Do We Borrow Trouble?

Bariatric & Weight Loss Surgery Forum

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I have to admit that this thread has been giving me some heart burn. First, we have to recognize that as a population that the bariatric surgery population probably has a much higher proportion of people with mental health issues than the general population so there is frankly going to be a lot of noise and batshit craziness being spewed.

My issue/fear with this thread is that we want people to ask questions so topics can be discussed to help the DS community. I am afraid that someone who isn't as vocal as me (I don't care what anyone thinks about what might say so I will always voice my opinion - and no I don't think this thread is talking about me) will be afraid to ask questions they need to ask out of fear of being labeled as crazy, a whiner, a wimp, a loser, etc.

I just needed to get that off my chest and hopefully that doesn't offend anyone.
@DSRIGGS I kinda felt the same way reading some of the posts in this thread. Some newbies might be hesitant to share fears -- and c'mon having your innards sliced and diced is ******* scary. People come to health forums like this -- people NEED health forums like this -- for illumination as well as support.

Is it a given that the obese have a higher rate of mental health issues? I'm not sure that's true. I've been involved in hobby-type forums and a big chunk of those people are hanging ten on the surfboard of reality.

Hmm, maybe there's a higher percentage of mental health issues with people who spend too much time on online forums? ;)
I'm a whiner *and* a wimp... but I only let it show to my family LOL
I am also bat **** crazy... but in another way entirely ;)

Love the phrase "hanging ten on the surfboard of reality" - I'll have to remember that one :D
@DSRIGGS I kinda felt the same way reading some of the posts in this thread. Some newbies might be hesitant to share fears -- and c'mon having your innards sliced and diced is ******* scary. People come to health forums like this -- people NEED health forums like this -- for illumination as well as support.

Is it a given that the obese have a higher rate of mental health issues? I'm not sure that's true. I've been involved in hobby-type forums and a big chunk of those people are hanging ten on the surfboard of reality.

Hmm, maybe there's a higher percentage of mental health issues with people who spend too much time on online forums? ;)
LOL doubt on the latter! :D

Maybe mental health issues isn't the proper way to phrase it, but there are a lot of people with self esteem issues and other baggage they have carried from being overweight their entire live.s I have not seen statistics but I would be surprised if my hunch isn't correct. All I am saying is that this is a population that has probably had its fair share of ridicule, frustration and struggles throughout life. Hell that could make the group stronger but it is also going to make some people a bit skittish, IMO.
Facebook is a mecca for the attention needy. I'm thinking of people that are not part of our community, so I'm not referring to anyone here, but when I see someone who has put on more makeup than Tammy Faye Baker (when they usually wear very little) and taken a super closeup selfie which is just begging for comments about such astounding beauty, or the guy who just had a minor procedure in the hospital and went on FB before hand to make his final wishes known "in case something should happen", and is now post op making a comment every hour or two with something vague like "NOT happy...". Yah, it's the perfect place to solicit attention. With the DS it gives some of us a few more angles to fish for attention.

That said, there are some post ops that have had real problems, and I'd hate to think they wouldn't come here seeking help. I personally feel better coming here to a smaller, very specific group with issues, and feel like the people here really get it. For instance, I came here (for a non-DS issue) before a spinal fusion with bone grafts, hoping to get some advice and in fact got some great advice. I did NOT feel OK about putting it out to the whole universe of FB and having old co-workers, or people I haven't seen in 30 years, etc, commenting or even asking about my health. I value the information shared here too much to jeopardize my membership by driving everyone nuts by posting trivial worries about every fart and gurgle.

FB may be entertaining, and make some connections, but it's just not the best for information sharing (I like sites like this) and some of those groups are just too easily monopolized by the attention whores.
Facebook is a mecca for the attention needy. I'm thinking of people that are not part of our community, so I'm not referring to anyone here, but when I see someone who has put on more makeup than Tammy Faye Baker (when they usually wear very little) and taken a super closeup selfie which is just begging for comments about such astounding beauty, or the guy who just had a minor procedure in the hospital and went on FB before hand to make his final wishes known "in case something should happen", and is now post op making a comment every hour or two with something vague like "NOT happy...". Yah, it's the perfect place to solicit attention. With the DS it gives some of us a few more angles to fish for attention.

That said, there are some post ops that have had real problems, and I'd hate to think they wouldn't come here seeking help. I personally feel better coming here to a smaller, very specific group with issues, and feel like the people here really get it. For instance, I came here (for a non-DS issue) before a spinal fusion with bone grafts, hoping to get some advice and in fact got some great advice. I did NOT feel OK about putting it out to the whole universe of FB and having old co-workers, or people I haven't seen in 30 years, etc, commenting or even asking about my health. I value the information shared here too much to jeopardize my membership by driving everyone nuts by posting trivial worries about every fart and gurgle.

FB may be entertaining, and make some connections, but it's just not the best for information sharing (I like sites like this) and some of those groups are just too easily monopolized by the attention whores.

Perfectly stated!
FB is full of whackos and do sticks, of that there is no doubt.

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I think people are way too quick to go to the ER and the advice to go to the ER seems to be the standard reply to every ailment, ache, pain, nausea, vomiting, and symptom posted.
90% of the things people are rushing off to the ER for are not true emergencies.

I don't see this happening much on the group I admin. Most of the time people come on who have been puking, unable to get fluids down, running significant fevers, having what they describe as horrible pain for several DAYS. Then they come on there wanting a diagnosis and home remedies, when they SHOULD have been at the doc or ER two or three days ago.

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