! :D

whatever number you reach - whatever number you are: celebrate!

TBPH, Im kinda ok where Im at...240's now after insane eating plan, but Ive got issues....namely a father, who is OBSESSED with everyones weight. The first things he says to anyone or about anyone is a comment on their size. Im going to be seeing him in May and well. Im sure you can read between the lines, he makes me crazy so I need to prove myself blah blah blah. He gave me a lot of my food, weight and body issues. Even after he had met the hubz, then my bf, who is a very out chubby lover, my father said no one likes women as fat as you...no one. So yeah....therapy could never sort these issues lol. ugh.
Boring??? Never. Enjoy being healthy at last!

I can't quite yet. I need iron infusions and once that sorted I have my right hip done and 6 months of recovery and then my right knee done 6 more months recovery.

Some day I would like to see what healthy feels like :) For now Im just happy to be getting over this last hurdle put in my way on this crazy journey Ive been on.
wow, you are heroic. Down over 400 pounds. Good for you. The fact you can talk about your father like that says to me you are getting over that. Screw him. He is your dad and I'm sure he loves you and you love him back, but he does not have the right to screw with your head on that.

Be strong and get healthy, then get back to your journey.
I am glad that woundzilla is almost healed for you Donni and that you get to come state side here soon. You've battled through so much stuff and are a rock star, a rock star who makes me feel like a pussy! :p

BTW I am eating less protein now, probably under 200 grams a day now (I don't track at all just guestimate once in a while) and I have actually gain about 15 lbs in the last 2 months. Yes I eat way too many cookies and coffee with organic cane sugar and half/half but it is weird that eating less is helping me gain weight. My passing out seems to be getting better a bit too...well LOL it was. Dawn PM'd me this morning asking how I was feeling and if I was still passing out and I told her that I have a couple good days and then 5 or 6 **** days, and that I haven't been passing out as much. That was this morning. Guess what happened this afternoon? YEP LOL I pm'd her back and told her that she planted the psychosomatic seed. :D
BTW, are you still going to be in St Louis? There is a really good concert at the St Louis Amphitheater a couple weekends in May. Cameron wants to go and as you know I really would love to meet you and Mike in person, but I know how hard it will be for you to see all your family so I certainly don't want to complicate things...but if you were there and we could meet for say lunch, dinner, coffee etc that we cool. I don't want to sound like an old creepy dude but I want to give you a hug my friend...and meet Mike because what a dude he is keeping up with you! :p
Feeling good - mentally, physically - far more important that whatever number that scale lands at. I was barely under 300lbs when I was ready to start hiking, and even got back into skiing a bit that early. Then, the more you do, the more you feel like doing. Now I'm looking forward to the beginning of spring, so I can work in the yard and plant a garden. I'm glad you are on the mend and mentally in a place to enjoy the ride :)

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