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Question, because I know it's going to come up somewhere along the pre-op nutrition counselling or pre-op psych evaluation. In the past, through all of my failed efforts to try to lose weight, one of the things I have attempted is anorexic type diets. I've even tried purging, but didn't care for it for a couple reasons. 1, I don't like throwing up when I'm actually sick, so to force myself to throw up after eating was just a bitch. 2, the couple times I did try it, I'd piss myself to some degree; and that was nasty. (Sorry for the TMI). So, I fell more into calorie counting and restricting as a means of trying to lose weight. I've only ever told my best friend because I knew she understood that mindset. I skated around not mentioning it when I was evaluating and going through the hoops for my Sleeve surgery. But now, I don't know if I should mention this or not going through the process for revision surgery. Any thoughts? Would there be any benefit to mentioning this to the nutritionist or psychologist? Should I continue to keep it secret? In a way, I'm scared that if I do mention it, they'll deny the revision to DS.
To be quite honest, 10-11 years out from sleeve surgery, and I still from time to time use my tool to restrict like an anorexic. But, the restricting never really lasts, and I usually end up saying **** it, and binging....falling off of what, in my mind, thinks is a good bandwagon.
To be quite honest, 10-11 years out from sleeve surgery, and I still from time to time use my tool to restrict like an anorexic. But, the restricting never really lasts, and I usually end up saying **** it, and binging....falling off of what, in my mind, thinks is a good bandwagon.