DS Pre-Op Nutrition Counselling

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Active Member
Nov 22, 2023
Irving, Texas
Question, because I know it's going to come up somewhere along the pre-op nutrition counselling or pre-op psych evaluation. In the past, through all of my failed efforts to try to lose weight, one of the things I have attempted is anorexic type diets. I've even tried purging, but didn't care for it for a couple reasons. 1, I don't like throwing up when I'm actually sick, so to force myself to throw up after eating was just a bitch. 2, the couple times I did try it, I'd piss myself to some degree; and that was nasty. (Sorry for the TMI). So, I fell more into calorie counting and restricting as a means of trying to lose weight. I've only ever told my best friend because I knew she understood that mindset. I skated around not mentioning it when I was evaluating and going through the hoops for my Sleeve surgery. But now, I don't know if I should mention this or not going through the process for revision surgery. Any thoughts? Would there be any benefit to mentioning this to the nutritionist or psychologist? Should I continue to keep it secret? In a way, I'm scared that if I do mention it, they'll deny the revision to DS.
To be quite honest, 10-11 years out from sleeve surgery, and I still from time to time use my tool to restrict like an anorexic. But, the restricting never really lasts, and I usually end up saying **** it, and binging....falling off of what, in my mind, thinks is a good bandwagon.
I’m not sure I’d use the term binging so much as portion control. Most of us have an issue with that. Nothing new but it’s not a “trigger” word for an eating disorder, although it really is one.
Gotcha. Im just more worried about the restrictive habbits playing a factor in consideration for the nutrition and psych evals. All good though.
I think we’ve all restricted our diets at one time or another. It’s called dieting to lose weight.

40% of Americans are Obese. I suspect most of those people have yoyo dieted. :) You are normal. Your swings are just bigger. Get the DS.

Might try Munjuro or Ozemptic in the meantime.

Good luck.
I think that you did not ESTABLISH any disordered eating habits. (My daughter keeps interjecting at medical visits that yes, I DID fall and break my arm…but I’m not “a fall risk.” Being labelled as such is a pain and I fell because it was 2:00 am, I got up to pee, decided not to bother my husband crawling back into bed and sleep in the spare room…where ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE and boxes that didn’t belong there were being stored while we were having the house painted…and tried to climb into that bed from the foot of the bed and didn’t make it.). So you may not want to be labeled, either.

And…this may or may not help… as I decided to get my band out and get the DS…I nervously consulted a friend who had had the DS. We were driving opposite directions up and down Pacific Coast Highway, sometimes yelling into our cell phones.

Me: What am I going to learn with the DS I didn’t already NOT learn with the band?
Friend: Not a f’ing thing! The band keeps trying to TEACH you how to eat. The DS tells you to sit down, shut up, eat your proteins first and go buy smaller new clothes!

Start looking at smaller clothes.
Here is a truth I am a bit ashamed to admit and I apologize in advance to those who might find this offensive. I studied EDs read about them all the time. Because I wanted to get one that would keep me thin. And it didn’t work, just like all the other diets didn’t work. I don’t think this made me more or less nuts than the average fat person. Yup, I practiced thinking every bite of food was covered with maggots. I told myself 10X every time I used the rest room that food was not my friend. Hell, I still tell myself that food is not my friend.

I had my DS literally decades ago and I was expecting the psych evaluation but no one ever asked for it so I escaped. But in all honesty I had already thought about it and my plan was to tell them whatever I thought they wanted to hear. I will never know if it would have worked. So it is still undetermined whether or not I am/was too much of a nutbag to have surgery.

Gotta say though that more than a couple people did get the DS who were not mentally equipped to manage the lifestyle or the necessary changes. And they did ‘pass’ the psych evaluation.

BTW Most of the supplement and diet advice you get from your surgeon’s office, NUT or not is usually not very good and more than occasionally, harmful!

The sleeve you have right now is just another diet with a smaller stomach. You needed more. And the DS is much more powerful.
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Here is a truth I am a bit ashamed to admit and I apologize in advance to those who might find this offensive. I studied EDs read about them all the time. Because I wanted to get one that would keep me thin. And it didn’t work, just like all the other diets didn’t work. I don’t think this made me more or less nuts than the average fat person. Yup, I practiced thinking every bite of food was covered with maggots. I told myself 10X every time I used the rest room that food was not my friend. Hell, I still tell myself that food is not my friend.

I had my DS literally decades ago and I was expecting the psych evaluation but no one ever asked for it so I escaped. But in all honesty I had already thought about it and my plan was to tell them whatever I thought they wanted to hear. I will never know if it would have worked. So it is still undetermined whether or not I am/was too much of a nutbag to have surgery.

Gotta say though that more than a couple people did get the DS who were not mentally equipped to manage the lifestyle or the necessary changes. And they did ‘pass’ the psych evaluation.

BTW Most of the supplement and diet advice you get from your surgeon’s office, NUT or not is usually not very good and more than occasionally, harmful!

The sleeve you have right now is just another diet with a smaller stomach. You needed more. And the DS is much more powerful.
This last line; is precisely why I'm wanting the DS....I want and need it's power. As for being labeled with an eating disorder, no....I don't want to be labeled as such, believe me....because I know then, that my every bite of food will be watched like a hawk and scrutinized.

Thanks everyone for your input, I think I am just over thinking things; and worrying too much. I've also lost about 2-3 lbs, in this past week since I've had my consultation and started tracking my food. Now my BMI is under 50....which, don't get me wrong, that's fantastic. But, now my mind is freaking out about if I'll still qualify for DS. In reality, we've already set my surgery to be DS, I'm just irrationally freaking out. Tomorrow I'll bet getting my lab work done as part of the pre-op requirements; and on the 18th, I have my first of 12 required nutrition counselling appointments (3 with the nutritionist; and 9 videos I have to watch).
This last line; is precisely why I'm wanting the DS....I want and need it's power. As for being labeled with an eating disorder, no....I don't want to be labeled as such, believe me....because I know then, that my every bite of food will be watched like a hawk and scrutinized.

Thanks everyone for your input, I think I am just over thinking things; and worrying too much. I've also lost about 2-3 lbs, in this past week since I've had my consultation and started tracking my food. Now my BMI is under 50....which, don't get me wrong, that's fantastic. But, now my mind is freaking out about if I'll still qualify for DS. In reality, we've already set my surgery to be DS, I'm just irrationally freaking out. Tomorrow I'll bet getting my lab work done as part of the pre-op requirements; and on the 18th, I have my first of 12 required nutrition counselling appointments (3 with the nutritionist; and 9 videos I have to watch).

I never needed this technique, but I might have used it because that BMI of 50+ thing is bs. BUT, there have been people who qualified for THEIR RnY bypass because of the rolls of quarters they accidentally had in their pockets. Just sayin’.

ETA…a roll of quarters weighs 8 ounces.
I never needed this technique, but I might have used it because that BMI of 50+ thing is bs. BUT, there have been people who qualified for THEIR RnY bypass because of the rolls of quarters they accidentally had in their pockets. Just sayin’.

ETA…a roll of quarters weighs 8 ounces.
Lol about the rolls of quarters.
Thanks everyone for your input, I think I am just over thinking things; and worrying too much. I've also lost about 2-3 lbs, in this past week since I've had my consultation and started tracking my food. Now my BMI is under 50....which, don't get me wrong, that's fantastic. But, now my mind is freaking out about if I'll still qualify for DS. In reality, we've already set my surgery to be DS, I'm just irrationally freaking out. Tomorrow I'll bet getting my lab work done as part of the pre-op requirements; and on the 18th, I have my first of 12 required nutrition counselling appointments (3 with the nutritionist; and 9 videos I have to watch).
Usually they go by your sign in appointment but ask to ease your mind. Btw, I had my DS when my sign in was 35.2 but day of surgery, after eating everything in sight, and still losing three lbs, was 34.99.
Usually they go by your sign in appointment but ask to ease your mind. Btw, I had my DS when my sign in was 35.2 but day of surgery, after eating everything in sight, and still losing three lbs, was 34.99.

My insurance went by my program starting weight, but my program also required me to follow a "diet" and show that I was losing some weight. I probably could just maintained and been fine, but I was paranoid about getting mine done before school started so I didn't want anything to mess with that.
My insurance went by my weight at my first appointment too. And I wasn't allowed to gain any which had me in a panic, but in the end I actually lost a few so everything was fine surgery day.

As for the rest, I can empathize actually. I've never been a binge eater, its rare, but my weight gain was primarily due to medical issues and the fact that I'm pretty sure my body hates carbohydrates. I was eating 1200 calories a day for over a decade before the surgery. I'm not really an emotional eater either, I tend to restrict when I'm upset. I also tend to restrict when I gain weight. Which just creates this cycle where I feel bad and then HAVE to eat and then get angry with myself, and then restrict more, etc... I'm sure if I'd seen an ED specialist they would have labeled me anorexic or something related to it. I was pretty obsessive for a while. They didn't ask about it in my psych review. I was asked what my worst food habit was on the nutritionist's forms and I wrote that sometimes I'm actually afraid to eat because I'll gain more weight, but they never followed up with it either. No one really cared because it wasn't binge eating disorder and I think most people stereotype fat people, even doctors, and don't believe fat people can be anorexic so....yeah. Whatever. I'm happy to not have the label in my records, I wouldn't want to deal with them watching me like a hawk. And I'm much better about it nowadays anyway. I'm really glad the psych didn't ask about it!

I will be honest with you though, it may come up for you post-op with yourself. I got pretty triggered when I moved to solid foods and had to start eating every 2-3 hours. Drinking around the clock was bad enough. The feeling of making myself eat so frequently caused some anxiety. You'd have this no matter what surgery you do though... And when I hit a stall I panicked and for a moment I thought about not eating, then slapped myself upside the head and soldiered on eating at my normal times. LOL But the impulse is there and it does get a bit triggered from time to time with the frequent eating and logging of my food.

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