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This ^^

I do not need that kind of attention. I would much rather feel special because I've accomplished my weight loss goals and I'm healthy.
That's not to say I won't post if I have issues or questions or need advice, but it won't be purely for attention.

Ask all the questions you need to, that is what the forum is for. I am writing about people who just like to see their words in print and run to the doctor all the time.
Thanks @newanatomy - I will probably ask a lot of questions as I get used to this huge change but I'm the type to read whatever I can get my hands on first so hopefully I won't ask the same ol' questions over and over. I expect little day-to-day stuff, especially while I'm healing and my first thought will not be "OMG I'm dying!!!" :)

I used to be a hypochondriac but I got sick of it ;)
They kicked me off and blocked me of DSP last week. And I so don't have the candor of you guys.

But yeah, I'm glad you posted that because the two weeks that I was actually on there I got more freaked out about the surgery. And I'm a healthy person, I work out, I don't have major co-morbidities except I would think I would be good. But yeah, fear reared it's ugly head.

Then I got online and read stuff here and blogs, and felt good about it again. Like, yeah....this is good. Eat protein, take vits, stay hydrated, get labs. Got it. That's what I hoped for.
Mine are 33,31,28, 26 and only the youngest is having fits about it. Last night he told me to get used to not being able to eat because I would never ve able to eat without getting sick again (?!?!?!).

It doesn't help that their aunt had the RNY and was sick and weak until she died (not due to RNY - she had a stroke) a couple years later. I tried to explain that (a) she was in horrible health to start and I am in relatively good health, (b) she continued to try to overeat and had severe dumping and (c) I am having an entirely different surgery. Anyway, I guess he will figure it out when I'm healthy and happy and a whole lot smaller.

The older two are totally OK with it. The oldest went with me when I had my lap band surgery and she knows I've had all sorts of issues with the "crap band" so she's glad I'm getting things fixed up - and glad I'm not having the RNY. The older son trusts me to know what I'm doing. My younger daughter shares some of her "baby" brother's concerns but she's a whole lot more positive about it, pointing out what *might* happen instead of it *will* happen. They're concerned of course, but not freaking out.

I just wish I could reach the youngest and let him know that it's highly unlikely that this surgery will make me permanently sick and/or disabled.
I don't know where you are(should have looked) but maybe you can invite him to lunch with one of us or something like that. Years ago a prospective patient named Jim contacted me about the DS. He was diabetic and SMO. He needed help. All he wanted me to do was go out to dinner with him. He had to be able to assure himself there was life after the DS. Since he was paying, I went.

He took me to an AYCE steak place. After we ate dinner he told me he was having the surgery for sure. He said he would be quite happy long term if he could eat like me in a few years. It was a little creepy going out to dinner with someone watching every bite but I understood why. Sometimes you just have to see for yourself.

We do eat and here's the proof! I'm the one with my mouth open and a fork in my hand!

I don't know where you are(should have looked) but maybe you can invite him to lunch with one of us or something like that. Years ago a prospective patient named Jim contacted me about the DS. He was diabetic and SMO. He needed help. All he wanted me to do was go out to dinner with him. He had to be able to assure himself there was life after the DS. Since he was paying, I went.

He took me to an AYCE steak place. After we ate dinner he told me he was having the surgery for sure. He said he would be quite happy long term if he could eat like me in a few years. It was a little creepy going out to dinner with someone watching every bite but I understood why. Sometimes you just have to see for yourself.

We do eat and here's the proof! I'm the one with my mouth open and a fork in my hand!

View attachment 785
And that's ME with my head over my plate full of prime rib, shrimp scampi, and a yam drenched in butter!
I had another talk with The Boy (tm) tonight and now he claims he didn't say anything of the sort... after I showed him that pic above. Now he's claiming I will be able to eat...eventually but I'll be throwing up constantly.

I tell ya, you just can't tell some people ANYthing.
He said tonight that I'll see... and I'm saying HE will see.
I know I'm going to feel icky for a month or two but doggone it, it WILL get better!
I had another talk with The Boy (tm) tonight and now he claims he didn't say anything of the sort... after I showed him that pic above. Now he's claiming I will be able to eat...eventually but I'll be throwing up constantly.

I tell ya, you just can't tell some people ANYthing.
He said tonight that I'll see... and I'm saying HE will see.
I know I'm going to feel icky for a month or two but doggone it, it WILL get better!

Tell the misinformed busybody that he can have whatever part of my ribeye I don't eat (at dinner and two hours later...I eat serially.) But that he'd better bring his own peanut butter and jelly, because he's gonna be hungry.

ETA...also tell him that if you wanted to spend eternity barfing, you'd get the damned band. I puked more those three years than I did the previous 52 years combined.

And...seriously...I'd tell him that since he is not a DS patient or surgeon or medical researcher, he really doesn't have anything to add to my decision-making...and that all he is doing is upsetting me, soooooo this topic is now closed. We are done, finished, etc. and if it turns out he is right, he is welcome to limit his eulogy to three words..."Told you so."'s been 42 years since I was THAT!!
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I don't do FB, so I am clueless on the sins and sinners in question.

How-freakin'-ever...remember that sociopathic ex-friend I used to mention when Diana's stalker insisted I was talking about her? She is, in my experience, the planet's Queen of Low Rent District Attention Whores. A kind of ghetto-based Kardashian thing.

Not long ago, she lost a family member in a horrid, newsworthy event. When my kid called me to tell me about it (we were out of state and not aware of the news broadcasts), after my shock and dismay, my first thought was that while the sociopath had every right to experience grief her own way, I just KNEW that she would somehow make this all about her. What a the first 24 hours, she managed to give FIVE television interviews.

Her siblings and two of her grandkids had unfriended her on FB and, even with the death, they did not reestablish contact. But she now has a much bigger following of people who seem to believe her and her drama queen ********. BTW, one "friend" mentioned that she met the sociopath on a widows' support group site. Except...her "late husband?" He was a boyfriend who had dumped her. She was stalking him, calling women he was making dates with and telling them he was married...and then he died. At which point she decided she was his widow. (She has photos of him...AND HER REAL HUSBAND OF ALMOST 50 YEARS...all on the same FB page.)

The level of need...for attention, support, whatever...that some people display is beyond mind-boggling.
One can see why some insurance companies (and docs even) balk at doing the DS. Just tonight on one of the fb groups a girl is in the hospital because she's dehydrated and has low potassium levels due to her own admission of being lazy and not drinking enough.

Yes, plenty of people have real complications through no fault of their own...but others have complications that are totally preventable.

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